import {Fragment} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import JSXNode from 'sentry/components/stories/jsxNode'; import SizingWindow from 'sentry/components/stories/sizingWindow'; import storyBook from 'sentry/stories/storyBook'; import {AutoSizedText} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/autoSizedText'; export default storyBook(AutoSizedText, story => { story('Getting Started', () => { return (

is a helper component that automatically sizes a piece of text (single line only!) against its parent. It iteratively measures the size of the parent element, and chooses a font size for the child element to fit it perfectly (within reason) inside the parent. For example:


This was built for the "Big Number" widget in our Dashboards product. It's not possible to perfectly size the text using only CSS and HTML!

To use , set it as the child of positioned element of known dimensions. Pass the content you want to size as the{' '} children prop. will set the font size of its children to fit into the parent.

); }); }); const SmallSizingWindow = styled(SizingWindow)` width: 300px; height: 200px; `; const OneLineSpan = styled('span')` white-space: nowrap; `;