@@ -1708,6 +1708,28 @@ class OrganizationEventsTraceMetaEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
snuba_methods = ["GET"]
+ def get_projects(
+ self,
+ request: HttpRequest,
+ organization: Organization | RpcOrganization,
+ force_global_perms: bool = False,
+ include_all_accessible: bool = False,
+ project_ids: set[int] | None = None,
+ project_slugs: set[str] | None = None,
+ ) -> list[Project]:
+ """The trace endpoint always wants to get all projects regardless of what's passed into the API
+ This is because a trace can span any number of projects in an organization. But we still want to
+ use the get_projects function to check for any permissions. So we'll just pass project_ids=-1 everytime
+ which is what would be sent if we wanted all projects"""
+ return super().get_projects(
+ request,
+ organization,
+ project_ids={-1},
+ project_slugs=None,
+ include_all_accessible=True,
+ )
def get(self, request: Request, organization: Organization, trace_id: str) -> HttpResponse:
if not self.has_feature(organization, request):
return Response(status=404)