@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-:copyright: (c) 2010-2014 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
-:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
-import random
-from nydus.db import create_cluster
-class RedisCappedPool(object):
- """
- Implements a capped queue based on Reservoir Sampling
- """
- key_expire = 60 * 60 # 1 hour
- def __init__(self, keyspace, size=1000, hosts=None, router='nydus.db.routers.keyvalue.PartitionRouter', **options):
- if hosts is None:
- hosts = {
- 0: {} # localhost / default
- }
- self.conn = create_cluster({
- 'engine': 'nydus.db.backends.redis.Redis',
- 'router': router,
- 'hosts': hosts,
- })
- # We could set this to the maximum value of random.random() (1.0) if we new this pool class
- # could stay instantiated. Unfortunately we'll need an offset per project, which could grow
- # indefinitely and would require us to have an LRU.
- self.offset = None
- def put(self, *items):
- """
- Efficiently samples ``items`` onto the pool's keyspace.
- """
- if self.offset is None:
- self.offset = self.conn.zrange(self.keyspace, self.size, self.size, withscores=True)
- for item in items:
- val = random.random()
- if val < self.offset:
- with self.conn.map() as conn:
- conn.zadd(self.keyspace, val)
- conn.zremrangebyrank(self.keyspace, self.size)
- result = self.conn.zrange(self.keyspace, self.size, self.size, withscores=True)
- self.offset = result[-1][-1]
- def get(self):
- """
- Pops a random item off the sample set.
- """
- val = random.random()
- with self.conn.map() as conn:
- # we have to fetch both values as we don't know which one is actually set
- item_a = conn.zrange(self.keyspace, val, 1, withscores=True)
- item_b = conn.zrevrange(self.keyspace, val, 1, withscores=True)
- # pick either item, doesn't matter
- item, score = (item_a or item_b)
- # remove matching scored item (even if its not the same item)
- self.conn.zremrangebyscore(self.keyspace, val, 1)
- def values(self):
- """
- Returns all samples and clears the pool.
- """
- with self.conn.map() as conn:
- results = conn.zrange(self.keyspace, 0, self.size)
- conn.delete(self.keyspace)
- return results