import {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; import {Observer} from 'mobx-react'; import Access from 'sentry/components/acl/access'; import Field from 'sentry/components/forms/field'; import Form from 'sentry/components/forms/form'; import NumberField from 'sentry/components/forms/numberField'; import SelectField from 'sentry/components/forms/selectField'; import TextCopyInput from 'sentry/components/forms/textCopyInput'; import TextField from 'sentry/components/forms/textField'; import {Panel, PanelBody, PanelHeader} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {PageFilters, Project, SelectValue} from 'sentry/types'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import MonitorModel from './monitorModel'; import {Monitor, MonitorConfig, MonitorTypes, ScheduleType} from './types'; const SCHEDULE_TYPES: SelectValue<ScheduleType>[] = [ {value: 'crontab', label: 'Crontab'}, {value: 'interval', label: 'Interval'}, ]; const MONITOR_TYPES: SelectValue<MonitorTypes>[] = [ {value: 'cron_job', label: 'Cron Job'}, ]; const INTERVALS: SelectValue<string>[] = [ {value: 'minute', label: 'minute(s)'}, {value: 'hour', label: 'hour(s)'}, {value: 'day', label: 'day(s)'}, {value: 'week', label: 'week(s)'}, {value: 'month', label: 'month(s)'}, {value: 'year', label: 'year(s)'}, ]; type Props = { apiEndpoint: string; apiMethod: Form['props']['apiMethod']; onSubmitSuccess: Form['props']['onSubmitSuccess']; projects: Project[]; selection: PageFilters; monitor?: Monitor; }; class MonitorForm extends Component<Props> { form = new MonitorModel(); formDataFromConfig(type: MonitorTypes, config: MonitorConfig) { const rv = {}; switch (type) { case 'cron_job': rv['config.schedule_type'] = config.schedule_type; rv['config.checkin_margin'] = config.checkin_margin; rv['config.max_runtime'] = config.max_runtime; switch (config.schedule_type) { case 'interval': rv['config.schedule.frequency'] = config.schedule[0]; rv['config.schedule.interval'] = config.schedule[1]; break; case 'crontab': default: rv['config.schedule'] = config.schedule; } break; default: } return rv; } render() { const {monitor} = this.props; const selectedProjectId = this.props.selection.projects[0]; const selectedProject = selectedProjectId ? this.props.projects.find(p => === selectedProjectId + '') : null; return ( <Access access={['project:write']}> {({hasAccess}) => ( <Form allowUndo requireChanges apiEndpoint={this.props.apiEndpoint} apiMethod={this.props.apiMethod} model={this.form} initialData={ monitor ? { name:, type: monitor.type, project: monitor.project.slug, ...this.formDataFromConfig(monitor.type, monitor.config), } : { project: selectedProject ? selectedProject.slug : null, } } onSubmitSuccess={this.props.onSubmitSuccess} > <Panel> <PanelHeader>{t('Details')}</PanelHeader> <PanelBody> {monitor && ( <Field label={t('ID')}> <div className="controls"> <TextCopyInput>{}</TextCopyInput> </div> </Field> )} <SelectField name="project" label={t('Project')} disabled={!hasAccess} options={this.props.projects .filter(p => p.isMember) .map(p => ({value: p.slug, label: p.slug}))} required /> <TextField name="name" placeholder={t('My Cron Job')} label={t('Name')} disabled={!hasAccess} required /> </PanelBody> </Panel> <Panel> <PanelHeader>{t('Config')}</PanelHeader> <PanelBody> <SelectField name="type" label={t('Type')} disabled={!hasAccess} options={MONITOR_TYPES} required /> <Observer> {() => { switch (this.form.getValue('type')) { case 'cron_job': return ( <Fragment> <NumberField name="config.max_runtime" label={t('Max Runtime')} disabled={!hasAccess} help={t( "The maximum runtime (in minutes) a check-in is allowed before it's marked as a failure." )} placeholder="e.g. 30" /> <SelectField name="config.schedule_type" label={t('Schedule Type')} disabled={!hasAccess} options={SCHEDULE_TYPES} required /> </Fragment> ); default: return null; } }} </Observer> <Observer> {() => { switch (this.form.getValue('config.schedule_type')) { case 'crontab': return ( <Fragment> <TextField name="config.schedule" label={t('Schedule')} disabled={!hasAccess} placeholder="*/5 * * * *" required help={tct( 'Changes to the schedule will apply on the next check-in. See [link:Wikipedia] for crontab syntax.', { link: <a href="" />, } )} /> <NumberField name="config.checkin_margin" label={t('Check-in Margin')} disabled={!hasAccess} help={t( "The margin (in minutes) a check-in is allowed to exceed it's scheduled window before being treated as missed." )} placeholder="e.g. 30" /> </Fragment> ); case 'interval': return ( <Fragment> <NumberField name="config.schedule.frequency" label={t('Frequency')} disabled={!hasAccess} placeholder="e.g. 1" required /> <SelectField name="config.schedule.interval" label={t('Interval')} disabled={!hasAccess} options={INTERVALS} required /> <NumberField name="config.checkin_margin" label={t('Check-in Margin')} disabled={!hasAccess} help={t( "The margin (in minutes) a check-in is allowed to exceed it's scheduled window before being treated as missed." )} placeholder="e.g. 30" /> </Fragment> ); default: return null; } }} </Observer> </PanelBody> </Panel> </Form> )} </Access> ); } } export default withPageFilters(withProjects(MonitorForm));