import {Project} from './project'; export enum SamplingRuleType { /** * The rule applies to traces (transaction events considered in the context of a trace) */ TRACE = 'trace', } export enum SamplingConditionOperator { /** * Combine multiple sub-conditions with the operator 'and' */ AND = 'and', } export enum SamplingRuleOperator { /** * The first rule on the list */ IF = 'if', /** * All other rules, except rules without a condition */ ELSE_IF = 'else_if', /** * Rules without a condition. In this case the rule cannot be reordered and is “pinned” at the bottom of the list */ ELSE = 'else', } export enum SamplingInnerOperator { /** * It uses glob matches for checking (e.g. releases use glob matching "1.1.*" will match release 1.1.1 and 1.1.2) */ GLOB_MATCH = 'glob', /** * It uses simple equality for checking */ EQUAL = 'eq', } /** * String of the sampling category that's used on the backend. * Default naming strategy should be based on the path in the event, prefixed with `event.`. * To see the path in the event, click on the JSON button on the issue details page. */ export enum SamplingInnerName { TRACE_RELEASE = 'trace.release', TRACE_ENVIRONMENT = 'trace.environment', } type SamplingConditionLogicalInnerGlob = { name: SamplingInnerName.TRACE_RELEASE; op: SamplingInnerOperator.GLOB_MATCH; value: Array; }; type SamplingConditionLogicalInnerEq = { name: SamplingInnerName.TRACE_ENVIRONMENT; op: SamplingInnerOperator.EQUAL; options: { ignoreCase: boolean; }; value: Array; }; export type SamplingConditionLogicalInner = | SamplingConditionLogicalInnerGlob | SamplingConditionLogicalInnerEq; export type SamplingCondition = { inner: Array; op: SamplingConditionOperator.AND; }; export type SamplingRule = { /** * It is a possibly empty list of conditions to which the rule applies. * The conditions are combined using the and operator (so all the conditions must be satisfied for the rule to apply). * If the conditions field is an empty list the rule applies for all events that satisfy the projectIds and the ty fields. */ condition: SamplingCondition; /** * This is a unique number within a project */ id: number; /** * It is the sampling rate that will be applied if the rule is selected */ sampleRate: number; /** * Describes the type of rule */ type: SamplingRuleType; /** * Indicates if the rule is enabled for server-side sampling */ active?: boolean; }; export type SamplingDistribution = { endTimestamp: string | null; parentProjectBreakdown: | null | { percentage: number; project: string; projectId: number; }[]; projectBreakdown: | null | { 'count()': number; project: string; projectId: number; }[]; sampleSize: number; startTimestamp: string | null; }; export type SamplingSdkVersion = { isSendingSampleRate: boolean; isSendingSource: boolean; isSupportedPlatform: boolean; latestSDKName: string; latestSDKVersion: string; project: string; }; export type RecommendedSdkUpgrade = { latestSDKName: SamplingSdkVersion['latestSDKName']; latestSDKVersion: SamplingSdkVersion['latestSDKVersion']; project: Project; }; export type UniformModalsSubmit = (props: { sampleRate: number; uniformRateModalOrigin: boolean; onError?: () => void; onSuccess?: (newRules: SamplingRule[]) => void; recommendedSampleRate?: boolean; rule?: SamplingRule; }) => void; export enum DynamicSamplingBiasType { BOOST_ENVIRONMENTS = 'boostEnvironments', BOOST_LATEST_RELEASES = 'boostLatestRelease', BOOST_KEY_TRANSACTIONS = 'boostKeyTransactions', IGNORE_HEALTH_CHECKS = 'ignoreHealthChecks', } export type DynamicSamplingBias = { active: boolean; id: DynamicSamplingBiasType; };