import {objectIsEmpty} from 'sentry/utils'; import localStorage from 'sentry/utils/localStorage'; import {MetricsEnhancedSettingContext} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting'; import {PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE} from '../../utils'; import {PerformanceWidgetSetting} from './widgetDefinitions'; export const eventsRequestQueryProps = [ 'children', 'organization', 'yAxis', 'period', 'start', 'end', 'environment', 'project', 'referrer', ] as const; function setWidgetStorageObject(localObject: Record) { localStorage.setItem(getContainerLocalStorageObjectKey, JSON.stringify(localObject)); } export function getMEPQueryParams(mepContext: MetricsEnhancedSettingContext) { let queryParams = {}; const base = {preventMetricAggregates: '1'}; if (mepContext.shouldQueryProvideMEPAutoParams) { queryParams = { ...queryParams, ...base, metricsEnhanced: '1', dataset: 'metricsEnhanced', }; } if (mepContext.shouldQueryProvideMEPTransactionParams) { queryParams = {...queryParams, ...base, dataset: 'discover'}; } if (mepContext.shouldQueryProvideMEPMetricParams) { queryParams = {...queryParams, ...base, dataset: 'metrics'}; } // Disallow any performance request from using aggregates since they aren't currently possible in all visualizations and we don't want to mix modes. return objectIsEmpty(queryParams) ? undefined : queryParams; } export const WIDGET_MAP_DENY_LIST = [ PerformanceWidgetSetting.MOST_RELATED_ERRORS, PerformanceWidgetSetting.MOST_RELATED_ISSUES, ]; /** * Some widgets, such as Related Issues, are inherently not possible w/ metrics at the moment since they use event.type:error under the hood. */ export function getMEPParamsIfApplicable( mepContext: MetricsEnhancedSettingContext, widget: PerformanceWidgetSetting ) { if (WIDGET_MAP_DENY_LIST.includes(widget)) { return undefined; } return getMEPQueryParams(mepContext); } const getContainerLocalStorageObjectKey = 'landing-chart-container'; const getContainerKey = ( index: number, performanceType: PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE, height: number ) => `landing-chart-container#${performanceType}#${height}#${index}`; function getWidgetStorageObject() { const localObject = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem(getContainerLocalStorageObjectKey) || '{}' ); return localObject; } export const getChartSetting = ( index: number, height: number, performanceType: PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE, defaultType: PerformanceWidgetSetting, forceDefaultChartSetting?: boolean // Used for testing. ): PerformanceWidgetSetting => { if (forceDefaultChartSetting) { return defaultType; } const key = getContainerKey(index, performanceType, height); const localObject = getWidgetStorageObject(); const value = localObject?.[key]; if ( value && Object.values(PerformanceWidgetSetting).includes(value as PerformanceWidgetSetting) ) { const _value: PerformanceWidgetSetting = value as PerformanceWidgetSetting; return _value; } return defaultType; }; export const _setChartSetting = ( index: number, height: number, performanceType: PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE, setting: PerformanceWidgetSetting ) => { const key = getContainerKey(index, performanceType, height); const localObject = getWidgetStorageObject(); localObject[key] = setting; setWidgetStorageObject(localObject); };