import {Fragment} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {PlatformIcon} from 'platformicons'; import type {PLATFORM_TO_ICON} from 'platformicons/build/platformIcon'; import appStartPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-app-starts-module-charts.svg'; import assetsPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-assets-module-charts.svg'; import cachesPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-caches-module-charts.svg'; import llmPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-llm-module-charts.svg'; import queriesPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-queries-module-charts.svg'; import queuesPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-queues-module-charts.svg'; import requestPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-requests-module-charts.svg'; import screenLoadsPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-screen-loads-module-charts.svg'; import webVitalsPreviewImg from 'sentry-images/insights/module-upsells/insights-web-vitals-module-charts.svg'; import emptyStateImg from 'sentry-images/spot/performance-waiting-for-span.svg'; import {LinkButton} from 'sentry/components/button'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import * as ModuleLayout from 'sentry/views/insights/common/components/moduleLayout'; import type {TitleableModuleNames} from 'sentry/views/insights/common/components/modulePageProviders'; import {useHasFirstSpan} from 'sentry/views/insights/common/queries/useHasFirstSpan'; import {useOnboardingProject} from 'sentry/views/insights/common/queries/useOnboardingProject'; import { MODULE_DATA_TYPES, MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL, MODULE_PRODUCT_DOC_LINKS, } from 'sentry/views/insights/settings'; import {ModuleName} from 'sentry/views/insights/types'; type PlatformIcons = keyof typeof PLATFORM_TO_ICON; export function ModulesOnboarding({ children, moduleName, onboardingContent, }: { children: React.ReactNode; moduleName: ModuleName; onboardingContent?: React.ReactNode; }) { const organization = useOrganization(); const onboardingProject = useOnboardingProject(); const hasData = useHasFirstSpan(moduleName); const hasEmptyStateFeature = organization.features.includes( 'insights-empty-state-page' ); if (hasEmptyStateFeature && (onboardingProject || !hasData)) { return ( ); } if (onboardingContent && (onboardingProject || !hasData)) { return ( {onboardingContent} ); } if (!onboardingProject && hasData) { return children; } if (!onboardingContent) { return children; } // TODO: Add an error state? return ( ); } function OldModulesOnboardingPanel({children}: {children: React.ReactNode}) { return ( {children} ); } function ModulesOnboardingPanel({moduleName}: {moduleName: ModuleName}) { const emptyStateContent = EMPTY_STATE_CONTENT[moduleName]; return (

{emptyStateContent.description}{' '} {t('Read Docs')}

    { => (
  • {point}
  • ))}
{t('Read the docs')}
); } type ModulePreviewProps = {moduleName: ModuleName}; function ModulePreview({moduleName}: ModulePreviewProps) { const emptyStateContent = EMPTY_STATE_CONTENT[moduleName]; return ( {emptyStateContent.supportedSdks && (
{t('Supporting Today: ')}
{ => ( ))}
); } const PerfImage = styled('img')` width: 400px; user-select: none; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; padding-right: ${space(2)}; padding-top: ${space(4)}; `; const Container = styled('div')` position: relative; overflow: hidden; min-height: 160px; padding: ${space(4)}; `; const ContentContainer = styled('div')` position: relative; width: 60%; z-index: 1; `; const Header = styled('h3')` margin-bottom: ${space(1)}; `; const SplitContainer = styled(Panel)` display: flex; justify-content: center; `; const ModulePreviewImage = styled('img')` max-width: 100%; display: block; margin: auto; margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; object-fit: contain; `; const ModulePreviewContainer = styled('div')` flex: 2; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: ${space(3)}; background-color: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary}; `; const SupportedSdkContainer = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(1)}; align-items: center; color: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; `; const SupportedSdkList = styled('div')` display: flex; gap: ${space(0.5)}; `; const SupportedSdkIconContainer = styled('div')` display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: ${p => p.theme.gray100}; width: 42px; height: 42px; border-radius: 3px; `; const ValueProp = styled('div')` flex: 1; padding: ${space(3)}; ul { margin-top: ${space(1)}; } `; type EmptyStateContent = { description: React.ReactNode; heading: React.ReactNode; imageSrc: any; valuePropDescription: React.ReactNode; valuePropPoints: React.ReactNode[]; supportedSdks?: PlatformIcons[]; }; const EMPTY_STATE_CONTENT: Record = { app_start: { heading: t('Don’t lose the race at the starting line'), description: tct( 'Monitor cold and warm [dataTypePlural] and track down the operations and releases contributing regression.', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.APP_START].toLocaleLowerCase(), } ), valuePropDescription: tct(`Mobile [dataType] insights give you visibility into:`, { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.APP_START], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Application start duration broken down by release.'), t('Performance by device class.'), t('Real user performance metrics.'), ], imageSrc: appStartPreviewImg, }, ai: { heading: t('Find out what your LLM model is actually saying'), description: tct( 'Get insights into critical [dataType] metrics, like token usage, to monitor and fix issues with AI pipelines.', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.AI], } ), valuePropDescription: tct( 'See what your [dataTypePlural] are doing in production by monitoring:', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.AI], } ), valuePropPoints: [ t('Token cost and usage per-provider and per-pipeline.'), tct('The inputs and outputs of [dataType] calls.', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.AI], }), tct('Performance and timing information about [dataTypePlural] in production.', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.AI], }), ], imageSrc: llmPreviewImg, }, // Mobile UI is not released yet 'mobile-ui': { heading: t('TODO'), description: t('TODO'), valuePropDescription: t('Mobile UI load insights include:'), valuePropPoints: [], imageSrc: screenLoadsPreviewImg, }, cache: { heading: t('Bringing you one less hard problem in computer science'), description: t( 'We’ll tell you if the parts of your application that interact with caches are hitting cache as often as intended, and whether caching is providing the performance improvements expected.' ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights include:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.CACHE], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Throughput of your cached endpoints.'), tct('Average [dataType] hit and miss duration.', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.CACHE].toLocaleLowerCase(), }), t('Hit / miss ratio of keys accessed by your application.'), ], imageSrc: cachesPreviewImg, supportedSdks: [ 'ruby', 'python', 'javascript', 'java', 'dotnet', 'php-laravel', 'php-symfony', 'python-django', ], }, db: { heading: tct( 'Fix the slow [dataTypePlural] you honestly intended to get back to later', {dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.DB].toLocaleLowerCase()} ), description: tct( 'Investigate the performance of database [dataTypePlural] and get the information necessary to improve them.', {dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.DB].toLocaleLowerCase()} ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights give you visibility into:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.DB], }), valuePropPoints: [ tct('Slow [dataTypePlural].', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.DB].toLocaleLowerCase(), }), tct('High volume [dataTypePlural].', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.DB].toLocaleLowerCase(), }), t('Outlier database spans.'), ], imageSrc: queriesPreviewImg, }, http: { heading: t( 'Are your API dependencies working as well as their landing page promised? ' ), description: t( 'See the outbound HTTP requests being made to internal and external APIs, allowing you to understand trends in status codes, latency, and throughput.' ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights give you visibility into:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.HTTP], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Anomalies in status codes by domain.'), t('Request throughput by domain.'), t('Average duration of requests.'), ], imageSrc: requestPreviewImg, }, resource: { heading: t('Is your favourite animated gif worth the time it takes to load?'), description: tct( 'Find large and slow-to-load [dataTypePlurl] used by your application and understand their impact on page performance.', {dataTypePlurl: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.RESOURCE].toLocaleLowerCase()} ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights give you visibility into:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.RESOURCE], }), valuePropPoints: [ tct('[dataType] performance broken down by category and domain.', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.RESOURCE], }), tct( 'Which routes are loading [dataTypePlural], and whether they’re blocking rendering.', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.RESOURCE].toLocaleLowerCase(), } ), tct('[dataType] size and whether it’s growing over time.', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.RESOURCE], }), ], imageSrc: assetsPreviewImg, }, vital: { heading: t('Finally answer, is this page slow for everyone or just me?'), description: t( 'Get industry standard metrics telling you the quality of user experience on a web page and see what needs improving.' ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights give you visibility into:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.VITAL], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Performance scores broken down by route.'), t('Performance metrics for operations that affect screen load performance.'), t('Drill down to real user sessions.'), ], imageSrc: webVitalsPreviewImg, }, queue: { heading: t('Ensure your background jobs aren’t being sent to /dev/null'), description: tct( 'Understand the health and performance impact that [dataTypePlural] have on your application and diagnose errors tied to jobs.', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.QUEUE].toLocaleLowerCase(), } ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights give you visibility into:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.QUEUE], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Metrics for how long jobs spend processing and waiting in queue.'), t('Job error rates and retry counts.'), t('Published vs., processed job volume.'), ], imageSrc: queuesPreviewImg, }, screen_load: { heading: t('Perhaps 255 items was too large of a pagination size'), description: tct( 'View the most active [dataTypePlural] in your mobile application and monitor your releases for screen load performance.', { dataTypePlural: MODULE_DATA_TYPES_PLURAL[ModuleName.SCREEN_LOAD].toLocaleLowerCase(), } ), valuePropDescription: tct('[dataType] insights include:', { dataType: MODULE_DATA_TYPES[ModuleName.RESOURCE], }), valuePropPoints: [ t('Compare metrics across releases, root causing performance degradations.'), t('See performance by device class.'), t('Drill down to real user sessions.'), ], imageSrc: screenLoadsPreviewImg, }, };