import fetchMock from 'jest-fetch-mock'; import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {selectByQuery, selectByValue} from 'sentry-test/select-new'; import TicketRuleModal from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/issue/ticketRuleModal'; jest.unmock('sentry/utils/recreateRoute'); jest.mock('sentry/actionCreators/onboardingTasks'); describe('ProjectAlerts -> TicketRuleModal', function () { const closeModal = jest.fn(); const modalElements = { Header: p => p.children, Body: p => p.children, Footer: p => p.children, }; beforeEach(function () { fetchMock.enableMocks(); fetch.resetMocks(); }); afterEach(function () { closeModal.mockReset(); MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); }); const _submit = wrapper => { wrapper.find('Button[data-test-id="form-submit"]').simulate('submit'); return wrapper.find('FieldErrorReason'); }; const submitSuccess = wrapper => { const errors = _submit(wrapper); expect(errors).toHaveLength(0); expect(closeModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }; const submitErrors = (wrapper, errorCount) => { const errors = _submit(wrapper); expect(errors).toHaveLength(errorCount); expect(errors.first().text()).toEqual('Field is required'); expect(closeModal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }; const addMockConfigsAPICall = (otherFields = {}) => { return MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/integrations/1/?ignored=Sprint', method: 'GET', body: { createIssueConfig: [ { name: 'project', label: 'Jira Project', choices: [['10000', 'TEST']], default: '10000', type: 'select', updatesForm: true, }, { name: 'issuetype', label: 'Issue Type', default: '10001', type: 'select', choices: [ ['10001', 'Improvement'], ['10002', 'Task'], ['10003', 'Sub-task'], ['10004', 'New Feature'], ['10005', 'Bug'], ['10000', 'Epic'], ], updatesForm: true, required: true, }, otherFields, ], }, }); }; /** * We need to use this alternate mocking scheme because `fetch` isn't available. * @param names String[] */ const addMockUsersAPICall = (names = []) => { fetch.mockResponseOnce( JSON.stringify( => { return { label: name, value: name, }; }) ) ); }; const createWrapper = (props = {}) => { const {organization, routerContext} = initializeOrg(props); addMockConfigsAPICall({ label: 'Reporter', required: true, choices: [['a', 'a']], type: 'select', name: 'reporter', }); return mountWithTheme( {}} organization={organization} />, routerContext ); }; describe('Create Rule', function () { it('should render the Ticket Rule modal', function () { const wrapper = createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.find('Button[data-test-id="form-submit"]').text()).toEqual( 'Apply Changes' ); const formFields = wrapper.find('FormField'); expect('Title'); expect('Description'); }); it('should save the modal data when "Apply Changes" is clicked with valid data', function () { const wrapper = createWrapper(); selectByValue(wrapper, 'a', {name: 'reporter'}); submitSuccess(wrapper); }); it('should raise validation errors when "Apply Changes" is clicked with invalid data', function () { // This doesn't test anything TicketRules specific but I'm leaving it here as an example. const wrapper = createWrapper(); submitErrors(wrapper, 1); }); it('should reload fields when an "updatesForm" field changes', function () { const wrapper = createWrapper(); selectByValue(wrapper, 'a', {name: 'reporter'}); addMockConfigsAPICall({ label: 'Assignee', required: true, choices: [['b', 'b']], type: 'select', name: 'assignee', }); selectByValue(wrapper, '10000', {name: 'issuetype'}); selectByValue(wrapper, 'b', {name: 'assignee'}); submitSuccess(wrapper); }); it('should persist values when the modal is reopened', function () { const wrapper = createWrapper({data: {reporter: 'a'}}); submitSuccess(wrapper); }); it('should get async options from URL', async function () { const wrapper = createWrapper(); addMockConfigsAPICall({ label: 'Assignee', required: true, url: '', type: 'select', name: 'assignee', }); selectByValue(wrapper, '10000', {name: 'issuetype'}); addMockUsersAPICall(['Marcos']); await selectByQuery(wrapper, 'Marcos', {name: 'assignee'}); submitSuccess(wrapper); }); }); });