import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import ExceptionStacktraceContent from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/crashContent/exception/stackTrace'; import {OrganizationContext} from 'sentry/views/organizationContext'; import EmptyMessage from 'sentry/views/settings/components/emptyMessage'; describe('ExceptionStacktraceContent', () => { const organization = TestStubs.Organization(); const stacktrace = { frames: [ { function: null, colNo: null, vars: {}, symbol: null, module: '', lineNo: null, errors: null, package: null, absPath: '', inApp: false, instructionAddr: null, filename: '/hiventy/kraken-prod/issues/438681831/', platform: null, context: [], symbolAddr: null, }, { absPath: 'foo/baz.c', colNo: null, context: [], errors: null, filename: 'foo/baz.c', function: null, inApp: false, instructionAddr: null, lineNo: 1, module: null, package: null, platform: null, rawFunction: null, symbol: null, symbolAddr: null, trust: null, vars: null, }, ], }; const props = { stackView: 'app', platform: 'node', expandFirstFrame: true, newestFirst: true, chainedException: false, event: { entries: [], crashFile: { sha1: 'sha1', name: 'name.dmp', dateCreated: '2019-05-21T18:01:48.762Z', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}, id: '12345', size: 123456, type: 'event.minidump', }, culprit: '', dateCreated: '2019-05-21T18:00:23Z', 'event.type': 'error', eventID: '123456', groupID: '1', id: '98654', location: 'main.js', message: 'TestException', platform: 'native', projectID: '123', tags: [{value: 'production', key: 'production'}], title: 'TestException', }, data: stacktrace, stacktrace, framesOmitted: null, registers: null, hasSystemFrames: false, }; it('default behaviour', () => { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); expect(wrapper).toSnapshot(); }); it('should return an emptyRender', () => { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); expect(wrapper.isEmptyRender()).toBe(true); }); it('should return the EmptyMessage component', () => { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); const emptyMessageElement = wrapper.find(EmptyMessage).exists(); expect(emptyMessageElement).toBe(true); }); it('should not return the EmptyMessage component', () => { const modifiedProps = cloneDeep(props); modifiedProps.stacktrace.frames[0].inApp = true; const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); const emptyMessageElement = wrapper.find(EmptyMessage).exists(); expect(emptyMessageElement).toBe(false); }); it('should render system frames if "stackView: app" and there are no inApp frames and is a chained exceptions', () => { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); expect(wrapper.find('Line').length).toBe(2); }); it('should not render system frames if "stackView: app" and there are inApp frames and is a chained exceptions', () => { const modifiedProps = cloneDeep(props); modifiedProps.stacktrace.frames[0].inApp = true; const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); // There must be two elements, one being the inApp frame and the other // the last frame which is non-app frame expect(wrapper.find('Line').length).toBe(2); // inApp === true expect(wrapper.find('.filename').at(1).text()).toBe( props.stacktrace.frames[0].filename ); // inApp === false expect(wrapper.find('.filename').at(0).text()).toBe( props.stacktrace.frames[1].filename ); }); });