import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Field} from 'sentry/components/forms/type'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import { AWS_REGIONS, DEBUG_SOURCE_CASINGS, DEBUG_SOURCE_LAYOUTS, } from 'sentry/data/debugFileSources'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {CustomRepoType} from 'sentry/types/debugFiles'; import {uniqueId} from 'sentry/utils/guid'; function objectToChoices(obj: Record): [key: string, value: string][] { return Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => [key, t(value)]); } type FieldMap = Record; const commonFields: FieldMap = { id: { name: 'id', type: 'hidden', required: true, defaultValue: uniqueId, }, name: { name: 'name', type: 'string', required: true, label: t('Name'), placeholder: t('New Repository'), help: t('A display name for this repository'), }, // filters are explicitly not exposed to the UI layoutType: { name: 'layout.type', type: 'select', label: t('Directory Layout'), help: t('The layout of the folder structure.'), defaultValue: 'native', choices: objectToChoices(DEBUG_SOURCE_LAYOUTS), }, layoutCasing: { name: 'layout.casing', type: 'select', label: t('Path Casing'), help: t('The case of files and folders.'), defaultValue: 'default', choices: objectToChoices(DEBUG_SOURCE_CASINGS), }, prefix: { name: 'prefix', type: 'string', label: 'Root Path', placeholder: '/', help: t('The path at which files are located within this repository.'), }, separator: { name: '', type: 'separator', }, }; export function getFormFieldsAndInitialData( type: CustomRepoType, sourceConfig?: Record ) { if (type === CustomRepoType.HTTP || type === CustomRepoType.APP_STORE_CONNECT) { return {}; } const {secret_key, layout, private_key, ...config} = sourceConfig ?? {}; const initialData = layout ? {...config, 'layout.casing': layout.casing, 'layout.type': layout.type} : config; switch (type) { case 's3': return { fields: [,, commonFields.separator, { name: 'bucket', type: 'string', required: true, label: t('Bucket'), placeholder: 's3-bucket-name', help: t( 'Name of the S3 bucket. Read permissions are required to download symbols.' ), }, { name: 'region', type: 'select', required: true, label: t('Region'), help: t('The AWS region and availability zone of the bucket.'), choices:[k, v]) => [ k, {k} {v} , ]), }, { name: 'access_key', type: 'string', required: true, label: t('Access Key ID'), placeholder: 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE', help: tct( 'Access key to the AWS account. Credentials can be managed in the [link].', { link: ( IAM console ), } ), }, { name: 'secret_key', type: 'string', required: true, label: t('Secret Access Key'), placeholder: typeof secret_key === 'object' ? t('(Secret Access Key unchanged)') : 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY', }, commonFields.separator, commonFields.prefix, commonFields.layoutType, commonFields.layoutCasing, ], initialData: !initialData ? undefined : { ...initialData, secret_key: undefined, }, }; case 'gcs': return { fields: [,, commonFields.separator, { name: 'bucket', type: 'string', required: true, label: t('Bucket'), placeholder: 'gcs-bucket-name', help: t( 'Name of the GCS bucket. Read permissions are required to download symbols.' ), }, { name: 'client_email', type: 'email', required: true, label: t('Client Email'), placeholder: '', help: t('Email address of the GCS service account.'), }, { name: 'private_key', type: 'string', required: true, multiline: true, autosize: true, maxRows: 5, rows: 3, label: t('Private Key'), placeholder: typeof private_key === 'object' ? t('(Private Key unchanged)') : '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n[PRIVATE-KEY]\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----', help: tct( 'The service account key. Credentials can be managed on the [link].', { link: ( IAM & Admin Page ), } ), }, commonFields.separator, commonFields.prefix, commonFields.layoutType, commonFields.layoutCasing, ], initialData: !initialData ? undefined : { ...initialData, private_key: undefined, }, }; default: { Sentry.captureException(new Error('Unknown custom repository type')); return {}; // this shall never happen } } } export function getFinalData(type: CustomRepoType, data: Record) { if (type === CustomRepoType.HTTP || type === CustomRepoType.APP_STORE_CONNECT) { return data; } switch (type) { case 's3': return {, secret_key: data.secret_key ?? { 'hidden-secret': true, }, }; case 'gcs': return {, private_key: data.private_key ?? { 'hidden-secret': true, }, }; default: { Sentry.captureException(new Error('Unknown custom repository type')); return {}; // this shall never happen } } }