import {ProductSolution} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/productSelection'; type ProductSelectionMap = Record; /** * Transforms the product selection array into a map of booleans for each product for easier access. */ export const getProductSelectionMap = ( activeProductSelection: ProductSolution[] ): ProductSelectionMap => { const productSelectionMap: ProductSelectionMap = { [ProductSolution.ERROR_MONITORING]: false, [ProductSolution.PROFILING]: false, [ProductSolution.PERFORMANCE_MONITORING]: false, [ProductSolution.SESSION_REPLAY]: false, }; activeProductSelection.forEach(product => { productSelectionMap[product] = true; }); return productSelectionMap; }; /** * Joins the given lines with the given indentation using \n as delimiter. */ export function joinWithIndentation(lines: string[], indent = 2) { const indentation = ' '.repeat(indent); return => `${indentation}${line}`).join('\n'); } export function getInstallSnippet({ productSelection, additionalPackages = [], basePackage = '@sentry/node', }: { productSelection: ProductSelectionMap; additionalPackages?: string[]; basePackage?: string; }) { let packages = [basePackage]; if (productSelection.profiling) { packages.push('@sentry/profiling-node'); } packages = packages.concat(additionalPackages); return `# Using yarn yarn add ${packages.join(' ')} # Using npm npm install --save ${packages.join(' ')}`; } export function getDefaultNodeImports({ productSelection, }: { productSelection: ProductSelectionMap; }) { const imports: string[] = [ `// You can also use CommonJS \`require('@sentry/node')\` instead of \`import\``, `import * as Sentry from "@sentry/node";`, ]; if (productSelection.profiling) { imports.push(`import { ProfilingIntegration } from "@sentry/profiling-node";`); } return imports; } export function getDefaulServerlessImports({ productSelection, }: { productSelection: ProductSelectionMap; }) { const imports: string[] = [ `// You can also use ESM \`import * as Sentry from "@sentry/serverless"\` instead of \`require\``, `const Sentry = require("@sentry/serverless");`, ]; if (productSelection.profiling) { imports.push(`const { ProfilingIntegration } = require("@sentry/profiling");`); } return imports; } export function getProductIntegrations({ productSelection, }: { productSelection: ProductSelectionMap; }) { const integrations: string[] = []; if (productSelection.profiling) { integrations.push(`new ProfilingIntegration(),`); } return integrations; } export function getDefaultInitParams({dsn}: {dsn: string}) { return [`dsn: '${dsn}',`]; } export function getProductInitParams({ productSelection, }: { productSelection: ProductSelectionMap; }) { const params: string[] = []; if (productSelection['performance-monitoring']) { params.push(`// Performance Monitoring`); params.push( `tracesSampleRate: 1.0, // Capture 100% of the transactions, reduce in production!` ); } if (productSelection.profiling) { params.push( `// Set sampling rate for profiling - this is relative to tracesSampleRate` ); params.push( `profilesSampleRate: 1.0, // Capture 100% of the transactions, reduce in production!` ); } return params; }