import moment from 'moment'; import {LocationRange} from 'pegjs'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import { isMeasurement, isSpanOperationBreakdownField, measurementType, } from 'app/utils/discover/fields'; import grammar from './grammar.pegjs'; import {getKeyName} from './utils'; type TextFn = () => string; type LocationFn = () => LocationRange; type ListItem = [ space: ReturnType, comma: string, space: ReturnType, key: K ]; const listJoiner = ([s1, comma, s2, value]: ListItem) => ({ separator: [s1.value, comma, s2.value].join(''), value, }); /** * A token represents a node in the syntax tree. These are all extrapolated * from the grammar and may not be named exactly the same. */ export enum Token { Spaces = 'spaces', Filter = 'filter', FreeText = 'freeText', LogicGroup = 'logicGroup', LogicBoolean = 'logicBoolean', KeySimple = 'keySimple', KeyExplicitTag = 'keyExplicitTag', KeyAggregate = 'keyAggregate', KeyAggregateArgs = 'keyAggregateArgs', ValueIso8601Date = 'valueIso8601Date', ValueRelativeDate = 'valueRelativeDate', ValueDuration = 'valueDuration', ValuePercentage = 'valuePercentage', ValueBoolean = 'valueBoolean', ValueNumber = 'valueNumber', ValueText = 'valueText', ValueNumberList = 'valueNumberList', ValueTextList = 'valueTextList', } /** * An operator in a key value term */ export enum TermOperator { Default = '', GreaterThanEqual = '>=', LessThanEqual = '<=', GreaterThan = '>', LessThan = '<', Equal = '=', NotEqual = '!=', } /** * Logic operators */ export enum BooleanOperator { And = 'AND', Or = 'OR', } /** * The Token.Filter may be one of many types of filters. This enum declares the * each variant filter type. */ export enum FilterType { Text = 'text', TextIn = 'textIn', Date = 'date', SpecificDate = 'specificDate', RelativeDate = 'relativeDate', Duration = 'duration', Numeric = 'numeric', NumericIn = 'numericIn', Boolean = 'boolean', AggregateDuration = 'aggregateDuration', AggregatePercentage = 'aggregatePercentage', AggregateNumeric = 'aggregateNumeric', AggregateDate = 'aggregateDate', AggregateRelativeDate = 'aggregateRelativeDate', Has = 'has', Is = 'is', } const allOperators = [ TermOperator.Default, TermOperator.GreaterThanEqual, TermOperator.LessThanEqual, TermOperator.GreaterThan, TermOperator.LessThan, TermOperator.Equal, TermOperator.NotEqual, ] as const; const basicOperators = [TermOperator.Default, TermOperator.NotEqual] as const; /** * Map of certain filter types to other filter types with applicable operators * e.g. SpecificDate can use the operators from Date to become a Date filter. */ export const interchangeableFilterOperators = { [FilterType.SpecificDate]: [FilterType.Date], [FilterType.Date]: [FilterType.SpecificDate], }; const textKeys = [Token.KeySimple, Token.KeyExplicitTag] as const; const numberUnits = { b: 1_000_000_000, m: 1_000_000, k: 1_000, }; /** * This constant-type configuration object declares how each filter type * operates. Including what types of keys, operators, and values it may * recieve. * * This configuration is used to generate the discriminate Filter type that is * returned from the tokenFilter converter. */ export const filterTypeConfig = { [FilterType.Text]: { validKeys: textKeys, validOps: basicOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueText], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.TextIn]: { validKeys: textKeys, validOps: [], validValues: [Token.ValueTextList], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.Date]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueIso8601Date], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.SpecificDate]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: [], validValues: [Token.ValueIso8601Date], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.RelativeDate]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: [], validValues: [Token.ValueRelativeDate], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.Duration]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueDuration], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.Numeric]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueNumber], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.NumericIn]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: [], validValues: [Token.ValueNumberList], canNegate: false, }, [FilterType.Boolean]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: basicOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueBoolean], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.AggregateDuration]: { validKeys: [Token.KeyAggregate], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueDuration], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.AggregateNumeric]: { validKeys: [Token.KeyAggregate], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueNumber], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.AggregatePercentage]: { validKeys: [Token.KeyAggregate], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValuePercentage], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.AggregateDate]: { validKeys: [Token.KeyAggregate], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueIso8601Date], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.AggregateRelativeDate]: { validKeys: [Token.KeyAggregate], validOps: allOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueRelativeDate], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.Has]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: basicOperators, validValues: [], canNegate: true, }, [FilterType.Is]: { validKeys: [Token.KeySimple], validOps: basicOperators, validValues: [Token.ValueText], canNegate: true, }, } as const; type FilterTypeConfig = typeof filterTypeConfig; /** * Object representing an invalid filter state */ type InvalidFilter = { /** * The message indicating why the filter is invalid */ reason: string; /** * In the case where a filter is invalid, we may be expecting a different * type for this filter based on the key. This can be useful to hint to the * user what values they should be providing. * * This may be multiple filter types. */ expectedType?: FilterType[]; }; type FilterMap = { [F in keyof FilterTypeConfig]: { type: Token.Filter; /** * The filter type being represented */ filter: F; /** * The key of the filter */ key: KVConverter; /** * The value of the filter */ value: KVConverter; /** * The operator applied to the filter */ operator: FilterTypeConfig[F]['validOps'][number]; /** * Indicates if the filter has been negated */ negated: FilterTypeConfig[F]['canNegate'] extends true ? boolean : false; /** * When a filter is marked as 'invalid' a reason is given. If the filter is * not invalid this will always be null */ invalid: InvalidFilter | null; }; }; type TextFilter = FilterMap[FilterType.Text]; /** * The Filter type discriminates on the FilterType enum using the `filter` key. * * When receiving this type you may narrow it to a specific filter by checking * this field. This will give you proper types on what the key, value, and * operator results are. */ type FilterResult = FilterMap[FilterType]; type TokenConverterOpts = { text: TextFn; location: LocationFn; config: SearchConfig; }; /** * Used to construct token results via the token grammar */ export class TokenConverter { text: TextFn; location: LocationFn; config: SearchConfig; constructor({text, location, config}: TokenConverterOpts) { this.text = text; this.location = location; this.config = config; } /** * Validates various types of keys */ keyValidation = { isNumeric: (key: string) => this.config.numericKeys.has(key) || isMeasurement(key), isBoolean: (key: string) => this.config.booleanKeys.has(key), isPercentage: (key: string) => this.config.percentageKeys.has(key), isDate: (key: string) => this.config.dateKeys.has(key), isDuration: (key: string) => this.config.durationKeys.has(key) || isSpanOperationBreakdownField(key) || measurementType(key) === 'duration', }; /** * Creates a token with common `text` and `location` keys. */ makeToken = (args: T) => ({ text: this.text(), location: this.location(), ...args, }); tokenSpaces = (value: string) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.Spaces as const, value, }); tokenFilter = ( filter: T, key: FilterMap[T]['key'], value: FilterMap[T]['value'], operator: FilterMap[T]['operator'] | undefined, negated: FilterMap[T]['negated'] ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.Filter, filter, key, value, negated, operator: operator ?? TermOperator.Default, invalid: this.checkInvalidFilter(filter, key, value), } as FilterResult); tokenFreeText = (value: string, quoted: boolean) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.FreeText as const, value, quoted, }); tokenLogicGroup = ( inner: Array< | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType > ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.LogicGroup as const, inner, }); tokenLogicBoolean = (bool: BooleanOperator) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.LogicBoolean as const, value: bool, }); tokenKeySimple = (value: string, quoted: boolean) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.KeySimple as const, value, quoted, }); tokenKeyExplicitTag = ( prefix: string, key: ReturnType ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.KeyExplicitTag as const, prefix, key, }); tokenKeyAggregate = ( name: ReturnType, args: ReturnType | null, argsSpaceBefore: ReturnType, argsSpaceAfter: ReturnType ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.KeyAggregate as const, name, args, argsSpaceBefore, argsSpaceAfter, }); tokenKeyAggregateArgs = ( arg1: ReturnType, args: ListItem>[] ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.KeyAggregateArgs as const, args: [{separator: '', value: arg1},], }); tokenValueIso8601Date = (value: string) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueIso8601Date as const, value: moment(value), }); tokenValueRelativeDate = ( value: string, sign: '-' | '+', unit: 'w' | 'd' | 'h' | 'm' ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueRelativeDate as const, value: Number(value), sign, unit, }); tokenValueDuration = ( value: string, unit: 'ms' | 's' | 'min' | 'm' | 'hr' | 'h' | 'day' | 'd' | 'wk' | 'w' ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueDuration as const, value: Number(value), unit, }); tokenValuePercentage = (value: string) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValuePercentage as const, value: Number(value), }); tokenValueBoolean = (value: string) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueBoolean as const, value: ['1', 'true'].includes(value.toLowerCase()), }); tokenValueNumber = (value: string, unit: string) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueNumber as const, value, rawValue: Number(value) * (numberUnits[unit] ?? 1), unit, }); tokenValueNumberList = ( item1: ReturnType, items: ListItem>[] ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueNumberList as const, items: [{separator: '', value: item1},], }); tokenValueTextList = ( item1: ReturnType, items: ListItem>[] ) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueTextList as const, items: [{separator: '', value: item1},], }); tokenValueText = (value: string, quoted: boolean) => this.makeToken({ type: Token.ValueText as const, value, quoted, }); /** * This method is used while tokenizing to predicate whether a filter should * match or not. We do this because not all keys are valid for specific * filter types. For example, boolean filters should only match for keys * which can be filtered as booleans. * * See [0] and look for &{ predicate } to understand how predicates are * declared in the grammar * * [0]: */ predicateFilter = (type: T, key: FilterMap[T]['key']) => { const keyName = getKeyName(key); const aggregateKey = key as ReturnType; const {isNumeric, isDuration, isBoolean, isDate, isPercentage} = this.keyValidation; switch (type) { case FilterType.Numeric: case FilterType.NumericIn: return isNumeric(keyName); case FilterType.Duration: return isDuration(keyName); case FilterType.Boolean: return isBoolean(keyName); case FilterType.Date: case FilterType.RelativeDate: case FilterType.SpecificDate: return isDate(keyName); case FilterType.AggregateDuration: return aggregateKey.args?.args.some(arg => isDuration(arg.value.value)); case FilterType.AggregateDate: return aggregateKey.args?.args.some(arg => isDate(arg.value.value)); case FilterType.AggregatePercentage: return aggregateKey.args?.args.some(arg => isPercentage(arg.value.value)); default: return true; } }; /** * Predicates weather a text filter have operators for specific keys. */ predicateTextOperator = (key: TextFilter['key']) => this.config.textOperatorKeys.has(getKeyName(key)); /** * Checks a filter against some non-grammar validation rules */ checkInvalidFilter = ( filter: T, key: FilterMap[T]['key'], value: FilterMap[T]['value'] ) => { // Only text filters may currently be invalid, since the text filter is the // "fall through" filter that will match when other filter predicates fail. if (filter !== FilterType.Text) { return null; } return this.checkInvalidTextFilter( key as TextFilter['key'], value as TextFilter['value'] ); }; /** * Validates text filters which may have failed predication */ checkInvalidTextFilter = (key: TextFilter['key'], value: TextFilter['value']) => { // Explicit tag keys will always be treated as text filters if (key.type === Token.KeyExplicitTag) { return this.checkInvalidTextValue(value); } const keyName = getKeyName(key); if (this.keyValidation.isDuration(keyName)) { return { reason: t('Invalid duration. Expected number followed by duration unit suffix'), expectedType: [FilterType.Duration], }; } if (this.keyValidation.isDate(keyName)) { return { reason: t( 'Invalid date format. Expected +/-duration (e.g. +1h) or ISO 8601-like (e.g. {now})', new Date().toISOString() ), expectedType: [FilterType.Date, FilterType.SpecificDate, FilterType.RelativeDate], }; } if (this.keyValidation.isBoolean(keyName)) { return { reason: t('Invalid boolean. Expected true, 1, false, or 0.'), expectedType: [FilterType.Boolean], }; } if (this.keyValidation.isNumeric(keyName)) { return { reason: t( 'Invalid number. Expected number then optional k, m, or b suffix (e.g. 500k)' ), expectedType: [FilterType.Numeric, FilterType.NumericIn], }; } return this.checkInvalidTextValue(value); }; /** * Validates the value of a text filter */ checkInvalidTextValue = (value: TextFilter['value']) => { if (!value.quoted && /(^|[^\\])"/.test(value.value)) { return {reason: t('Quotes must enclose text or be escaped')}; } if (!value.quoted && value.value === '') { return {reason: t('Filter must have a value')}; } return null; }; } /** * Maps token conversion methods to their result types */ type ConverterResultMap = { [K in keyof TokenConverter & `token${string}`]: ReturnType; }; type Converter = keyof ConverterResultMap; /** * Converter keys specific to Key and Value tokens */ type KVTokens = Converter & `token${'Key' | 'Value'}${string}`; /** * Similar to TokenResult, but only includes Key* and Value* token type * results. This avoids a circular reference when this is used for the Filter * token converter result */ type KVConverter = ConverterResultMap[KVTokens] & {type: T}; /** * Each token type is discriminated by the `type` field. */ export type TokenResult = ConverterResultMap[Converter] & {type: T}; /** * Result from parsing a search query. */ export type ParseResult = Array< | TokenResult | TokenResult | TokenResult | TokenResult | TokenResult >; /** * Configures behavior of search parsing */ export type SearchConfig = { /** * Keys which are considered valid for duration filters */ durationKeys: Set; /** * Text filter keys we allow to have operators */ textOperatorKeys: Set; /** * Keys considered valid for the percentage aggregate and may have percentage * search values */ percentageKeys: Set; /** * Keys considered valid for numeric filter types */ numericKeys: Set; /** * Keys considered valid for date filter types */ dateKeys: Set; /** * Keys considered valid for boolean filter types */ booleanKeys: Set; /** * Enables boolean filtering (AND / OR) */ allowBoolean: boolean; }; const defaultConfig: SearchConfig = { textOperatorKeys: new Set(['sentry.semver']), durationKeys: new Set(['transaction.duration']), percentageKeys: new Set(['percentage']), numericKeys: new Set([ 'project_id', '', '', 'stack.colno', 'stack.lineno', 'stack.stack_level', 'transaction.duration', 'apdex', 'p75', 'p95', 'p99', 'failure_rate', 'count_miserable', 'user_misery', 'count_miserable_new', 'user_miser_new', ]), dateKeys: new Set([ 'start', 'end', 'first_seen', 'last_seen', 'time', 'event.timestamp', 'timestamp', 'timestamp.to_hour', 'timestamp.to_day', 'transaction.start_time', 'transaction.end_time', ]), booleanKeys: new Set([ 'error.handled', 'error.unhandled', 'stack.in_app', 'key_transaction', 'team_key_transaction', ]), allowBoolean: true, }; const options = { TokenConverter, TermOperator, FilterType, config: defaultConfig, }; /** * Parse a search query into a ParseResult. Failing to parse the search query * will result in null. */ export function parseSearch(query: string): ParseResult | null { try { return grammar.parse(query, options); } catch (e) { // TODO(epurkhiser): Should we capture these errors somewhere? } return null; }