import type {Location} from 'history'; import {DashboardFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/dashboard'; import {LocationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/locationFixture'; import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {RouterFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/routerFixture'; import type {InjectedRouter} from 'sentry/types/legacyReactRouter'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {DashboardDetails, Widget} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import {DisplayType, WidgetType} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import WidgetLegendSelectionState from './widgetLegendSelectionState'; const WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER = ':'; describe('WidgetLegend functions util', () => { let legendFunctions: WidgetLegendSelectionState; describe('legendChanges', function () { let widget: Widget; let location: Location; let organization: Organization; let dashboard: DashboardDetails; let router: InjectedRouter; beforeEach(() => { widget = { id: '12345', title: 'Test Query', displayType: DisplayType.AREA, widgetType: WidgetType.ERRORS, interval: '5m', queries: [ { name: '', conditions: '', fields: ['count()', 'Releases'], aggregates: ['count()', 'Releases'], columns: [], orderby: '', }, ], }; location = { ...LocationFixture(), query: { unselectedSeries: [`12345${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}Releases`], }, }; organization = { ...OrganizationFixture(), features: ['dashboards-releases-on-charts'], }; dashboard = { ...DashboardFixture([widget, {...widget, id: '23456'}]), }; router = { ...RouterFixture({location}), }; legendFunctions = new WidgetLegendSelectionState({ dashboard, location, organization, router, }); }); it('set initial unselected legend options', () => { expect(legendFunctions.getWidgetSelectionState(widget)).toEqual({ 'Releases:12345': false, }); }); it('updates legend query param when legend option toggled', () => { legendFunctions.setWidgetSelectionState({'Releases:12345': true}, widget); expect(router.replace).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: {unselectedSeries: [`12345${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}`]}, }); }); it('updates legend query param when legend option toggled but not in query params', () => { location = {...location, query: {...location.query, unselectedSeries: []}}; legendFunctions.setWidgetSelectionState( {'Releases:12345': false, 'count():12345': true}, widget ); expect(router.replace).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: {unselectedSeries: [`12345${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}Releases`]}, }); }); it('gives updated query param when widget change submitted', () => { expect(legendFunctions.setMultipleWidgetSelectionStateURL(dashboard)).toEqual([ `12345${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}Releases`, `23456${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}Releases`, ]); }); }); describe('legend naming', function () { let widget: Widget; beforeEach(() => { widget = { id: '12345', title: 'Test Query', displayType: DisplayType.AREA, widgetType: WidgetType.ERRORS, interval: '5m', queries: [ { name: '', conditions: '', fields: ['count()', 'Releases'], aggregates: ['count()', 'Releases'], columns: [], orderby: '', }, ], }; }); it('formats to query param format from selected', () => { expect( legendFunctions.encodeLegendQueryParam(widget, {[`Releases:${}`]: false}) ).toEqual(`${}${WIDGET_ID_DELIMITER}Releases`); }); it('formats to selected format from query param', () => { expect(legendFunctions.decodeLegendQueryParam(widget)).toEqual({ [`Releases:${}`]: false, }); }); }); });