import React from 'react'; import {withInfo} from '@storybook/addon-info'; import ResolutionBox from 'app/components/resolutionBox'; import MutedBox from 'app/components/mutedBox'; const actor = { email: '', name: 'Uhoh', }; const RESOLVED_IN_COMMIT = { actor, inCommit: { id: 'deadbeefdeadface', repository: { name: 'getsentry/sentry', provider: { id: 'github', }, }, dateCreated: '2020-07-01 12:13:14', }, }; export default { title: 'Issues/ResolutionBox & MutedBox', }; export const ResolvedStates = withInfo('Basic resolution & resolved by commit')(() => (

Basic resolution

Commit resolution

Release resolution

Next Release resolution

)); ResolvedStates.story = { name: 'resolved states', }; export const MutedStates = withInfo('Various mute modes')(() => (

Basic mute

Mute Until

Mute count

Mute count with window

Mute user count

Mute user count with window

)); MutedStates.story = { name: 'muted states', };