import {useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {type Theme, useTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import type {Tag} from 'sentry/actionCreators/events'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import {IconChevron, IconPanel, IconPin} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {EventTransaction} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {PERFORMANCE_URL_PARAM} from 'sentry/utils/performance/constants'; import type { TraceFullDetailed, TraceSplitResults, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import { cancelAnimationTimeout, requestAnimationTimeout, } from 'sentry/utils/profiling/hooks/useVirtualizedTree/virtualizedTreeUtils'; import type {UseApiQueryResult} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import {useInfiniteApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import type RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {traceAnalytics} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceAnalytics'; import {getTraceQueryParams} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceApi/useTrace'; import {TraceProfiles} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceDrawer/tabs/traceProfiles'; import {TraceVitals} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceDrawer/tabs/traceVitals'; import { usePassiveResizableDrawer, type UsePassiveResizableDrawerOptions, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceDrawer/usePassiveResizeableDrawer'; import type {TraceScheduler} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceRenderers/traceScheduler'; import type {VirtualizedViewManager} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceRenderers/virtualizedViewManager'; import type { TraceReducerAction, TraceReducerState, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState'; import {TRACE_DRAWER_DEFAULT_SIZES} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState/tracePreferences'; import { getTraceTabTitle, type TraceTabsReducerState, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState/traceTabs'; import type {ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; import type {TraceMetaQueryResults} from '../traceApi/useTraceMeta'; import { makeTraceNodeBarColor, type TraceTree, type TraceTreeNode, } from '../traceModels/traceTree'; import {useTraceState, useTraceStateDispatch} from '../traceState/traceStateProvider'; import type {TraceType} from '../traceType'; import {TraceDetails} from './tabs/trace'; import {TraceTreeNodeDetails} from './tabs/traceTreeNodeDetails'; type TraceDrawerProps = { manager: VirtualizedViewManager; metaResults: TraceMetaQueryResults; onScrollToNode: (node: TraceTreeNode) => void; onTabScrollToNode: (node: TraceTreeNode) => void; replayRecord: ReplayRecord | null; rootEventResults: UseApiQueryResult; scheduler: TraceScheduler; trace: TraceTree; traceEventView: EventView; traceGridRef: HTMLElement | null; traceType: TraceType; traces: TraceSplitResults | null; }; export function TraceDrawer(props: TraceDrawerProps) { const theme = useTheme(); const location = useLocation(); const organization = useOrganization(); const traceState = useTraceState(); const traceDispatch = useTraceStateDispatch(); // The /events-facets/ endpoint used to fetch tags for the trace tab is slow. Therefore, // we try to prefetch the tags as soon as the drawer loads, hoping that the tags will be loaded // by the time the user clicks on the trace tab. Also prevents the tags from being refetched. const urlParams = useMemo(() => { const {timestamp} = getTraceQueryParams(location.query); const params = pick(location.query, [ ...Object.values(PERFORMANCE_URL_PARAM), 'cursor', ]); if (timestamp) { params.traceTimestamp = timestamp; } return params; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const tagsInfiniteQueryResults = useInfiniteApiQuery({ queryKey: [ `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events-facets/`, { query: { ...urlParams, ...props.traceEventView.getFacetsAPIPayload(location), cursor: undefined, }, }, ], }); const traceStateRef = useRef(traceState); traceStateRef.current = traceState; const initialSizeRef = useRef | null>(null); if (!initialSizeRef.current) { initialSizeRef.current = {}; } const resizeEndRef = useRef<{id: number} | null>(null); const onResize = useCallback( (size: number, min: number, user?: boolean, minimized?: boolean) => { if (!props.traceGridRef) return; // When we resize the layout in x axis, we need to update the physical space // of the virtualized view manager to make sure a redrawing is correctly triggered. // If we dont do this, then the virtualized view manager will only trigger a redraw // whenver ResizeObserver detects a change. Since resize observers have "debounced" // callbacks, relying only on them to redraw the screen causes visual jank. if ( (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer left' || traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer right') && props.manager.container ) { const {width, height} = props.manager.container.getBoundingClientRect(); props.scheduler.dispatch('set container physical space', [0, 0, width, height]); } minimized = minimized ?? traceStateRef.current.preferences.drawer.minimized; if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' && user) { if (size <= min && !minimized) { traceDispatch({ type: 'minimize drawer', payload: true, }); } else if (size > min && minimized) { traceDispatch({ type: 'minimize drawer', payload: false, }); } } const {width, height} = props.traceGridRef.getBoundingClientRect(); const drawerWidth = size / width; const drawerHeight = size / height; if (resizeEndRef.current) cancelAnimationTimeout(resizeEndRef.current); resizeEndRef.current = requestAnimationTimeout(() => { if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.drawer.minimized) { return; } const drawer_size = traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? drawerHeight : drawerWidth; traceDispatch({ type: 'set drawer dimension', payload: drawer_size, }); }, 1000); if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom') { min = minimized ? 27 : size; } else { min = minimized ? 0 : size; } if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom') { = `1fr`; = `1fr minmax(${min}px, ${drawerHeight * 100}%)`; } else if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer left') { = `minmax(${min}px, ${drawerWidth * 100}%) 1fr`; = '1fr auto'; } else { = `1fr minmax(${min}px, ${drawerWidth * 100}%)`; = '1fr auto'; } }, [props.traceGridRef, props.manager, props.scheduler, traceDispatch] ); const [drawerRef, setDrawerRef] = useState(null); const drawerOptions: Pick = useMemo(() => { const initialSizeInPercentage = traceState.preferences.drawer.sizes[traceState.preferences.layout]; // We have a stored user preference for the drawer size const {width, height} = props.traceGridRef?.getBoundingClientRect() ?? { width: 0, height: 0, }; const initialSize = traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized ? 0 : traceState.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? height * initialSizeInPercentage : width * initialSizeInPercentage; return { min: traceState.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? 27 : 350, initialSize, ref: drawerRef, }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [props.traceGridRef, traceState.preferences.layout, drawerRef]); const resizableDrawerOptions: UsePassiveResizableDrawerOptions = useMemo(() => { return { ...drawerOptions, onResize, direction: traceState.preferences.layout === 'drawer left' ? 'left' : traceState.preferences.layout === 'drawer right' ? 'right' : 'up', }; }, [onResize, drawerOptions, traceState.preferences.layout]); const {onMouseDown, size} = usePassiveResizableDrawer(resizableDrawerOptions); const onParentClick = useCallback( (node: TraceTreeNode) => { props.onTabScrollToNode(node); traceDispatch({ type: 'activate tab', payload: node, pin_previous: true, }); }, [props, traceDispatch] ); const onMinimizeClick = useCallback(() => { traceAnalytics.trackDrawerMinimize(organization); traceDispatch({ type: 'minimize drawer', payload: !traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized, }); if (!traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized) { onResize(0, 0, true, true); size.current = drawerOptions.min; } else { if (drawerOptions.initialSize === 0) { const userPreference = traceStateRef.current.preferences.drawer.sizes[ traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout ]; const {width, height} = props.traceGridRef?.getBoundingClientRect() ?? { width: 0, height: 0, }; const containerSize = traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? height : width; const drawer_size = containerSize * userPreference; onResize(drawer_size, drawerOptions.min, true, false); size.current = userPreference; return; } onResize(drawerOptions.initialSize, drawerOptions.min, true, false); size.current = drawerOptions.initialSize; } }, [ size, onResize, traceDispatch, props.traceGridRef, traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized, organization, drawerOptions, ]); const onDoubleClickResetToDefault = useCallback(() => { if (!traceStateRef.current.preferences.drawer.minimized) { onMinimizeClick(); return; } traceDispatch({type: 'minimize drawer', payload: false}); const initialSize = TRACE_DRAWER_DEFAULT_SIZES[traceState.preferences.layout]; const {width, height} = props.traceGridRef?.getBoundingClientRect() ?? { width: 0, height: 0, }; const containerSize = traceState.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? height : width; const drawer_size = containerSize * initialSize; onResize(drawer_size, drawerOptions.min, true, false); size.current = drawer_size; }, [ size, onMinimizeClick, onResize, drawerOptions.min, traceState.preferences.layout, props.traceGridRef, traceDispatch, ]); const initializedRef = useRef(false); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (initializedRef.current) return; if (traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized && props.traceGridRef) { if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer bottom') { = `1fr`; = `1fr minmax(${27}px, 0%)`; size.current = 27; } else if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.layout === 'drawer left') { = `minmax(${0}px, 0%) 1fr`; = '1fr auto'; size.current = 0; } else { = `1fr minmax(${0}px, 0%)`; = '1fr auto'; size.current = 0; } initializedRef.current = true; } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [props.traceGridRef]); // Syncs the height of the tabs with the trace indicators const hasIndicators = props.trace.indicators.length > 0 && traceState.preferences.layout !== 'drawer bottom'; if ( traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized && traceState.preferences.layout !== 'drawer bottom' ) { return ( ); } return ( {/* Renders all open tabs */} {, i) => { return ( ); })} {/* Renders the last tab the user clicked on - this one is ephemeral and might change */} {traceState.tabs.last_clicked_tab ? ( ) : null} {traceState.preferences.drawer.layoutOptions.length > 0 ? ( ) : null} {traceState.preferences.drawer.minimized ? null : ( {traceState.tabs.current_tab ? ( traceState.tabs.current_tab.node === 'trace' ? ( ) : traceState.tabs.current_tab.node === 'vitals' ? ( ) : traceState.tabs.current_tab.node === 'profiles' ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null} )} ); } interface TraceDrawerTabProps { index: number; onTabScrollToNode: (node: TraceTreeNode) => void; pinned: boolean; tab: TraceTabsReducerState['tabs'][number]; theme: Theme; trace: TraceTree; traceDispatch: React.Dispatch; trace_state: TraceReducerState; } function TraceDrawerTab(props: TraceDrawerTabProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); const node =; if (typeof node === 'string') { const root = props.trace.root.children[0]; return ( { if ( !== 'vitals' && !== 'profiles') { traceAnalytics.trackTabView(node, organization); props.onTabScrollToNode(root); } props.traceDispatch({type: 'activate tab', payload: props.index}); }} > {/* A trace is technically an entry in the list, so it has a color */} { === 'trace' || === 'vitals' || === 'profiles' ? null : ( )} { ?? node} ); } return ( { traceAnalytics.trackTabView('event', organization); props.onTabScrollToNode(node); props.traceDispatch({type: 'activate tab', payload: props.index}); }} > {getTraceTabTitle(node)} { e.stopPropagation(); traceAnalytics.trackTabPin(organization); props.pinned ? props.traceDispatch({type: 'unpin tab', payload: props.index}) : props.traceDispatch({type: 'pin tab'}); }} /> ); } function TraceLayoutButtons(props: { traceDispatch: React.Dispatch; trace_state: TraceReducerState; }) { const organization = useOrganization(); return ( {props.trace_state.preferences.drawer.layoutOptions.includes('drawer left') ? ( { traceAnalytics.trackLayoutChange('drawer left', organization); props.traceDispatch({type: 'set layout', payload: 'drawer left'}); }} size="xs" aria-label={t('Drawer left')} icon={} /> ) : null} {props.trace_state.preferences.drawer.layoutOptions.includes('drawer bottom') ? ( { traceAnalytics.trackLayoutChange('drawer bottom', organization); props.traceDispatch({type: 'set layout', payload: 'drawer bottom'}); }} size="xs" aria-label={t('Drawer bottom')} icon={} /> ) : null} {props.trace_state.preferences.drawer.layoutOptions.includes('drawer right') ? ( { traceAnalytics.trackLayoutChange('drawer right', organization); props.traceDispatch({type: 'set layout', payload: 'drawer right'}); }} size="xs" aria-label={t('Drawer right')} icon={} /> ) : null} ); } function TraceLayoutMinimizeButton(props: { onClick: () => void; trace_state: TraceReducerState; }) { return ( } /> ); } const ResizeableHandle = styled('div')<{ layout: 'drawer bottom' | 'drawer left' | 'drawer right'; }>` width: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? '100%' : '12px')}; height: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? '12px' : '100%')}; cursor: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize')}; position: absolute; top: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? '-6px' : 0)}; left: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? 0 : p.layout === 'drawer right' ? '-6px' : 'initial'}; right: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer left' ? '-6px' : 0)}; z-index: 1; `; const PanelWrapper = styled('div')<{ layout: 'drawer bottom' | 'drawer left' | 'drawer right'; }>` grid-area: drawer; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; border-top: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? `1px solid ${p.theme.border}` : 'none'}; border-left: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer right' ? `1px solid ${p.theme.border}` : 'none'}; border-right: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer left' ? `1px solid ${p.theme.border}` : 'none'}; bottom: 0; right: 0; position: relative; background: ${p => p.theme.background}; color: ${p => p.theme.textColor}; text-align: left; z-index: 10; `; const SmallerChevronIcon = styled(IconChevron)` width: 13px; height: 13px; transition: none; `; const TabsHeightContainer = styled('div')<{ hasIndicators: boolean; layout: 'drawer bottom' | 'drawer left' | 'drawer right'; absolute?: boolean; }>` background: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary}; left: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer left' ? '0' : 'initial')}; right: ${p => (p.layout === 'drawer right' ? '0' : 'initial')}; position: ${p => (p.absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative')}; height: ${p => (p.hasIndicators ? '44px' : '26px')}; border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border}; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: end; `; const TabsLayout = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto; padding-left: ${space(0.25)}; padding-right: ${space(0.5)}; `; const TabsContainer = styled('ul')` display: grid; list-style-type: none; width: 100%; align-items: center; justify-content: left; gap: ${space(0.5)}; padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; `; const TabActions = styled('ul')` list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; flex: none; button { padding: 0 ${space(0.5)}; } `; const TabSeparator = styled('span')` display: inline-block; margin-left: ${space(0.5)}; margin-right: ${space(0.5)}; height: 16px; width: 1px; background-color: ${p => p.theme.border}; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0; transform: translateY(-50%); `; const TabLayoutControlItem = styled('li')` display: inline-block; margin: 0; position: relative; z-index: 10; background-color: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary}; `; const Tab = styled('li')` height: 100%; border-top: 2px solid transparent; display: flex; align-items: center; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; padding: 0 ${space(0.25)}; position: relative; &.Static + li:not(.Static) { margin-left: 10px; &:after { display: block; content: ''; position: absolute; left: -10px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); height: 16px; width: 1px; background-color: ${p => p.theme.border}; } } &:hover { border-bottom: 2px solid ${p => p.theme.blue200}; button:last-child { transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 500ms; transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; } } &[aria-selected='true'] { border-bottom: 2px solid ${p => p.theme.blue400}; } `; const TabButtonIndicator = styled('div')<{backgroundColor: string}>` width: 12px; height: 12px; min-width: 12px; border-radius: 2px; margin-right: ${space(0.25)}; background-color: ${p => p.backgroundColor}; `; const TabButton = styled('button')` height: 100%; border: none; max-width: 28ch; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0 ${space(0.25)}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; color: ${p => p.theme.textColor}; background: transparent; `; const Content = styled('div')<{layout: 'drawer bottom' | 'drawer left' | 'drawer right'}>` position: relative; overflow: auto; padding: ${space(1)}; flex: 1; td { max-width: 100% !important; } `; const TabIconButton = styled(Button)<{active: boolean}>` border: none; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; transition: none !important; opacity: ${p => ( ? 0.7 : 0.5)}; &:not(:last-child) { margin-right: ${space(1)}; } &:hover { border: none; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; opacity: ${p => ( ? 0.6 : 0.5)}; } `; function TabPinButton(props: { pinned: boolean; onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; }) { return ( ); } const PinButton = styled(Button)` padding: ${space(0.5)}; margin: 0; background-color: transparent; border: none; &:hover { background-color: transparent; } `; const StyledIconPin = styled(IconPin)` background-color: transparent; border: none; `; const ContentWrapper = styled('div')` inset: ${space(1)}; position: absolute; `;