import {useEffect} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import uniq from 'lodash/uniq'; import uniqWith from 'lodash/uniqWith'; import {Alert} from 'sentry/components/alert'; import {ErrorItem, EventErrorData} from 'sentry/components/events/errorItem'; import findBestThread from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/threads/threadSelector/findBestThread'; import getThreadException from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/threads/threadSelector/getThreadException'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import List from 'sentry/components/list'; import { CocoaProcessingErrors, JavascriptProcessingErrors, } from 'sentry/constants/eventErrors'; import {tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {DebugFile} from 'sentry/types/debugFiles'; import {Image} from 'sentry/types/debugImage'; import {EntryType, Event, ExceptionValue, Thread} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {semverCompare} from 'sentry/utils/versions'; import {projectProcessingIssuesMessages} from 'sentry/views/settings/project/projectProcessingIssues'; import {DataSection} from './styles'; const ERRORS_TO_HIDE = [JavascriptProcessingErrors.JS_MISSING_SOURCE]; const MAX_ERRORS = 100; const MINIFIED_DATA_JAVA_EVENT_REGEX_MATCH = /^(([\w\$]\.[\w\$]{1,2})|([\w\$]{2}\.[\w\$]\.[\w\$]))(\.|$)/g; type EventErrorsProps = { event: Event; isShare: boolean; project: Project; }; function isDataMinified(str: string | null) { if (!str) { return false; } return !![...str.matchAll(MINIFIED_DATA_JAVA_EVENT_REGEX_MATCH)].length; } function shouldErrorBeShown(error: EventErrorData, event: Event) { if (ERRORS_TO_HIDE.includes(error.type as JavascriptProcessingErrors)) { return false; } if ( error.type === CocoaProcessingErrors.COCOA_INVALID_DATA && event.sdk?.name === 'sentry.cocoa' && === 'contexts.trace.sampled' && semverCompare(event.sdk?.version || '', '8.7.4') === -1 ) { // The Cocoa SDK sends wrong values for contexts.trace.sampled before 8.7.4 return false; } return true; } const hasThreadOrExceptionMinifiedFrameData = ( definedEvent: Event, bestThread?: Thread ) => { if (!bestThread) { const exceptionValues: Array = definedEvent.entries?.find(e => e.type === EntryType.EXCEPTION)?.data?.values ?? []; return !!exceptionValues.find(exceptionValue => exceptionValue.stacktrace?.frames?.find(frame => isDataMinified(frame.module)) ); } const threadExceptionValues = getThreadException(definedEvent, bestThread)?.values; return !!(threadExceptionValues ? threadExceptionValues.find(threadExceptionValue => threadExceptionValue.stacktrace?.frames?.find(frame => isDataMinified(frame.module) ) ) : bestThread?.stacktrace?.frames?.find(frame => isDataMinified(frame.module))); }; const useFetchProguardMappingFiles = ({ event, isShare, project, }: { event: Event; isShare: boolean; project: Project; }): {proguardErrors: EventErrorData[]; proguardErrorsLoading: boolean} => { const organization = useOrganization(); const hasEventErrorsProGuardMissingMapping = event.errors?.find( error => error.type === 'proguard_missing_mapping' ); const debugImages = event.entries?.find(e => e.type === EntryType.DEBUGMETA)?.data .images as undefined | Array; // When debugImages contains a 'proguard' entry, it must always be only one entry const proGuardImage = debugImages?.find(debugImage => debugImage?.type === 'proguard'); const proGuardImageUuid = proGuardImage?.uuid; const shouldFetch = defined(proGuardImageUuid) && event.platform === 'java' && !hasEventErrorsProGuardMissingMapping && !isShare; const { data: proguardMappingFiles, isSuccess, isLoading, } = useApiQuery( [ `/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/files/dsyms/`, { query: { query: proGuardImageUuid, file_formats: 'proguard', }, }, ], { staleTime: Infinity, enabled: shouldFetch, } ); const getProguardErrorsFromMappingFiles = () => { if (isShare) { return []; } if (shouldFetch) { if (!isSuccess || proguardMappingFiles.length > 0) { return []; } return [ { type: 'proguard_missing_mapping', message: projectProcessingIssuesMessages.proguard_missing_mapping, data: {mapping_uuid: proGuardImageUuid}, }, ]; } const threads: Array = event.entries?.find(e => e.type === EntryType.THREADS)?.data?.values ?? []; const bestThread = findBestThread(threads); const hasThreadOrExceptionMinifiedData = hasThreadOrExceptionMinifiedFrameData( event, bestThread ); if (hasThreadOrExceptionMinifiedData) { return [ { type: 'proguard_potentially_misconfigured_plugin', message: tct( 'Some frames appear to be minified. Did you configure the [plugin]?', { plugin: ( { trackAnalytics('issue_error_banner.proguard_misconfigured.clicked', { organization, group: event?.groupID, }); }} > Sentry Gradle Plugin ), } ), }, ]; } return []; }; return { proguardErrorsLoading: shouldFetch && isLoading, proguardErrors: getProguardErrorsFromMappingFiles(), }; }; const useRecordAnalyticsEvent = ({event, project}: {event: Event; project: Project}) => { const organization = useOrganization(); useEffect(() => { if (!event || !event.errors || !(event.errors.length > 0)) { return; } const errors = event.errors; const errorTypes = => errorEntries.type); const errorMessages = => errorEntries.message); const platform = project.platform; // uniquify the array types trackAnalytics('issue_error_banner.viewed', { organization, group: event?.groupID, error_type: uniq(errorTypes), error_message: uniq(errorMessages), ...(platform && {platform}), }); }, [event, organization, project.platform]); }; export function EventErrors({event, project, isShare}: EventErrorsProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); useRecordAnalyticsEvent({event, project}); const {proguardErrorsLoading, proguardErrors} = useFetchProguardMappingFiles({ event, project, isShare, }); useEffect(() => { if (proguardErrors?.length) { if (proguardErrors[0]?.type === 'proguard_potentially_misconfigured_plugin') { trackAnalytics('issue_error_banner.proguard_misconfigured.displayed', { organization, group: event?.groupID, platform: project.platform, }); } else if (proguardErrors[0]?.type === 'proguard_missing_mapping') { trackAnalytics('issue_error_banner.proguard_missing_mapping.displayed', { organization, group: event?.groupID, platform: project.platform, }); } } // Just for analytics, only track this once per visit // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const {errors: eventErrors = [], _meta} = event; // XXX: uniqWith returns unique errors and is not performant with large datasets const otherErrors: Array = eventErrors.length > MAX_ERRORS ? eventErrors : uniqWith(eventErrors, isEqual); const errors = [...otherErrors, ...proguardErrors].filter(e => shouldErrorBeShown(e, event) ); if (proguardErrorsLoading) { // XXX: This is necessary for acceptance tests to wait until removal since there is // no visual loading state. return ; } if (errors.length === 0) { return null; } return ( {, errorIdx) => { const data = ?? {}; const meta = _meta?.errors?.[errorIdx]; return ; })} } > {tn( 'There was %s problem processing this event', 'There were %s problems processing this event', errors.length )} ); } const HiddenDiv = styled('div')` display: none; `; const StyledDataSection = styled(DataSection)` border-top: none; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) { padding-top: 0; } `; const StyledAlert = styled(Alert)` margin: ${space(0.5)} 0; `; const ErrorList = styled(List)` li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } `;