import {DOMAttributes, ReactNode, useCallback, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {IconGrabbable} from 'sentry/icons'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import useMouseTracking from 'sentry/utils/replays/hooks/useMouseTracking'; const BAR_THICKNESS = 16; const HALF_BAR = BAR_THICKNESS / 2; const MOUSE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MS = 200; type CSSValue = `${number}px` | `${number}%`; type LimitValue = | { /** * Percent, as a value from `0` to `1.0` */ pct: number; } | { /** * CSS pixels */ px: number; }; type Side = | ReactNode | { content: ReactNode; default?: CSSValue; max?: LimitValue; min?: LimitValue; }; type Props = | { /** * Content on the right side of the split */ left: Side; /** * Content on the left side of the split */ right: Side; } | { /** * Content below the split */ bottom: Side; /** * Content above of the split */ top: Side; }; const getValFromSide = (side: Side, field: string) => side && typeof side === 'object' && field in side ? side[field] : undefined; function getSplitDefault(props: Props) { if ('left' in props) { const a = getValFromSide(props.left, 'default'); if (a) { return {a}; } const b = getValFromSide(props.right, 'default'); if (b) { return {b}; } return {a: '50%'}; } const a = getValFromSide(, 'default'); if (a) { return {a}; } const b = getValFromSide(props.bottom, 'default'); if (b) { return {b}; } return {a: '50%'}; } function getMinMax(side: Side): { max: {pct: number; px: number}; min: {pct: number; px: number}; } { const ONE = {px: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, pct: 1.0}; const ZERO = {px: 0, pct: 0}; if (!side || typeof side !== 'object') { return { max: ONE, min: ZERO, }; } return { max: 'max' in side ? {...ONE, ...side.max} : ONE, min: 'min' in side ? {...ZERO, ...side.min} : ZERO, }; } function useTimeout({timeMs, callback}: {callback: () => void; timeMs: number}) { const timeoutRef = useRef(null); const saveTimeout = useCallback((timeout: ReturnType | null) => { if (timeoutRef.current) { clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current); } // See: // @ts-expect-error timeoutRef.current = timeout; }, []); return { start: () => saveTimeout(setTimeout(callback, timeMs)), stop: () => saveTimeout(null), }; } function SplitPanel(props: Props) { const [mousedown, setMousedown] = useState(false); const [sizeCSS, setSizeCSS] = useState(getSplitDefault(props)); const {start: startMouseIdleTimer, stop: stopMouseIdleTimer} = useTimeout({ timeMs: MOUSE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MS, callback: () => setMousedown(false), }); const handleMouseDown = useCallback(() => { setMousedown(true); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', () => { setMousedown(false); stopMouseIdleTimer(); }, {once: true} ); startMouseIdleTimer(); }, [startMouseIdleTimer, stopMouseIdleTimer]); const handlePositionChange = useCallback( params => { if (mousedown && params) { startMouseIdleTimer(); const {left, top, width, height} = params; if ('left' in props) { const priPx = left - HALF_BAR; const priPct = priPx / width; const secPx = width - priPx; const secPct = 1 - priPct; const priLim = getMinMax(props.left); const secLim = getMinMax(props.right); if ( priPx < priLim.min.px || priPx > priLim.max.px || priPct < priLim.min.pct || priPct > priLim.max.pct || secPx < secLim.min.px || secPx > secLim.max.px || secPct < secLim.min.pct || secPct > secLim.max.pct ) { return; } setSizeCSS({a: `${priPct * 100}%`}); } else { const priPx = top - HALF_BAR; const priPct = priPx / height; const secPx = height - priPx; const secPct = 1 - priPct; const priLim = getMinMax(; const secLim = getMinMax(props.bottom); if ( priPx < priLim.min.px || priPx > priLim.max.px || priPct < priLim.min.pct || priPct > priLim.max.pct || secPx < secLim.min.px || secPx > secLim.max.px || secPct < secLim.min.pct || secPct > secLim.max.pct ) { return; } setSizeCSS({a: `${priPct * 100}%`}); } } }, [mousedown, props, startMouseIdleTimer] ); const mouseTrackingProps = useMouseTracking({ onPositionChange: handlePositionChange, }); if ('left' in props) { const {left: a, right: b} = props; return ( {getValFromSide(a, 'content') || a} {getValFromSide(b, 'content') || b} ); } const {top: a, bottom: b} = props; return ( {getValFromSide(a, 'content') || a} setMousedown(true)} onMouseUp={() => setMousedown(false)} mousedown={mousedown} /> {getValFromSide(b, 'content') || b} ); } const SplitPanelContainer = styled('div')<{ orientation: 'rows' | 'columns'; size: {a: CSSValue} | {b: CSSValue}; }>` width: 100%; height: 100%; display: grid; overflow: auto; grid-template-${p => p.orientation}: ${p => ('a' in p.size ? p.size.a : '1fr')} auto ${p => ('a' in p.size ? '1fr' : p.size.b)}; `; const Panel = styled('div')` overflow: hidden; `; type DividerProps = {mousedown: boolean; slideDirection: 'leftright' | 'updown'}; const Divider = styled( ({ mousedown: _a, slideDirection: _b, ...props }: DividerProps & DOMAttributes) => (
) )` display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100%; width: 100%; ${p => (p.mousedown ? 'user-select: none;' : '')} :hover { background: ${p => p.theme.hover}; } ${p => p.slideDirection === 'leftright' ? ` cursor: ew-resize; height: 100%; width: ${space(2)}; ` : ` cursor: ns-resize; width: 100%; height: ${space(2)}; & > svg { transform: rotate(90deg); } `} `; export default SplitPanel;