@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from sentry_sdk import Hub
+from snuba_sdk.legacy import json_to_snql
+from sentry.testutils import SnubaTestCase, TestCase
+from sentry.utils import json
+from sentry.utils.snuba import _snql_query
+class DatasetTest(SnubaTestCase, TestCase): # type: ignore[misc]
+ def test_query_dataset_returns_empty(self) -> None:
+ # make a random query just to verify the table exists
+ now = datetime.now()
+ json_body = {
+ "selected_columns": ["project_id"],
+ "offset": 0,
+ "limit": 100,
+ "project": [1],
+ "dataset": "search_issues",
+ "groupby": ["project_id"],
+ "conditions": [
+ ["project_id", "IN", [2]],
+ ["timestamp", ">=", now - timedelta(minutes=1)],
+ ["timestamp", "<", now + timedelta(minutes=1)],
+ ],
+ "aggregations": [["count()", "", "count"]],
+ "consistent": False,
+ }
+ request = json_to_snql(json_body, "search_issues")
+ request.validate()
+ resp = _snql_query(((request, None, None), Hub(Hub.current), {}))
+ assert resp[0].status == 200
+ stuff = json.loads(resp[0].data)
+ assert len(stuff["data"]) == 0