@@ -3,29 +3,15 @@
# metadata (rather than generic log messages which aren't useful).
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import abc
-import base64
import logging
import re
-import six
-import zlib
-from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
-from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
-from gzip import GzipFile
-from six import BytesIO
from time import time
from sentry.attachments import attachment_cache
from sentry.cache import default_cache
-from sentry.models import ProjectKey
from sentry.tasks.store import preprocess_event, preprocess_event_from_reprocessing
-from sentry.utils import json
-from sentry.utils.auth import parse_auth_header
from sentry.utils.cache import cache_key_for_event
-from sentry.utils.http import origin_from_request
-from sentry.utils.strings import decompress
-from sentry.utils.sdk import configure_scope, set_current_project
from sentry.utils.canonical import CANONICAL_TYPES
@@ -57,259 +43,33 @@ class APIForbidden(APIError):
http_status = 403
-class APIRateLimited(APIError):
- http_status = 429
- msg = "Creation of this event was denied due to rate limiting"
- name = "rate_limit"
+def insert_data_to_database_legacy(
+ data, start_time=None, from_reprocessing=False, attachments=None
+ """
+ Yet another "fast path" to ingest an event without making it go
+ through Relay. Please consider using functions from the ingest consumer
+ instead, or, if you're within tests, to use `TestCase.store_event`.
+ """
- def __init__(self, retry_after=None):
- self.retry_after = retry_after
+ # XXX(markus): Delete this function and merge with ingest consumer logic.
+ if start_time is None:
+ start_time = time()
-class Auth(object):
- def __init__(
- self, client=None, version=None, secret_key=None, public_key=None, is_public=False
- ):
- self.client = client
- self.version = version
- self.secret_key = secret_key
- self.public_key = public_key
- self.is_public = is_public
+ # we might be passed some subclasses of dict that fail dumping
+ if isinstance(data, CANONICAL_TYPES):
+ data = dict(data.items())
+ cache_timeout = 3600
+ cache_key = cache_key_for_event(data)
+ default_cache.set(cache_key, data, cache_timeout)
-class ClientContext(object):
- def __init__(self, agent=None, version=None, project_id=None, ip_address=None):
- # user-agent (i.e. raven-python)
- self.agent = agent
- # protocol version
- self.version = version
- # project instance
- self.project_id = project_id
- self.project = None
- self.ip_address = ip_address
+ # Attachments will be empty or None if the "event-attachments" feature
+ # is turned off. For native crash reports it will still contain the
+ # crash dump (e.g. minidump) so we can load it during processing.
+ if attachments is not None:
+ attachment_cache.set(cache_key, attachments, cache_timeout)
- def bind_project(self, project):
- self.project = project
- self.project_id = project.id
- set_current_project(project.id)
- def bind_auth(self, auth):
- self.agent = auth.client
- self.version = auth.version
- with configure_scope() as scope:
- scope.set_tag("agent", self.agent)
- scope.set_tag("protocol", self.version)
-class ClientApiHelper(object):
- def __init__(self, agent=None, version=None, project_id=None, ip_address=None):
- self.context = ClientContext(
- agent=agent, version=version, project_id=project_id, ip_address=ip_address
- )
- def project_key_from_auth(self, auth):
- if not auth.public_key:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Invalid api key")
- # Make sure the key even looks valid first, since it's
- # possible to get some garbage input here causing further
- # issues trying to query it from cache or the database.
- if not ProjectKey.looks_like_api_key(auth.public_key):
- raise APIUnauthorized("Invalid api key")
- try:
- pk = ProjectKey.objects.get_from_cache(public_key=auth.public_key)
- except ProjectKey.DoesNotExist:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Invalid api key")
- # a secret key may not be present which will be validated elsewhere
- if not constant_time_compare(pk.secret_key, auth.secret_key or pk.secret_key):
- raise APIUnauthorized("Invalid api key")
- if not pk.is_active:
- raise APIUnauthorized("API key is disabled")
- if not pk.roles.store:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Key does not allow event storage access")
- return pk
- def project_id_from_auth(self, auth):
- return self.project_key_from_auth(auth).project_id
- def insert_data_to_database(
- self, data, start_time=None, from_reprocessing=False, attachments=None
- ):
- if start_time is None:
- start_time = time()
- # we might be passed some subclasses of dict that fail dumping
- if isinstance(data, CANONICAL_TYPES):
- data = dict(data.items())
- cache_timeout = 3600
- cache_key = cache_key_for_event(data)
- default_cache.set(cache_key, data, cache_timeout)
- # Attachments will be empty or None if the "event-attachments" feature
- # is turned off. For native crash reports it will still contain the
- # crash dump (e.g. minidump) so we can load it during processing.
- if attachments is not None:
- attachment_cache.set(cache_key, attachments, cache_timeout)
- task = from_reprocessing and preprocess_event_from_reprocessing or preprocess_event
- task.delay(cache_key=cache_key, start_time=start_time, event_id=data["event_id"])
-class AbstractAuthHelper(object):
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def auth_from_request(cls, request):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def origin_from_request(cls, request):
- pass
-class ClientAuthHelper(AbstractAuthHelper):
- @classmethod
- def auth_from_request(cls, request):
- result = {k: request.GET[k] for k in six.iterkeys(request.GET) if k[:7] == "sentry_"}
- if request.META.get("HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH", "")[:7].lower() == "sentry ":
- if result:
- raise SuspiciousOperation("Multiple authentication payloads were detected.")
- result = parse_auth_header(request.META["HTTP_X_SENTRY_AUTH"])
- elif request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "")[:7].lower() == "sentry ":
- if result:
- raise SuspiciousOperation("Multiple authentication payloads were detected.")
- result = parse_auth_header(request.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"])
- if not result:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Unable to find authentication information")
- origin = cls.origin_from_request(request)
- auth = Auth(
- client=result.get("sentry_client"),
- version=six.text_type(result.get("sentry_version")),
- secret_key=result.get("sentry_secret"),
- public_key=result.get("sentry_key"),
- is_public=bool(origin),
- )
- # default client to user agent
- if not auth.client:
- auth.client = request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
- if isinstance(auth.client, bytes):
- auth.client = auth.client.decode("latin1")
- return auth
- @classmethod
- def origin_from_request(cls, request):
- """
- Returns either the Origin or Referer value from the request headers.
- """
- if request.META.get("HTTP_ORIGIN") == "null":
- return "null"
- return origin_from_request(request)
-class MinidumpAuthHelper(AbstractAuthHelper):
- @classmethod
- def origin_from_request(cls, request):
- # We don't use an origin here
- return None
- @classmethod
- def auth_from_request(cls, request):
- key = request.GET.get("sentry_key")
- if not key:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Unable to find authentication information")
- # Minidump requests are always "trusted". We at this point only
- # use is_public to identify requests that have an origin set (via
- # CORS)
- auth = Auth(public_key=key, client="sentry-minidump", is_public=False)
- return auth
-class SecurityAuthHelper(AbstractAuthHelper):
- @classmethod
- def origin_from_request(cls, request):
- # In the case of security reports, the origin is not available at the
- # dispatch() stage, as we need to parse it out of the request body, so
- # we do our own CORS check once we have parsed it.
- return None
- @classmethod
- def auth_from_request(cls, request):
- key = request.GET.get("sentry_key")
- if not key:
- raise APIUnauthorized("Unable to find authentication information")
- auth = Auth(public_key=key, is_public=True)
- auth.client = request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
- return auth
-def decompress_deflate(encoded_data):
- try:
- return zlib.decompress(encoded_data).decode("utf-8")
- except Exception as e:
- # This error should be caught as it suggests that there's a
- # bug somewhere in the client's code.
- logger.debug(six.text_type(e), exc_info=True)
- raise APIError("Bad data decoding request (%s, %s)" % (type(e).__name__, e))
-def decompress_gzip(encoded_data):
- try:
- fp = BytesIO(encoded_data)
- try:
- f = GzipFile(fileobj=fp)
- return f.read().decode("utf-8")
- finally:
- f.close()
- except Exception as e:
- # This error should be caught as it suggests that there's a
- # bug somewhere in the client's code.
- logger.debug(six.text_type(e), exc_info=True)
- raise APIError("Bad data decoding request (%s, %s)" % (type(e).__name__, e))
-def decode_and_decompress_data(encoded_data):
- try:
- try:
- return decompress(encoded_data).decode("utf-8")
- except zlib.error:
- return base64.b64decode(encoded_data).decode("utf-8")
- except Exception as e:
- # This error should be caught as it suggests that there's a
- # bug somewhere in the client's code.
- logger.debug(six.text_type(e), exc_info=True)
- raise APIError("Bad data decoding request (%s, %s)" % (type(e).__name__, e))
-def decode_data(encoded_data):
- try:
- return encoded_data.decode("utf-8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
- # This error should be caught as it suggests that there's a
- # bug somewhere in the client's code.
- logger.debug(six.text_type(e), exc_info=True)
- raise APIError("Bad data decoding request (%s, %s)" % (type(e).__name__, e))
-def safely_load_json_string(json_string):
- try:
- if isinstance(json_string, six.binary_type):
- json_string = json_string.decode("utf-8")
- obj = json.loads(json_string)
- assert isinstance(obj, dict)
- except Exception as e:
- # This error should be caught as it suggests that there's a
- # bug somewhere in the client's code.
- logger.debug(six.text_type(e), exc_info=True)
- raise APIError("Bad data reconstructing object (%s, %s)" % (type(e).__name__, e))
- return obj
+ task = from_reprocessing and preprocess_event_from_reprocessing or preprocess_event
+ task.delay(cache_key=cache_key, start_time=start_time, event_id=data["event_id"])