import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {Organization, TagCollection} from 'sentry/types'; import { FieldKey, makeTagCollection, MobileVital, SpanOpBreakdown, WebVital, } from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import { Dataset, EventTypes, SessionsAggregate, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types'; export type AlertType = | 'issues' | 'num_errors' | 'users_experiencing_errors' | 'throughput' | 'trans_duration' | 'apdex' | 'failure_rate' | 'lcp' | 'fid' | 'cls' | 'custom' | 'crash_free_sessions' | 'crash_free_users'; export enum MEPAlertsQueryType { ERROR = 0, PERFORMANCE = 1, CRASH_RATE = 2, } export enum MEPAlertsDataset { DISCOVER = 'discover', METRICS = 'metrics', METRICS_ENHANCED = 'metricsEnhanced', } export type MetricAlertType = Exclude; export const DatasetMEPAlertQueryTypes: Record = { [Dataset.ERRORS]: MEPAlertsQueryType.ERROR, [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: MEPAlertsQueryType.PERFORMANCE, [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS]: MEPAlertsQueryType.PERFORMANCE, [Dataset.METRICS]: MEPAlertsQueryType.CRASH_RATE, [Dataset.SESSIONS]: MEPAlertsQueryType.CRASH_RATE, }; export const AlertWizardAlertNames: Record = { issues: t('Issues'), num_errors: t('Number of Errors'), users_experiencing_errors: t('Users Experiencing Errors'), throughput: t('Throughput'), trans_duration: t('Transaction Duration'), apdex: t('Apdex'), failure_rate: t('Failure Rate'), lcp: t('Largest Contentful Paint'), fid: t('First Input Delay'), cls: t('Cumulative Layout Shift'), custom: t('Custom Metric'), crash_free_sessions: t('Crash Free Session Rate'), crash_free_users: t('Crash Free User Rate'), }; type AlertWizardCategory = { categoryHeading: string; options: AlertType[]; }; export const getAlertWizardCategories = (org: Organization): AlertWizardCategory[] => [ { categoryHeading: t('Errors'), options: ['issues', 'num_errors', 'users_experiencing_errors'], }, ...(org.features.includes('crash-rate-alerts') ? [ { categoryHeading: t('Sessions'), options: ['crash_free_sessions', 'crash_free_users'] as AlertType[], }, ] : []), { categoryHeading: t('Performance'), options: [ 'throughput', 'trans_duration', 'apdex', 'failure_rate', 'lcp', 'fid', 'cls', ], }, { categoryHeading: t('Other'), options: ['custom'], }, ]; export type WizardRuleTemplate = { aggregate: string; dataset: Dataset; eventTypes: EventTypes; }; export const AlertWizardRuleTemplates: Record< MetricAlertType, Readonly > = { num_errors: { aggregate: 'count()', dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: EventTypes.ERROR, }, users_experiencing_errors: { aggregate: 'count_unique(user)', dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: EventTypes.ERROR, }, throughput: { aggregate: 'count()', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, trans_duration: { aggregate: 'p95(transaction.duration)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, apdex: { aggregate: 'apdex(300)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, failure_rate: { aggregate: 'failure_rate()', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, lcp: { aggregate: 'p95(measurements.lcp)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, fid: { aggregate: 'p95(measurements.fid)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, cls: { aggregate: 'p95(measurements.cls)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, custom: { aggregate: 'p95(measurements.fp)', dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.TRANSACTION, }, crash_free_sessions: { aggregate: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS, // TODO(scttcper): Use Dataset.Metric on GA of alert-crash-free-metrics dataset: Dataset.SESSIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.SESSION, }, crash_free_users: { aggregate: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_USERS, // TODO(scttcper): Use Dataset.Metric on GA of alert-crash-free-metrics dataset: Dataset.SESSIONS, eventTypes: EventTypes.USER, }, }; export const DEFAULT_WIZARD_TEMPLATE = AlertWizardRuleTemplates.num_errors; export const hidePrimarySelectorSet = new Set([ 'num_errors', 'users_experiencing_errors', 'throughput', 'apdex', 'failure_rate', 'crash_free_sessions', 'crash_free_users', ]); export const hideParameterSelectorSet = new Set([ 'trans_duration', 'lcp', 'fid', 'cls', ]); const TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED_TAGS = [ FieldKey.RELEASE, FieldKey.TRANSACTION, FieldKey.TRANSACTION_OP, FieldKey.TRANSACTION_STATUS, FieldKey.HTTP_METHOD, ]; const SESSION_SUPPORTED_TAGS = [FieldKey.RELEASE]; // Some data sets support a very limited number of tags. For these cases, // define all supported tags explicitly export const DATASET_SUPPORTED_TAGS: Record = mapValues( { [Dataset.ERRORS]: undefined, [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED_TAGS, [Dataset.METRICS]: SESSION_SUPPORTED_TAGS, [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS]: TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED_TAGS, [Dataset.SESSIONS]: SESSION_SUPPORTED_TAGS, }, value => { return value ? makeTagCollection(value) : undefined; } ); // Some data sets support all tags except some. For these cases, define the // omissions only export const DATASET_OMITTED_TAGS: Record< Dataset, Array | undefined > = { [Dataset.ERRORS]: [ FieldKey.EVENT_TYPE, FieldKey.RELEASE_VERSION, FieldKey.RELEASE_STAGE, FieldKey.RELEASE_BUILD, FieldKey.PROJECT, ...Object.values(WebVital), ...Object.values(MobileVital), ...Object.values(SpanOpBreakdown), FieldKey.TRANSACTION, FieldKey.TRANSACTION_DURATION, FieldKey.TRANSACTION_OP, FieldKey.TRANSACTION_STATUS, ], [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: undefined, [Dataset.METRICS]: undefined, [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS]: undefined, [Dataset.SESSIONS]: undefined, }; export function getMEPAlertsDataset( dataset: Dataset, newAlert: boolean ): MEPAlertsDataset { // Dataset.ERRORS overrides all cases if (dataset === Dataset.ERRORS) { return MEPAlertsDataset.DISCOVER; } if (newAlert) { return MEPAlertsDataset.METRICS_ENHANCED; } if (dataset === Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS) { return MEPAlertsDataset.METRICS; } return MEPAlertsDataset.DISCOVER; }