@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Any
+from unittest import mock
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.test import override_settings
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework.test import APIRequestFactory
+from sentry.middleware.integrations.integration_control import IntegrationControlMiddleware
+from sentry.middleware.integrations.parsers.vsts import VstsRequestParser
+from sentry.models import Integration
+from sentry.models.outbox import (
+ ControlOutbox,
+ OutboxCategory,
+ OutboxScope,
+ WebhookProviderIdentifier,
+from sentry.silo.base import SiloMode
+from sentry.testutils import TestCase
+from sentry.testutils.silo import control_silo_test
+from sentry.types.region import Region, RegionCategory
+class VstsRequestParserTest(TestCase):
+ get_response = MagicMock(return_value=HttpResponse(content=b"no-error", status=200))
+ factory = APIRequestFactory()
+ path = f"{IntegrationControlMiddleware.integration_prefix}vsts/issue-updated/"
+ region = Region("na", 1, "https://na.testserver", RegionCategory.MULTI_TENANT)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.shared_secret = "1234567890"
+ def set_workitem_state(self, old_value, new_value):
+ work_item = deepcopy(WORK_ITEM_UPDATED_STATUS)
+ state = work_item["resource"]["fields"]["System.State"] # type: ignore
+ if old_value is None:
+ del state["oldValue"]
+ else:
+ state["oldValue"] = old_value
+ state["newValue"] = new_value
+ return work_item
+ @override_settings(SILO_MODE=SiloMode.CONTROL)
+ def test_routing_properly(self):
+ request = self.factory.post(
+ self.path,
+ format="json",
+ HTTP_SHARED_SECRET=self.shared_secret,
+ )
+ parser = VstsRequestParser(request=request, response_handler=self.get_response)
+ # No regions identified
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_response_from_control_silo"
+ ) as get_response_from_control_silo, mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_regions_from_organizations", return_value=[]
+ ):
+ parser.get_response()
+ assert get_response_from_control_silo.called
+ # Regions found
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_response_from_outbox_creation"
+ ) as get_response_from_outbox_creation, mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_regions_from_organizations", return_value=[self.region]
+ ):
+ parser.get_response()
+ assert get_response_from_outbox_creation.called
+ # Non-webhook urls
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_response_from_outbox_creation"
+ ) as get_response_from_outbox_creation, mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_response_from_control_silo"
+ ) as get_response_from_control_silo:
+ parser.request = self.factory.get(
+ reverse("vsts-extension-configuration"), data={"targetId": "1", "targetName": "foo"}
+ )
+ parser.get_response()
+ assert get_response_from_control_silo.called
+ assert not get_response_from_outbox_creation.called
+ parser.request = self.factory.get(
+ reverse(
+ "sentry-extensions-vsts-search",
+ kwargs={"organization_slug": "albertos-apples", "integration_id": 1234},
+ ),
+ )
+ parser.get_response()
+ assert get_response_from_control_silo.called
+ @override_settings(SILO_MODE=SiloMode.CONTROL)
+ def test_get_integration_from_request(self):
+ account_id = "80ded3e8-3cd3-43b1-9f96-52032624aa3a"
+ expected_integration = Integration.objects.create(
+ provider="vsts",
+ external_id=account_id,
+ name="vsts_name",
+ metadata={
+ "domain_name": "https://instance.visualstudio.com/",
+ "subscription": {"id": 1234, "secret": self.shared_secret},
+ },
+ )
+ request = self.factory.post(
+ self.path,
+ format="json",
+ HTTP_SHARED_SECRET=self.shared_secret,
+ )
+ for payload in region_silo_payloads:
+ request.data = payload # type:ignore
+ parser = VstsRequestParser(request=request, response_handler=self.get_response)
+ integration = parser.get_integration_from_request()
+ assert integration == expected_integration
+ # Invalid payload
+ request.data = {"nonsense": True} # type:ignore
+ parser = VstsRequestParser(request=request, response_handler=self.get_response)
+ integration = parser.get_integration_from_request()
+ assert integration is None
+ @override_settings(SILO_MODE=SiloMode.CONTROL)
+ def test_webhook_outbox_creation(self):
+ request = self.factory.post(
+ self.path,
+ format="json",
+ HTTP_SHARED_SECRET=self.shared_secret,
+ )
+ parser = VstsRequestParser(request=request, response_handler=self.get_response)
+ assert ControlOutbox.objects.count() == 0
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ parser, "get_regions_from_organizations", return_value=[self.region]
+ ):
+ parser.get_response()
+ assert ControlOutbox.objects.count() == 1
+ outbox = ControlOutbox.objects.first()
+ expected_payload: Any = {
+ "method": "POST",
+ "path": self.path,
+ "uri": f"http://testserver{self.path}",
+ "headers": {
+ "Shared-Secret": self.shared_secret,
+ "Content-Length": "4652",
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "Cookie": "",
+ },
+ "body": request.body.decode(encoding="utf-8"),
+ }
+ assert outbox.payload == expected_payload
+ assert outbox == ControlOutbox(
+ id=outbox.id,
+ shard_scope=OutboxScope.WEBHOOK_SCOPE,
+ shard_identifier=WebhookProviderIdentifier.VSTS,
+ object_identifier=1,
+ category=OutboxCategory.WEBHOOK_PROXY,
+ region_name=self.region.name,
+ payload=expected_payload,
+ )