import React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {withInfo} from '@storybook/addon-info'; import Button from 'app/components/button'; import ButtonBar from 'app/components/buttonBar'; import Breadcrumbs from 'app/components/breadcrumbs'; import * as Layout from 'app/components/layouts/thirds'; import space from 'app/styles/space'; const crumbs = [ { label: 'Issues', to: '', }, { label: 'List', to: '', }, { label: 'Detail', to: '', }, ]; export default { title: 'Layouts/Thirds', }; export const _6633Layout = withInfo('Two column layout with header & sidebar')(() => ( Some heading content

Content Region

Some text here

Sidebar content

)); _6633Layout.story = { name: '66/33 layout', }; export const _6633WithHeaderControls = withInfo('Two column layout with header actions')( () => ( Some heading content

Content Region

Some text here

Sidebar content

) ); _6633WithHeaderControls.story = { name: '66/33 with header controls', }; export const _6633WithManyHeaderControls = withInfo( 'Two column layout with header controls' )(() => ( Heading text

Content Region

Some text here

Sidebar content

)); _6633WithManyHeaderControls.story = { name: '66/33 with many header controls', }; export const SingleColumnMode = withInfo('Single column mode so we can hide the sidebar')( () => ( Some heading content

Content Region

Some text here, that goes on and on. It should strecth the full width of the container, and have no space on the right.

) ); SingleColumnMode.story = { name: 'single column mode', }; const Container = styled('div')` background: ${p => p.theme.gray200}; margin: ${space(2)}; border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.borderDark}; `; const MarginedButtonBar = styled(ButtonBar)` margin-bottom: ${space(1)}; `;