import os.path import zipfile from base64 import b64encode from io import BytesIO from unittest.mock import patch from uuid import uuid4 import pytest import responses from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes from sentry.models import ( ArtifactBundle, DebugIdArtifactBundle, File, ProjectArtifactBundle, Release, ReleaseArtifactBundle, ReleaseFile, SourceFileType, ) from sentry.models.releasefile import update_artifact_index from sentry.testutils import RelayStoreHelper from sentry.testutils.helpers import override_options from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now, iso_format from sentry.testutils.skips import requires_symbolicator from sentry.utils import json # IMPORTANT: # # This test suite requires Symbolicator in order to run correctly. # Set `symbolicator.enabled: true` in your `~/.sentry/config.yml` and run `sentry devservices up` # # If you are using a local instance of Symbolicator, you need to either change `system.url-prefix` to `system.internal-url-prefix` # inside `process_with_symbolicator` fixture inside `src/sentry/utils/pytest/`, # or add ` host.docker.internal` entry to your `/etc/hosts` BASE64_SOURCEMAP = "data:application/json;base64," + ( b64encode( b'{"version":3,"file":"generated.js","sources":["/test.js"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA","sourcesContent":[' b'"console.log(\\"hello, World!\\")"]}' ) .decode("utf-8") .replace("\n", "") ) INVALID_BASE64_SOURCEMAP = "data:application/json;base64,A" def get_fixture_path(name): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixtures", name) def load_fixture(name): with open(get_fixture_path(name), "rb") as fp: return @pytest.mark.django_db(transaction=True) class TestJavascriptIntegration(RelayStoreHelper): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def initialize(self, default_projectkey, default_project): self.project = default_project self.projectkey = default_projectkey self.organization = self.project.organization self.min_ago = iso_format(before_now(minutes=1)) # We disable scraping per-test when necessary. self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", True) @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_adds_contexts_without_device(self, process_with_symbolicator): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "request": { "url": "", "headers": [ [ "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " "Chrome/28.0.1500.72 Safari/537.36", ] ], }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) contexts = event.interfaces["contexts"].to_json() assert contexts.get("os") == {"name": "Windows", "version": "8", "type": "os"} assert contexts.get("device") is None @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_adds_contexts_with_device(self, process_with_symbolicator): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "request": { "url": "", "headers": [ [ "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.3; en-us; SCH-R530U Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/534.30 (" "KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30 USCC-R530U", ] ], }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) contexts = event.interfaces["contexts"].to_json() assert contexts.get("os") == {"name": "Android", "type": "os", "version": "4.3"} assert contexts.get("browser") == {"name": "Android", "type": "browser", "version": "4.3"} assert contexts.get("device") == { "family": "Samsung SCH-R530U", "type": "device", "model": "SCH-R530U", "name": "Galaxy S3", "brand": "Samsung", } @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_adds_contexts_with_ps4_device(self, process_with_symbolicator): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "request": { "url": "", "headers": [ [ "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (PlayStation 4 3.55) AppleWebKit/537.78 (KHTML, like Gecko)", ] ], }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) contexts = event.interfaces["contexts"].to_json() assert contexts.get("os") is None assert contexts.get("browser") is None assert contexts.get("device") == { "family": "PlayStation 4", "type": "device", "model": "PlayStation 4", "brand": "Sony", } @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.Fetcher.fetch_by_url") def test_source_expansion(self, mock_fetch_by_url): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "foo.js", "lineno": 4, "colno": 0, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "foo.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 0, }, ] }, } ] }, } mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.body = force_bytes("\n".join("hello world")) mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.encoding = None mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.headers = {} event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) mock_fetch_by_url.assert_called_once_with("") exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["h", "e", "l"] assert frame.context_line == "l" assert frame.post_context == ["o", " ", "w", "o", "r"] frame = frame_list[1] assert not frame.pre_context assert frame.context_line == "h" assert frame.post_context == ["e", "l", "l", "o", " "] # no source map means no raw_stacktrace assert exception.values[0].raw_stacktrace is None @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.Fetcher.fetch_by_url") @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.discover_sourcemap") def test_inlined_sources(self, mock_discover_sourcemap, mock_fetch_by_url): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "test.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, } ] }, } ] }, } mock_discover_sourcemap.return_value = BASE64_SOURCEMAP mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.url = "" mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.body = force_bytes("\n".join("")) mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.encoding = None event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) mock_fetch_by_url.assert_called_once_with("") exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert not frame.pre_context assert frame.context_line == 'console.log("hello, World!")' assert not frame.post_context assert["sourcemap"] == "" @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.Fetcher.fetch_by_url") @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.discover_sourcemap") def test_invalid_base64_sourcemap_returns_an_error( self, mock_discover_sourcemap, mock_fetch_by_url ): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "test.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, ] }, } ] }, } mock_discover_sourcemap.return_value = INVALID_BASE64_SOURCEMAP mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.url = "" mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.body = force_bytes("\n".join("")) mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.encoding = None event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) mock_fetch_by_url.assert_called_once_with("") assert len(["errors"]) == 1 assert["errors"][0] == { "url": "", "reason": "Invalid base64-encoded string: " "number of data characters (1) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4", "type": "js_invalid_source", } @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.SmCache.from_bytes") @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.Fetcher.fetch_by_url") @patch("sentry.lang.javascript.processor.discover_sourcemap") def test_sourcemap_cache_is_constructed_only_once_if_an_error_is_raised( self, mock_discover_sourcemap, mock_fetch_by_url, mock_from_bytes ): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "test.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "test.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "test.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, ] }, } ] }, } mock_discover_sourcemap.return_value = BASE64_SOURCEMAP mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.url = "" mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.body = force_bytes("\n".join("")) mock_fetch_by_url.return_value.encoding = None mock_from_bytes.side_effect = Exception() self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) mock_fetch_by_url.assert_called_once_with("") mock_from_bytes.assert_called_once() @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_error_message_translations(self, process_with_symbolicator): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "logentry": { "formatted": "ReferenceError: Impossible de d\xe9finir une propri\xe9t\xe9 \xab foo \xbb : objet non " "extensible" }, "exception": { "values": [ {"type": "Error", "value": "P\u0159\xedli\u0161 mnoho soubor\u016f"}, { "type": "Error", "value": "foo: wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieoczekiwany b\u0142\u0105d podczas pr\xf3by uzyskania " "informacji o metadanych", }, ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) message = event.interfaces["logentry"] assert ( message.formatted == "ReferenceError: Cannot define property 'foo': object is not extensible" ) exception = event.interfaces["exception"] assert exception.values[0].value == "Too many files" assert ( exception.values[1].value == "foo: an unexpected failure occurred while trying to obtain metadata information" ) @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_sourcemap_source_expansion(self, process_with_symbolicator): self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=self.project.organization_id, version="abc" ) release.add_project(self.project) for file in ["file.min.js", "file1.js", "file2.js", "file.sourcemap.js"]: with open(get_fixture_path(file), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name=file, type="release.file", headers={}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=self.project.organization_id, file=f1, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, # NOTE: Intentionally source is not retrieved from this HTML file { "function": 'function: "HTMLDocument."', "abs_path": "http//", "filename": "index.html", "lineno": 283, "colno": 17, "in_app": False, }, # NOTE: a mixed stack trace with a native frame: { "instruction_addr": "0xd10349", }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"type": "js_no_source", "url": "http//"} ] exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] expected = "\treturn a + b; // fôo" assert frame.context_line == expected if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] raw_frame_list = exception.values[0].raw_stacktrace.frames raw_frame = raw_frame_list[0] assert not raw_frame.pre_context assert ( raw_frame.context_line == 'function add(a,b){"use strict";return a+b}function multiply(a,b){"use strict";return a*b}function ' 'divide(a,b){"use strict";try{return multip {snip}' ) if process_with_symbolicator: assert raw_frame.post_context == ["//@ sourceMappingURL=file.sourcemap.js"] else: assert raw_frame.post_context == ["//@ sourceMappingURL=file.sourcemap.js", ""] assert raw_frame.lineno == 1 # Since we couldn't expand source for the 2nd frame, both # its raw and original form should be identical assert raw_frame_list[1] == frame_list[1] # The second non-js frame should be untouched assert raw_frame_list[2] == frame_list[2] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_sourcemap_webpack(self, process_with_symbolicator): self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=self.project.organization_id, version="abc" ) release.add_project(self.project) for file in [ "webpack1.min.js", "webpack2.min.js", "", "", ]: with open(get_fixture_path(file), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name=file, type="release.file", headers={}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=self.project.organization_id, file=f1, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "webpack1.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 183, "function": "i", }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "webpack2.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 183, "function": "i", }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames # The first frame should be in_app. first_frame = frame_list[0] assert first_frame.in_app assert first_frame.function == "test" assert first_frame.pre_context == [ " cb(data);", " }", "", " function test() {", " var data = {failed: true, value: 42};", ] assert first_frame.context_line == " invoke(data);" if process_with_symbolicator: assert first_frame.post_context == [ " }", "", " return test;", "})();", ] else: assert first_frame.post_context == [" }", "", " return test;", "})();", ""] # The second frame should be identical to the first, except not in_app. second_frame = frame_list[1] assert not second_frame.in_app assert second_frame.function == first_frame.function assert second_frame.context_line == first_frame.context_line assert second_frame.pre_context == first_frame.pre_context assert second_frame.post_context == first_frame.post_context @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_sourcemap_source_expansion_ab_test(self, process_with_symbolicator): self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=self.project.organization_id, version="abc" ) release.add_project(self.project) for file in ["file.min.js", "file1.js", "file2.js", "file.sourcemap.js"]: with open(get_fixture_path(file), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name=file, type="release.file", headers={}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=self.project.organization_id, file=f1, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, # NOTE: Intentionally source is not retrieved from this HTML file { "function": 'function: "HTMLDocument."', "abs_path": "http//", "filename": "index.html", "lineno": 283, "colno": 17, "in_app": False, }, ] }, } ] }, } with override_options({"symbolicator.sourcemaps-processing-ab-test": 1.0}): event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"type": "js_no_source", "url": "http//"} ] exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] expected = "\treturn a + b; // fôo" assert frame.context_line == expected assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] raw_frame_list = exception.values[0].raw_stacktrace.frames raw_frame = raw_frame_list[0] assert not raw_frame.pre_context assert ( raw_frame.context_line == 'function add(a,b){"use strict";return a+b}function multiply(a,b){"use strict";return a*b}function ' 'divide(a,b){"use strict";try{return multip {snip}' ) assert raw_frame.post_context == ["//@ sourceMappingURL=file.sourcemap.js", ""] assert raw_frame.lineno == 1 # Since we couldn't expand source for the 2nd frame, both # its raw and original form should be identical assert raw_frame_list[1] == frame_list[1] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_sourcemap_embedded_source_expansion(self, process_with_symbolicator): self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=self.project.organization_id, version="abc" ) release.add_project(self.project) for file in ["embedded.js", ""]: with open(get_fixture_path(file), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name=file, type="release.file", headers={}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=self.project.organization_id, file=f1, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, # NOTE: Intentionally source is not retrieved from this HTML file { "function": 'function: "HTMLDocument."', "abs_path": "http//", "filename": "index.html", "lineno": 283, "colno": 17, "in_app": False, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"type": "js_no_source", "url": "http//"} ] exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] expected = "\treturn a + b; // fôo" assert frame.context_line == expected if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_sourcemap_nofiles_source_expansion(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) with open(get_fixture_path("nofiles.js"), "rb") as f: f_minified = File.objects.create( name="nofiles.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) f_minified.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_minified, ) with open(get_fixture_path(""), "rb") as f: f_sourcemap = File.objects.create( name="", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f_sourcemap.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"app:///{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_sourcemap, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [{"abs_path": "app:///nofiles.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39}] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames assert len(frame_list) == 1 frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.abs_path == "app:///nofiles.js" assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_indexed_sourcemap_source_expansion(self, process_with_symbolicator): self.project.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=self.project.organization_id, version="abc" ) release.add_project(self.project) for file in ["indexed.min.js", "file1.js", "file2.js", "indexed.sourcemap.js"]: with open(get_fixture_path(file), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name=file, type="release.file", headers={}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=self.project.organization_id, file=f1, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "indexed.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "indexed.min.js", "lineno": 2, "colno": 44, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] expected = "\treturn a + b; // fôo" assert frame.context_line == expected if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] raw_frame_list = exception.values[0].raw_stacktrace.frames raw_frame = raw_frame_list[0] assert not raw_frame.pre_context assert raw_frame.context_line == 'function add(a,b){"use strict";return a+b}' if process_with_symbolicator: assert raw_frame.post_context == [ 'function multiply(a,b){"use strict";return a*b}function divide(a,b){"use strict";try{return multiply(' "add(a,b),a,b)/c}catch(e){Raven.captureE {snip}", "//# sourceMappingURL=indexed.sourcemap.js", ] else: assert raw_frame.post_context == [ 'function multiply(a,b){"use strict";return a*b}function divide(a,b){"use strict";try{return multiply(' "add(a,b),a,b)/c}catch(e){Raven.captureE {snip}", "//# sourceMappingURL=indexed.sourcemap.js", "", ] assert raw_frame.lineno == 1 frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] raw_frame = raw_frame_list[1] assert raw_frame.pre_context == ['function add(a,b){"use strict";return a+b}'] assert ( raw_frame.context_line == 'function multiply(a,b){"use strict";return a*b}function divide(a,b){"use strict";try{return multiply(' "add(a,b),a,b)/c}catch(e){Raven.captureE {snip}" ) if process_with_symbolicator: assert raw_frame.post_context == ["//# sourceMappingURL=indexed.sourcemap.js"] else: assert raw_frame.post_context == ["//# sourceMappingURL=indexed.sourcemap.js", ""] assert raw_frame.lineno == 2 @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_via_debug(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) # file.min.js # ------------ with open(get_fixture_path("file.min.js"), "rb") as f: f_minified = File.objects.create( name="file.min.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f_minified.putfile(f) # Intentionally omit hostname - use alternate artifact path lookup instead # /file1.js vs ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}?foo=bar",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_minified, ) # file1.js # --------- with open(get_fixture_path("file1.js"), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name="file1.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f1, ) # file2.js # ---------- with open(get_fixture_path("file2.js"), "rb") as f: f2 = File.objects.create( name="file2.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) f2.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f2, ) # To verify that the full url has priority over the relative url, # we will also add a second ReleaseFile alias for file2.js (f3) w/o # hostname that points to an empty file. If the processor chooses # this empty file over the correct file2.js, it will not locate # context for the 2nd frame. with open(get_fixture_path("empty.js"), "rb") as f: f2_empty = File.objects.create( name="empty.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) f2_empty.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}", # intentionally using ("file2.js"), organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f2_empty, ) # sourcemap # ---------- with open(get_fixture_path("file.sourcemap.js"), "rb") as f: f_sourcemap = File.objects.create( name="file.sourcemap.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f_sourcemap.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_sourcemap, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_via_distribution_release_artifacts(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) dist = release.add_dist("foo") # file.min.js # ------------ with open(get_fixture_path("file.min.js"), "rb") as f: f_minified = File.objects.create( name="file.min.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f_minified.putfile(f) # Intentionally omit hostname - use alternate artifact path lookup instead # /file1.js vs ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}?foo=bar",,, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_minified, ) # file1.js # --------- with open(get_fixture_path("file1.js"), "rb") as f: f1 = File.objects.create( name="file1.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f1.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",,, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f1, ) # file2.js # ---------- with open(get_fixture_path("file2.js"), "rb") as f: f2 = File.objects.create( name="file2.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f2.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",,, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f2, ) # To verify that the full url has priority over the relative url, # we will also add a second ReleaseFile alias for file2.js (f3) w/o # hostname that points to an empty file. If the processor chooses # this empty file over the correct file2.js, it will not locate # context for the 2nd frame. with open(get_fixture_path("empty.js"), "rb") as f: f2_empty = File.objects.create( name="empty.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f2_empty.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}", # intentionally using ("file2.js"),, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f2_empty, ) # sourcemap # ---------- with open(get_fixture_path("file.sourcemap.js"), "rb") as f: f_sourcemap = File.objects.create( name="file.sourcemap.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) f_sourcemap.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"{}",,, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_sourcemap, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "dist": "foo", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] @responses.activate def test_sourcemap_expansion_with_missing_source(self): """ Tests a successful sourcemap expansion that points to source files that are not found. """ responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture("file.min.js"), content_type="application/javascript; charset=utf-8", ) responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture("file.sourcemap.js"), content_type="application/json; charset=utf-8", ) responses.add(responses.GET, "", body="Not Found", status=404) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { # Add two frames. We only want to see the # error once though. "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"url": "", "type": "fetch_invalid_http_code", "value": 404} ] exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] # no context information ... assert not frame.pre_context assert not frame.context_line assert not frame.post_context # ... but line, column numbers are still correctly mapped assert frame.lineno == 3 assert frame.colno == 9 @responses.activate def test_failed_sourcemap_expansion(self): """ Tests attempting to parse an indexed source map where each section has a "url" property - this is unsupported and should fail. """ responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture("unsupported.min.js"), content_type="application/javascript; charset=utf-8", ) responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture("unsupported.sourcemap.js"), content_type="application/json; charset=utf-8", ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "indexed.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, } ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"url": "", "type": "js_invalid_source"} ] def test_failed_sourcemap_expansion_data_url(self): data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "data:application/javascript,base46,asfasf", "filename": "indexed.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, } ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [{"url": "", "type": "js_no_source"}] @responses.activate def test_failed_sourcemap_expansion_missing_location_entirely(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", body="//# sourceMappingURL=indexed.sourcemap.js", ) responses.add(responses.GET, "", body="{}") data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "indexed.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "indexed.min.js", }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in @responses.activate def test_html_response_for_js(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=" ", ) responses.add( responses.GET, "", body="", ) responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=( "" ), ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "invalid_file1.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "invalid_file2.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "valid_file.html", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert["errors"] == [ {"url": "", "type": "js_invalid_content"}, {"url": "", "type": "js_invalid_content"}, ] def _test_expansion_via_release_archive( self, link_sourcemaps: bool, process_with_symbolicator: bool ): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) manifest = { "org": self.organization.slug, "release": release.version, "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "", "type": "minified_source", }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "", "type": "source", }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "", "type": "source", }, "files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js": { "url": "", "type": "source_map", }, }, } compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: for rel_path, entry in manifest["files"].items(): name = os.path.basename(rel_path) content = load_fixture(name) if name == "file.min.js" and not link_sourcemaps: # Remove link to source map, add to header instead content = content.replace(b"//@ sourceMappingURL=file.sourcemap.js", b"") entry["headers"] = {"Sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js"} zip_file.writestr(rel_path, content) zip_file.writestr("manifest.json", json.dumps(manifest)) file = File.objects.create(name="doesnt_matter", type="release.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) update_artifact_index(release, None, file) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_via_release_archive(self, process_with_symbolicator): self._test_expansion_via_release_archive( link_sourcemaps=True, process_with_symbolicator=process_with_symbolicator ) @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_via_release_archive_no_sourcemap_link(self, process_with_symbolicator): self._test_expansion_via_release_archive( link_sourcemaps=False, process_with_symbolicator=process_with_symbolicator ) @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_node_processing(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create( organization_id=project.organization_id, version="nodeabc123" ) release.add_project(project) with open(get_fixture_path("dist.bundle.js"), "rb") as f: f_minified = File.objects.create( name="dist.bundle.js", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/javascript"}, ) f_minified.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_minified, ) with open(get_fixture_path(""), "rb") as f: f_sourcemap = File.objects.create( name="", type="release.file", headers={"Content-Type": "application/javascript"}, ) f_sourcemap.putfile(f) ReleaseFile.objects.create( name=f"~/{}",, organization_id=project.organization_id, file=f_sourcemap, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "node", "release": "nodeabc123", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "bar", "lineno": 9, "colno": 2321, }, { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "foo", "lineno": 3, "colno": 2308, }, { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "App", "lineno": 3, "colno": 1011, }, { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "Object.", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1014, }, { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "__webpack_require__", "lineno": 20, "colno": 30, }, { "filename": "app:///dist.bundle.js", "function": "", "lineno": 18, "colno": 63, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames assert len(frame_list) == 6 def assert_abs_path(abs_path): # This makes the test assertion forward compatible with percent-encoded URLs # See assert abs_path in ( "webpack:///webpack/bootstrap d9a5a31d9276b73873d3", "webpack:///webpack/bootstrap%20d9a5a31d9276b73873d3", ) assert_abs_path(frame_list[0].abs_path) assert frame_list[0].function == "bar" assert frame_list[0].lineno == 8 assert_abs_path(frame_list[1].abs_path) assert frame_list[1].function == "foo" assert frame_list[1].lineno == 2 assert_abs_path(frame_list[2].abs_path) assert frame_list[2].function == "App" assert frame_list[2].lineno == 2 assert_abs_path(frame_list[3].abs_path) assert frame_list[3].function == "Object." assert frame_list[3].lineno == 1 assert_abs_path(frame_list[4].abs_path) assert frame_list[4].function == "__webpack_require__" assert frame_list[4].lineno == 19 assert_abs_path(frame_list[5].abs_path) assert frame_list[5].function == "" assert frame_list[5].lineno == 16 @responses.activate def test_no_fetch_from_http(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture("node_app.min.js"), content_type="application/javascript; charset=utf-8", ) responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=load_fixture(""), content_type="application/javascript; charset=utf-8", ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "node", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "node_bootstrap.js", "filename": "node_bootstrap.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 38, }, { "abs_path": "timers.js", "filename": "timers.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "webpack:///internal", "filename": "internal", "lineno": 1, "colno": 43, }, { "abs_path": "webpack:///~/some_dep/file.js", "filename": "file.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 41, }, { "abs_path": "webpack:///./node_modules/file.js", "filename": "file.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 42, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "node_app.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 40, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames # This one should not process, so this one should be none. assert exception.values[0].raw_stacktrace is None # None of the in app should update for x in range(6): assert not frame_list[x].in_app @responses.activate def test_html_file_with_query_param_ending_with_js_extension(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", body=( "" ), ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.html", "lineno": 1, "colno": 1, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in def test_expansion_with_allow_scraping_false(self): project = self.project project.organization.update_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", False) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "1.0", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert len(["errors"]) == 1 assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_scraping_disabled", "url": "", } @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_debug_id(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) debug_id = "c941d872-af1f-4f0c-a7ff-ad3d295fe153" compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr( "files/_/_/file.wc.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.wc.sourcemap.js") ) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "org": self.organization.slug, "release": release.version, "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, "sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js", }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.wc.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.wc.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, }, }, }, } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) # We want to also store the release files for this bundle, to check if they work together. file_for_release = File.objects.create(name="", type="release.bundle") file_for_release.putfile(compressed) update_artifact_index(release, None, file_for_release) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.MINIFIED_SOURCE.value, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.SOURCE_MAP.value, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, # We want also to test the source without minification. { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file1.js", "lineno": 3, "colno": 12, }, ] }, } ] }, "debug_meta": { "images": [ { "type": "sourcemap", "debug_id": debug_id, "code_file": "", } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] frame = frame_list[2] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_debug_id_and_sourcemap_without_sources_content( self, process_with_symbolicator ): debug_id = "c941d872-af1f-4f0c-a7ff-ad3d295fe153" compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.sourcemap.js")) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, "sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js", }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, }, }, } } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.MINIFIED_SOURCE.value, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.SOURCE_MAP.value, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, "debug_meta": { "images": [ { "type": "sourcemap", "debug_id": debug_id, "code_file": "", } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) # NOTE: Symbolicator processor has a better fallback to pull specific files for source context if process_with_symbolicator: assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] else: assert len(["errors"]) == 3 assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_missing_sources_content", "source": "", "sourcemap": f"debug-id://{debug_id}/~/file.sourcemap.js", } @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_debug_id_and_malformed_sourcemap(self, process_with_symbolicator): debug_id = "c941d872-af1f-4f0c-a7ff-ad3d295fe153" compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr( "files/_/_/file.malformed.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.malformed.sourcemap.js") ) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, "sourcemap": "file.malformed.sourcemap.js", }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.malformed.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.malformed.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, }, }, } } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.MINIFIED_SOURCE.value, ) DebugIdArtifactBundle.objects.create(, debug_id=debug_id, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, source_file_type=SourceFileType.SOURCE_MAP.value, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, "debug_meta": { "images": [ { "type": "sourcemap", "debug_id": debug_id, "code_file": "", } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert len(["errors"]) == 1 # NOTE: Its not obvious what data we want here yet. if process_with_symbolicator: assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_invalid_source", "url": "", } else: assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_invalid_source", "debug_id": f"debug-id://{debug_id}/~/file.malformed.sourcemap.js", } @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_debug_id_not_found(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) manifest = { "org": self.organization.slug, "release": release.version, "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "", "type": "minified_source", }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "", "type": "source", }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "", "type": "source", }, "files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js": { "url": "", "type": "source_map", }, }, } compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: for rel_path, entry in manifest["files"].items(): name = os.path.basename(rel_path) content = load_fixture(name) if name == "file.min.js": # Remove link to source map, add to header instead content = content.replace(b"//@ sourceMappingURL=file.sourcemap.js", b"") entry["headers"] = {"Sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js"} zip_file.writestr(rel_path, content) zip_file.writestr("manifest.json", json.dumps(manifest)) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="release.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) update_artifact_index(release, None, file) debug_id = "c941d872-af1f-4f0c-a7ff-ad3d295fe153" data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": "abc", "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, # We want also to test the source without minification. { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file1.js", "lineno": 3, "colno": 12, }, ] }, } ] }, "debug_meta": { "images": [ { "type": "sourcemap", "debug_id": debug_id, "code_file": "", } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] frame = frame_list[2] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_release_dist_pair_x(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) dist = release.add_dist("android") # We want to also add debug_id information inside the manifest but not in the stack trace to replicate a # real edge case that we can incur in. debug_id = "c941d872-af1f-4f0c-a7ff-ad3d295fe153" compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr( "files/_/_/file.wc.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.wc.sourcemap.js") ) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "sourcemap": "file.wc.sourcemap.js", "debug-id": debug_id, }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.wc.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.wc.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "debug-id": debug_id, }, }, }, } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) ReleaseArtifactBundle.objects.create(, release_name=release.version,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": release.version, "dist":, "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, # We want also to test the source without minification. { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file1.js", "lineno": 3, "colno": 12, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] frame = frame_list[2] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_release_dist_pair_and_sourcemap_without_sources_content( self, process_with_symbolicator ): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) dist = release.add_dist("android") compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.sourcemap.js")) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js", }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, } } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) ReleaseArtifactBundle.objects.create(, release_name=release.version,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": release.version, "dist":, "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) # NOTE: Symbolicator processor has a better fallback to pull specific files for source context if process_with_symbolicator: assert "errors" not in exception = event.interfaces["exception"] frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames frame = frame_list[0] assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo" if process_with_symbolicator: assert frame.post_context == ["}"] else: assert frame.post_context == ["}", ""] frame = frame_list[1] assert frame.pre_context == ["function multiply(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";'] assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a * b;" assert frame.post_context == [ "}", "function divide(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";', "\ttry {", "\t\treturn multiply(add(a, b), a, b) / c;", ] else: assert len(["errors"]) == 3 assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_missing_sources_content", "source": "", "sourcemap": "", } @requires_symbolicator @pytest.mark.symbolicator def test_expansion_with_release_and_malformed_sourcemap(self, process_with_symbolicator): project = self.project release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc") release.add_project(project) compressed = BytesIO(b"SYSB") with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed, "a") as zip_file: zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file.min.js", load_fixture("file.min.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file1.js", load_fixture("file1.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/file2.js", load_fixture("file2.js")) zip_file.writestr("files/_/_/empty.js", load_fixture("empty.js")) zip_file.writestr( "files/_/_/file.malformed.sourcemap.js", load_fixture("file.malformed.sourcemap.js") ) zip_file.writestr( "manifest.json", json.dumps( { "files": { "files/_/_/file.min.js": { "url": "~/file.min.js", "type": "minified_source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "sourcemap": "file.malformed.sourcemap.js", }, }, "files/_/_/file1.js": { "url": "~/file1.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file2.js": { "url": "~/file2.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/empty.js": { "url": "~/empty.js", "type": "source", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, "files/_/_/file.malformed.sourcemap.js": { "url": "~/file.malformed.sourcemap.js", "type": "source_map", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", }, }, } } ), ) file = File.objects.create(name="", type="artifact.bundle") file.putfile(compressed) artifact_bundle = ArtifactBundle.objects.create(, bundle_id=uuid4(), file=file, artifact_count=5 ) ProjectArtifactBundle.objects.create(,, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) ReleaseArtifactBundle.objects.create(, release_name=release.version, artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle, ) data = { "timestamp": self.min_ago, "message": "hello", "platform": "javascript", "release": release.version, "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "Error", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 39, }, { "abs_path": "", "filename": "file.min.js", "lineno": 1, "colno": 79, }, ] }, } ] }, } event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data) assert len(["errors"]) == 1 assert["errors"][0] == { "type": "js_invalid_source", "url": "", }