@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ jobs:
acceptance: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.acceptance }}
backend_all: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.backend_all }}
- frontend_all: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.frontend_all }}
- uses: actions/checkout@93ea575cb5d8a053eaa0ac8fa3b40d7e05a33cc8 # v3.1.0
@@ -43,91 +42,6 @@ jobs:
token: ${{ github.token }}
filters: .github/file-filters.yml
- frontend:
- if: needs.files-changed.outputs.acceptance == 'true'
- needs: files-changed
- name: frontend tests
- # If you change the runs-on image, you must also change the runner in jest-balance.yml
- # so that the balancer runs in the same environment as the tests.
- runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- timeout-minutes: 30
- strategy:
- # This helps not having to run multiple jobs because one fails, thus, reducing resource usage
- # and reducing the risk that one of many runs would turn red again (read: intermittent tests)
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- # XXX: When updating this, make sure you also update CI_NODE_TOTAL.
- instance: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- env:
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@93ea575cb5d8a053eaa0ac8fa3b40d7e05a33cc8 # v3.1.0
- name: Checkout sentry
- with:
- # Avoid codecov error message related to SHA resolution:
- # https://github.com/codecov/codecov-bash/blob/7100762afbc822b91806a6574658129fe0d23a7d/codecov#L891
- fetch-depth: '2'
- - uses: getsentry/action-setup-volta@54775a59c41065f54ecc76d1dd5f2cdc7a1550cb # v1.1.0
- - name: node_modules cache
- uses: actions/cache@9b0c1fce7a93df8e3bb8926b0d6e9d89e92f20a7 # v3.0.11
- id: nodemodulescache
- with:
- path: node_modules
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-modules-${{ hashFiles('yarn.lock', 'api-docs/yarn.lock') }}
- - name: Install Javascript Dependencies
- if: steps.nodemodulescache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- - name: Build CSS
- run: NODE_ENV=production yarn build-css
- - name: jest
- env:
- GITHUB_PR_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
- GITHUB_PR_REF: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref || github.ref }}
- # XXX: CI_NODE_TOTAL must be hardcoded to the length of strategy.matrix.instance.
- # Otherwise, if there are other things in the matrix, using strategy.job-total
- # wouldn't be correct.
- CI_NODE_INDEX: ${{ matrix.instance }}
- run: |
- SENTRY_PROFILER_LOGGING_MODE=eager JEST_TESTS=$(yarn -s jest --listTests --json) yarn test-ci --forceExit
- - name: Save HTML artifacts
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@83fd05a356d7e2593de66fc9913b3002723633cb # v3.1.1
- with:
- retention-days: 14
- name: jest-html
- path: .artifacts/visual-snapshots/jest
- - name: Create Images from HTML
- uses: getsentry/action-html-to-image@dc153dae538e6e1138f77156d8e62e3b2b897f41 # main
- with:
- base-path: .artifacts/visual-snapshots/jest
- css-path: src/sentry/static/sentry/dist/entrypoints/sentry.css
- - name: Save snapshots
- uses: getsentry/action-visual-snapshot@d08945864bd75129863897062b8c1687f1600a2d
- with:
- save-only: true
- snapshot-path: .artifacts/visual-snapshots
- # This job runs when FE or BE changes happen, however, we only upload coverage data for
- # FE changes since it conflicts with codecov's carry forward functionality
- # Upload coverage data even if running the tests step fails since
- # it reduces large coverage fluctuations
- - name: Handle artifacts
- uses: ./.github/actions/artifacts
- if: ${{ always() && needs.files-changed.outputs.frontend_all == 'true' }}
- with:
- files: .artifacts/coverage/*
- type: frontend
if: needs.files-changed.outputs.acceptance == 'true'
needs: files-changed
@@ -220,15 +134,17 @@ jobs:
if: ${{ always() && needs.files-changed.outputs.backend_all == 'true' }}
+ # triggers visual snapshot is a required check so we need this job to
+ # always run and report a status.
if: always()
- # This guarantees that we will only schedule Visual Snapshots if all
- # workflows that generate artifacts succeed
- needs: [acceptance, frontend, files-changed]
name: triggers visual snapshot
+ needs: [acceptance, files-changed]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
timeout-minutes: 20
- # If any jobs we depend on fail, we will fail since this checks triggers Visual Snapshots which is a required check
+ # If any jobs we depend on fail, we will fail since this check calls the
+ # visual snapshot service which creates the "Visual Snapshot" status,
+ # which is a required check.
# NOTE: A timeout is considered a failure
- name: Check for failures
if: contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled')
@@ -245,7 +161,11 @@ jobs:
gcs-bucket: 'sentry-visual-snapshots'
gcp-service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SNAPSHOT_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY }}
- # Since Visual Snapshot is a required check we need to pretend to have run
+ # "Visual Snapshot" is a required check, so we either skip the visual tests
+ # and need to post a status passing OR we run the visual tests and let the
+ # visual snapshot service post a status.
+ #
+ # This handles the skip case and creates a status we skip acceptance tests.
name: Visual Snapshot
needs: [files-changed]
@@ -255,4 +175,4 @@ jobs:
- name: Sentaur attack
run: |
- echo "This check pretends to be the Visual Snapshot to satisfy Github required checks"
+ echo "This check creates a Visual Snapshot to satisfy Github required checks when we skip acceptance tests."