import selectEvent from 'react-select-event'; import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {ProjectFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/project'; import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import ModalStore from 'sentry/stores/modalStore'; import RuleNode from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/issue/ruleNode'; describe('RuleNode', () => { const project = ProjectFixture(); const organization = OrganizationFixture({projects: [project]}); const index = 0; const onDelete = jest.fn(); const onReset = jest.fn(); const onPropertyChange = jest.fn(); const simpleNode = { id: 'sentry.rules.simple_mock', label: '(mock) A new issue is created', enabled: true, }; const formNode = label => ({ label, id: 'sentry.rules.form_mock', enabled: true, formFields: { exampleStringField: { type: 'string', placeholder: 'placeholder', }, exampleNumberField: { type: 'number', placeholder: 100, }, exampleStringChoiceField: { type: 'choice', choices: [ ['value1', 'label1'], ['value2', 'label2'], ['value3', 'label3'], ], }, exampleResetStringChoiceField: { type: 'choice', choices: [ ['value1', 'label1'], ['value2', 'label2'], ['value3', 'label3'], ], resetsForm: true, }, exampleNumberChoiceField: { type: 'choice', initial: 2, choices: [ [1, 'label1'], [2, 'label2'], [3, 'label3'], ], }, exampleMailActionField: { type: 'mailAction', choices: [ ['IssueOwners', 'Issue Owners'], ['Team', 'Team'], ['Member', 'Member'], ], }, exampleAssigneeField: { type: 'assignee', choices: [ ['Unassigned', 'Unassigned'], ['Team', 'Team'], ['Member', 'Member'], ], }, }, }); // TODO: Add this node and test if it implements correctly (e.g. Jira Tickets) // const ticketNode = {actionType: 'ticket'}; const sentryAppNode = { id: 'sentry.rules.schema_form_mock', label: 'Configure SentryApp with these', enabled: true, actionType: 'sentryapp', sentryAppInstallationUuid: '1027', formFields: { exampleStringField: { type: 'string', placeholder: 'placeholder', }, exampleNumberField: { type: 'number', placeholder: 100, }, exampleStringChoiceField: { type: 'choice', choices: [ ['value1', 'label1'], ['value2', 'label2'], ['value3', 'label3'], ], }, }, }; const renderRuleNode = (node, data = {}, org = organization) => { return render( <RuleNode index={index} node={node} data={{ id: 'sentry.rules.mock', name: '(mock) A new issue is created', label: '(mock) A new issue is created', prompt: '',, }} disabled={false} organization={org} project={project} onDelete={onDelete} onPropertyChange={onPropertyChange} onReset={onReset} /> ); }; const labelReplacer = (label, values) => { return label.replace(/{\w+}/gm, placeholder => values[placeholder]); }; afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('handles being deleted', async () => { renderRuleNode(simpleNode); expect(screen.getByText(simpleNode.label)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Delete Node'})).toBeInTheDocument(); await'button', {name: 'Delete Node'})); expect(onDelete).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index); }); it('renders choice string choice fields correctly', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleStringChoiceField'; const label = `Here is a string choice field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label)); // Should render the first option if no initial is provided expect( screen.getByText('Here is a string choice field').parentElement ).toHaveTextContent(labelReplacer(label, {[`{${fieldName}}`]: 'label1'})); await'label1'), 'label3'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, 'value3'); }); it('resets choice fields with resetsForm', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleResetStringChoiceField'; const label = `Here is a string reset choice field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label)); // Should render the first option if no initial is provided expect(screen.getByText('Here is a string reset choice field')).toBeInTheDocument(); await'label1'), 'label3'); expect(onReset).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, 'value3'); }); it('renders choice number choice fields correctly', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleNumberChoiceField'; const label = `Here is a number choice field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label)); // Should render the initial value if one is provided expect( screen.getByText('Here is a number choice field').parentElement ).toHaveTextContent(labelReplacer(label, {[`{${fieldName}}`]: 'label2'})); selectEvent.openMenu(screen.getByText('label2')); await'label3')); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, '3'); }); it('renders number fields correctly', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleNumberField'; const label = `Here is a number field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label)); expect(screen.getByText('Here is a number field')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByPlaceholderText('100')).toBeInTheDocument(); await userEvent.type(screen.getByPlaceholderText('100'), '721'); await; expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, '721'); }); it('sets some number fields by default', () => { const fieldName = 'exampleNumberField'; const label = `Here is a number field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label), { id: 'sentry.rules.filters.issue_occurrences.IssueOccurrencesFilter', }); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, '100'); }); it('renders text fields correctly', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleStringField'; const label = `Here is a text field {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label)); expect(screen.getByText('Here is a text field')).toBeInTheDocument(); const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText('placeholder'); expect(input).toBeInTheDocument(); await; await userEvent.paste('some text'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, fieldName, 'some text'); }); it('renders sentry apps with schema forms correctly', async () => { renderRuleNode(sentryAppNode); const openModal = jest.spyOn(ModalStore, 'openModal'); expect(screen.getByText(sentryAppNode.label)).toBeInTheDocument(); const settingsButton = screen.getByLabelText('Settings'); expect(settingsButton).toBeInTheDocument(); await; expect(openModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders mail action field', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleMailActionField'; const label = `Send a notification to {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label), {targetType: 'IssueOwners'}); expect(screen.getByText('Send a notification to')).toBeInTheDocument(); await'Suggested Assignees'), 'Team'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, 'targetType', 'Team'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, 'targetIdentifier', ''); }); it('renders mail action field with suggested assignees', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleMailActionField'; const label = `Send a notification to {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label), {targetType: 'IssueOwners'}, organization); expect(screen.getByText('Send a notification to')).toBeInTheDocument(); await'Suggested Assignees'), 'Team'); }); it('renders assignee field', async () => { const fieldName = 'exampleAssigneeField'; const label = `The issue is assigned to {${fieldName}}`; renderRuleNode(formNode(label), {targetType: 'Unassigned'}); expect(screen.getByText('The issue is assigned to')).toBeInTheDocument(); await'No One'), 'Team'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, 'targetType', 'Team'); expect(onPropertyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index, 'targetIdentifier', ''); }); });