import React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import Tag from 'app/components/tag'; import {IconCheckmark, IconClose} from 'app/icons'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import space from 'app/styles/space'; const FEATURE_TOOLTIPS = { symtab: t( 'Symbol tables are used as a fallback when full debug information is not available' ), debug: t( 'Debug information provides function names and resolves inlined frames during symbolication' ), unwind: t( 'Stack unwinding information improves the quality of stack traces extracted from minidumps' ), sources: t( 'Source code information allows Sentry to display source code context for stack frames' ), }; type Props = { feature: 'symtab' | 'debug' | 'unwind' | 'sources'; available?: boolean; }; const DebugFileFeature = ({available = true, feature}: Props) => { const tooltipText = FEATURE_TOOLTIPS[feature]; if (available === true) { return ( }> {feature} ); } return ( }> {feature} ); }; export default DebugFileFeature; const StyledTag = styled(Tag)` margin-left: ${space(1)}; `;