import {Component} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; type DefaultProps = { className: string; expandDirection: 'left' | 'right'; expandable: boolean; leftTrim: boolean; maxLength: number; minLength: number; }; type Props = DefaultProps & { value: string; trimRegex?: RegExp; }; type State = { isExpanded: boolean; }; class Truncate extends Component { static defaultProps: DefaultProps = { className: '', minLength: 15, maxLength: 50, leftTrim: false, expandable: true, expandDirection: 'right', }; state: State = { isExpanded: false, }; onFocus = () => { const {value, maxLength} = this.props; if (value.length <= maxLength) { return; } this.setState({isExpanded: true}); }; onBlur = () => { if (this.state.isExpanded) { this.setState({isExpanded: false}); } }; render() { const { className, leftTrim, trimRegex, minLength, maxLength, value, expandable, expandDirection, } = this.props; const isTruncated = value.length > maxLength; let shortValue: React.ReactNode = ''; if (isTruncated) { const slicedValue = leftTrim ? value.slice(value.length - (maxLength - 4), value.length) : value.slice(0, maxLength - 4); // Try to trim to values from the regex if (trimRegex && leftTrim) { const valueIndex =; shortValue = ( …{' '} {valueIndex > 0 && valueIndex <= maxLength - minLength ? slicedValue.slice(, slicedValue.length) : slicedValue} ); } else if (trimRegex && !leftTrim) { const matches = slicedValue.match(trimRegex); let lastIndex = matches ? slicedValue.lastIndexOf(matches[matches.length - 1]) + 1 : slicedValue.length; if (lastIndex <= minLength) { lastIndex = slicedValue.length; } shortValue = {slicedValue.slice(0, lastIndex)} …; } else if (leftTrim) { shortValue = … {slicedValue}; } else { shortValue = {slicedValue} …; } } else { shortValue = value; } return ( {shortValue} {isTruncated && ( {value} )} ); } } const Wrapper = styled('span')` position: relative; `; export const FullValue = styled('span')<{ expandDirection: 'left' | 'right'; expanded: boolean; }>` display: none; position: absolute; background: ${p => p.theme.background}; padding: ${space(0.5)}; border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.innerBorder}; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: ${space(0.5)}; top: -5px; ${p => p.expandDirection === 'left' && 'right: -5px;'} ${p => p.expandDirection === 'right' && 'left: -5px;'} ${p => p.expanded && ` z-index: ${p.theme.zIndex.truncationFullValue}; display: block; `} `; export default Truncate;