@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import dataclasses
from collections import defaultdict
-from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableMapping
+from collections.abc import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Literal, TypedDict, cast
-import sentry_sdk
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ from sentry.api.bases import NoProjects, OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase
from sentry.api.paginator import GenericOffsetPaginator
from sentry.api.utils import handle_query_errors
from sentry.models.organization import Organization
+from sentry.models.project import Project
from sentry.search.events.builder import QueryBuilder, SpansIndexedQueryBuilder
from sentry.search.events.types import ParamsType, QueryBuilderConfig, SnubaParams, WhereType
from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset
@@ -81,216 +81,168 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
return Response(serializer.errors, status=400)
serialized = serializer.validated_data
- per_page = self.get_per_page(request)
- def data_fn(offset: int, limit: int):
- with handle_query_errors():
- sample_rate = options.get("traces.sample-list.sample-rate")
- if sample_rate <= 0:
- sample_rate = None
- # Filter out empty queries as they do not do anything to change the results.
- user_queries = [query for query in serialized.get("query", []) if query]
- trace_ids, min_timestamp, max_timestamp = self.get_matching_traces(
- cast(ParamsType, params),
- snuba_params,
- user_queries,
- per_page,
- )
- if not trace_ids:
- return {"data": [], "meta": {"fields": {}}}
- # TODO: move to use `update_snuba_params_with_timestamp`
- time_buffer = options.get("performance.traces.trace-explorer-buffer-hours")
- buffer = timedelta(hours=time_buffer)
- params["start"] = min_timestamp - buffer
- params["end"] = max_timestamp + buffer
- snuba_params.start = min_timestamp - buffer
- snuba_params.end = max_timestamp + buffer
- all_projects = self.get_projects(
+ executor = TraceSamplesExecutor(
+ params=cast(ParamsType, params),
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ fields=serialized["field"],
+ # Filter out empty queries as they do not do anything to change the results.
+ user_queries=[query.strip() for query in serialized.get("query", []) if query.strip()],
+ suggested_query=serialized.get("suggestedQuery", ""),
+ sort=serialized.get("sort"),
+ limit=self.get_per_page(request),
+ max_spans_per_trace=serialized["maxSpansPerTrace"],
+ get_all_projects=lambda: self.get_projects(
- )
- all_projects_snuba_params = dataclasses.replace(snuba_params, projects=all_projects)
- all_projects_params = dict(params)
- all_projects_params["projects"] = all_projects_snuba_params.projects
- all_projects_params["projects_objects"] = all_projects_snuba_params.projects
- all_projects_params["projects_id"] = all_projects_snuba_params.project_ids
- traces_breakdowns_query = self.get_traces_breakdowns_query(
- cast(ParamsType, all_projects_params),
- all_projects_snuba_params,
- trace_ids,
- )
+ ),
+ )
- traces_metas_query = self.get_traces_metas_query(
- cast(ParamsType, all_projects_params),
- all_projects_snuba_params,
- trace_ids,
- )
+ return self.paginate(
+ request=request,
+ # paginator=GenericOffsetPaginator(data_fn=data_fn),
+ paginator=GenericOffsetPaginator(data_fn=executor.execute),
+ on_results=lambda results: self.handle_results_with_meta(
+ request,
+ organization,
+ params["project_id"],
+ results,
+ standard_meta=True,
+ dataset=Dataset.SpansIndexed,
+ ),
+ )
- traces_errors_query = self.get_traces_errors_query(
- cast(ParamsType, all_projects_params),
- all_projects_snuba_params,
- trace_ids,
+class TraceSamplesExecutor:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ fields: list[str],
+ user_queries: list[str],
+ suggested_query: str,
+ sort: str | None,
+ limit: int,
+ max_spans_per_trace: int,
+ get_all_projects: Callable[[], list[Project]],
+ ):
+ self.params = params
+ self.snuba_params = snuba_params
+ self.fields = fields
+ self.user_queries = user_queries
+ self.suggested_query = suggested_query
+ self.sort = sort
+ self.limit = limit
+ self.max_spans_per_trace = max_spans_per_trace
+ self.get_all_projects = get_all_projects
+ self._all_projects: list[Project] | None = None
+ @property
+ def all_projects(self) -> list[Project]:
+ if self._all_projects is None:
+ self._all_projects = self.get_all_projects()
+ return self._all_projects
+ def execute(self, offset: int, limit: int):
+ return self._execute()
+ def _execute(self):
+ selected_projects_params = self.params
+ selected_projects_snuba_params = self.snuba_params
+ with handle_query_errors():
+ min_timestamp, max_timestamp, trace_ids, _ = self.get_traces_matching_conditions(
+ selected_projects_params,
+ selected_projects_snuba_params,
- traces_occurrences_query = self.get_traces_occurrences_query(
- cast(ParamsType, all_projects_params),
+ self.refine_params(min_timestamp, max_timestamp)
+ all_projects_params, all_projects_snuba_params = self.params_with_all_projects()
+ if not trace_ids:
+ return {"data": [], "meta": {"fields": {}}}
+ with handle_query_errors():
+ all_queries = self.get_all_queries(
+ all_projects_params,
- user_spans_query, suggested_spans_query = self.get_matching_spans_query(
- cast(ParamsType, params),
- snuba_params,
- serialized["field"],
- serialized.get("sort"),
- user_queries,
- serialized.get("suggestedQuery", ""),
- trace_ids,
- serialized["maxSpansPerTrace"],
+ all_raw_results = bulk_snuba_queries(
+ [query.get_snql_query() for query in all_queries],
- queries = [
- query
- for query in [
- traces_breakdowns_query,
- traces_metas_query,
- traces_errors_query,
- traces_occurrences_query,
- user_spans_query,
- suggested_spans_query,
- ]
- if query
+ all_results = [
+ query.process_results(result) for query, result in zip(all_queries, all_raw_results)
- with handle_query_errors():
- results = bulk_snuba_queries(
- [query.get_snql_query() for query in queries],
- )
- all_results = [
- query.process_results(result) for query, result in zip(queries, results)
- ]
- traces_breakdowns_results = all_results[0]
- traces_metas_results = all_results[1]
- traces_errors_results = all_results[2]
- traces_occurrences_results = all_results[3]
- spans_results = all_results[4]
- suggested_spans_results = all_results[5] if len(all_results) > 5 else None
- fields = spans_results["meta"].get("fields", {})
- meta = {
- **spans_results["meta"],
- "fields": {field: fields[field] for field in serialized["field"]},
- }
+ meta = self.process_meta_results(all_results)
+ data = self.process_final_results(all_results)
- errors_by_trace: Mapping[str, int] = {
- row["trace"]: row["count()"] for row in traces_errors_results["data"]
- }
+ return {"data": data, "meta": meta}
- occurrences_by_trace: Mapping[str, int] = {
- row["trace"]: row["count()"] for row in traces_occurrences_results["data"]
- }
+ def refine_params(self, min_timestamp: datetime, max_timestamp: datetime):
+ """
+ Once we have a min/max timestamp for all the traces in the query,
+ refine the params so that it selects a time range that is as small as possible.
+ """
- spans_by_trace: Mapping[str, list[Mapping[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
- for row in spans_results["data"]:
- spans_by_trace[row["trace"]].append(row)
+ # TODO: move to use `update_snuba_params_with_timestamp`
+ time_buffer = options.get("performance.traces.trace-explorer-buffer-hours")
+ buffer = timedelta(hours=time_buffer)
- suggested_spans_by_trace: Mapping[str, list[Mapping[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
- if suggested_spans_results:
- for row in suggested_spans_results["data"]:
- suggested_spans_by_trace[row["trace"]].append(row)
+ self.params["start"] = min_timestamp - buffer
+ self.params["end"] = max_timestamp + buffer
+ self.snuba_params.start = min_timestamp - buffer
+ self.snuba_params.end = max_timestamp + buffer
- try:
- traces_range = {
- row["trace"]: (row["first_seen()"], row["last_seen()"])
- for row in traces_metas_results["data"]
- }
- breakdowns = process_breakdowns(
- traces_breakdowns_results["data"],
- traces_range,
- )
- except Exception as e:
- sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
- breakdowns = defaultdict(list)
- names_by_trace: MutableMapping[str, tuple[str, str]] = {}
- for row in traces_breakdowns_results["data"]:
- # The underlying column is a Nullable(UInt64) but we write a default of 0 to it.
- # So make sure to handle both in case something changes.
- if not row["parent_span"] or int(row["parent_span"], 16) == 0:
- names_by_trace[row["trace"]] = (row["project"], row["transaction"])
- traces: list[TraceResult] = [
- {
- "trace": row["trace"],
- "numErrors": errors_by_trace.get(row["trace"], 0),
- "numOccurrences": occurrences_by_trace.get(row["trace"], 0),
- "numSpans": row["count()"],
- "project": names_by_trace.get(row["trace"], (None, None))[0],
- "name": names_by_trace.get(row["trace"], (None, None))[1],
- "duration": row["last_seen()"] - row["first_seen()"],
- "start": row["first_seen()"],
- "end": row["last_seen()"],
- "breakdowns": breakdowns[row["trace"]],
- "spans": [
- {field: span[field] for field in serialized["field"]}
- for span in spans_by_trace[row["trace"]]
- ],
- "suggestedSpans": [
- {field: span[field] for field in serialized["field"]}
- for span in suggested_spans_by_trace[row["trace"]]
- ],
- }
- for row in traces_metas_results["data"]
- ]
+ def params_with_all_projects(self) -> tuple[ParamsType, SnubaParams]:
+ all_projects_snuba_params = dataclasses.replace(
+ self.snuba_params, projects=self.all_projects
+ )
- return {"data": traces, "meta": meta}
+ all_projects_params = dict(self.params)
+ all_projects_params["projects"] = all_projects_snuba_params.projects
+ all_projects_params["projects_objects"] = all_projects_snuba_params.projects
+ all_projects_params["projects_id"] = all_projects_snuba_params.project_ids
- return self.paginate(
- request=request,
- paginator=GenericOffsetPaginator(data_fn=data_fn),
- on_results=lambda results: self.handle_results_with_meta(
- request,
- organization,
- params["project_id"],
- results,
- standard_meta=True,
- dataset=Dataset.SpansIndexed,
- ),
- )
+ return cast(ParamsType, all_projects_params), all_projects_snuba_params
- def get_matching_traces(
+ def get_traces_matching_conditions(
params: ParamsType,
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
- user_queries: list[str],
- limit: int,
- ) -> tuple[list[str], datetime, datetime]:
- if len(user_queries) < 2:
+ ) -> tuple[datetime, datetime, list[str], list[str] | None]:
+ # For now, this only fetches traces based on span conditions.
+ # Soon, this will support fetching traces based on metric conditions.
+ return self.get_traces_matching_span_conditions(params, snuba_params)
+ def get_traces_matching_span_conditions(
+ self,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ ) -> tuple[datetime, datetime, list[str], list[str] | None]:
+ if len(self.user_queries) < 2:
# Optimization: If there is only a condition for a single span,
# we can take the fast path and query without using aggregates.
timestamp_column = "timestamp"
builder = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- params,
+ params=params,
- query=user_queries[0] if user_queries else None,
+ query=self.user_queries[0] if self.user_queries else None,
selected_columns=["trace", timestamp_column],
# The orderby is intentionally `None` here as this query is much faster
# if we let Clickhouse decide which order to return the results in.
# This also means we cannot order by any columns or paginate.
- limit=limit,
+ limit=self.limit,
limitby=("trace", 1),
@@ -300,7 +252,7 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
timestamp_column = "min(timestamp)"
builder = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- params,
+ params=params,
selected_columns=["trace", timestamp_column],
@@ -308,14 +260,14 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
# if we let Clickhouse decide which order to return the results in.
# This also means we cannot order by any columns or paginate.
- limit=limit,
+ limit=self.limit,
- for query in user_queries:
+ for query in self.user_queries:
# We want to ignore all the aggregate conditions here because we're strictly
# searching on span attributes, not aggregates
where, _ = builder.resolve_conditions(query)
@@ -329,8 +281,8 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
trace_results = builder.process_results(trace_results)
trace_ids: list[str] = []
- min_timestamp = snuba_params.end
- max_timestamp = snuba_params.start
+ min_timestamp = self.snuba_params.end
+ max_timestamp = self.snuba_params.start
assert min_timestamp is not None
assert max_timestamp is not None
@@ -342,69 +294,225 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
if timestamp > max_timestamp:
max_timestamp = timestamp
- return trace_ids, min_timestamp, max_timestamp
+ return min_timestamp, max_timestamp, trace_ids, None
- def get_traces_breakdowns_query(
+ def get_all_queries(
params: ParamsType,
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
trace_ids: list[str],
- ) -> SpansIndexedQueryBuilder:
- with handle_query_errors():
- traces_breakdowns_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- Dataset.SpansIndexed,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query="is_transaction:1",
- selected_columns=[
- "trace",
- "project",
- "parent_span",
- "transaction",
- "precise.start_ts",
- "precise.finish_ts",
+ ) -> list[QueryBuilder]:
+ meta_data_queries = self.get_all_meta_data_queries(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ span_samples_queries = self.get_all_span_samples_queries(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ return meta_data_queries + span_samples_queries
+ def get_all_meta_data_queries(
+ self,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ trace_ids: list[str],
+ ) -> list[QueryBuilder]:
+ traces_breakdowns_query = self.get_traces_breakdowns_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ traces_metas_query = self.get_traces_metas_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ traces_errors_query = self.get_traces_errors_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ traces_occurrences_query = self.get_traces_occurrences_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ return [
+ traces_breakdowns_query,
+ traces_metas_query,
+ traces_errors_query,
+ traces_occurrences_query,
+ ]
+ def get_all_span_samples_queries(
+ self,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ trace_ids: list[str],
+ ) -> list[QueryBuilder]:
+ user_spans_query = self.get_user_spans_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ suggested_spans_query = self.get_suggested_spans_query(
+ params,
+ snuba_params,
+ trace_ids,
+ )
+ span_samples_queries = [user_spans_query]
+ if suggested_spans_query:
+ span_samples_queries.append(suggested_spans_query)
+ return span_samples_queries
+ def process_final_results(self, results) -> list[TraceResult]:
+ # the order of these results is defined by the order
+ # of the queries in `get_all_meta_data_queries`
+ traces_breakdowns_results = results[0]
+ traces_metas_results = results[1]
+ traces_errors_results = results[2]
+ traces_occurrences_results = results[3]
+ user_spans_results = results[4]
+ suggested_spans_results = results[5] if len(results) > 5 else None
+ # mapping of trace id to a tuple of start/finish times
+ traces_range = {
+ row["trace"]: (row["first_seen()"], row["last_seen()"])
+ for row in traces_metas_results["data"]
+ }
+ traces_breakdowns = process_breakdowns(
+ traces_breakdowns_results["data"],
+ traces_range,
+ )
+ # mapping of trace id to a tuple of project slug + transaction name
+ traces_names: MutableMapping[str, tuple[str, str]] = {}
+ for row in traces_breakdowns_results["data"]:
+ # The underlying column is a Nullable(UInt64) but we write a default of 0 to it.
+ # So make sure to handle both in case something changes.
+ if not row["parent_span"] or int(row["parent_span"], 16) == 0:
+ traces_names[row["trace"]] = (row["project"], row["transaction"])
+ traces_errors: Mapping[str, int] = {
+ row["trace"]: row["count()"] for row in traces_errors_results["data"]
+ }
+ traces_occurrences: Mapping[str, int] = {
+ row["trace"]: row["count()"] for row in traces_occurrences_results["data"]
+ }
+ traces_user_spans: Mapping[str, list[Mapping[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
+ for row in user_spans_results["data"]:
+ traces_user_spans[row["trace"]].append(row)
+ traces_suggested_spans: Mapping[str, list[Mapping[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
+ if suggested_spans_results:
+ for row in suggested_spans_results["data"]:
+ traces_suggested_spans[row["trace"]].append(row)
+ return [
+ {
+ "trace": row["trace"],
+ "numErrors": traces_errors.get(row["trace"], 0),
+ "numOccurrences": traces_occurrences.get(row["trace"], 0),
+ "numSpans": row["count()"],
+ "project": traces_names.get(row["trace"], (None, None))[0],
+ "name": traces_names.get(row["trace"], (None, None))[1],
+ "duration": row["last_seen()"] - row["first_seen()"],
+ "start": row["first_seen()"],
+ "end": row["last_seen()"],
+ "breakdowns": traces_breakdowns[row["trace"]],
+ "spans": [
+ {field: span[field] for field in self.fields}
+ for span in traces_user_spans[row["trace"]]
- orderby=["precise.start_ts", "precise.finish_ts"],
- # limit the number of segments we fetch per trace so a single
- # large trace does not result in the rest being blank
- limitby=("trace", int(10_000 / len(trace_ids))),
- limit=10_000,
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
- )
- traces_breakdowns_query.add_conditions(
- [Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)]
- )
- return traces_breakdowns_query
+ "suggestedSpans": [
+ {field: span[field] for field in self.fields}
+ for span in traces_suggested_spans[row["trace"]]
+ ],
+ }
+ for row in traces_metas_results["data"]
+ ]
+ def process_meta_results(self, results):
+ user_spans_results = results[4]
+ fields = user_spans_results["meta"].get("fields", {})
+ return {
+ **user_spans_results["meta"],
+ "fields": {field: fields[field] for field in self.fields},
+ }
+ def get_traces_breakdowns_query(
+ self,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ trace_ids: list[str],
+ ) -> QueryBuilder:
+ trace_ids_str = ",".join(trace_ids)
+ trace_ids_condition = f"trace:[{trace_ids_str}]"
+ return SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.SpansIndexed,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=f"is_transaction:1 {trace_ids_condition}",
+ selected_columns=[
+ "trace",
+ "project",
+ "parent_span",
+ "transaction",
+ "precise.start_ts",
+ "precise.finish_ts",
+ ],
+ orderby=["precise.start_ts", "precise.finish_ts"],
+ # limit the number of segments we fetch per trace so a single
+ # large trace does not result in the rest being blank
+ limitby=("trace", int(10_000 / len(trace_ids))),
+ limit=10_000,
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
def get_traces_metas_query(
params: ParamsType,
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
trace_ids: list[str],
- ) -> SpansIndexedQueryBuilder:
- with handle_query_errors():
- traces_metas_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- Dataset.SpansIndexed,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query=None,
- selected_columns=[
- "trace",
- "count()",
- # TODO: count if of matching spans
- "first_seen()",
- "last_seen()",
- ],
- limit=len(trace_ids),
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- functions_acl=["first_seen", "last_seen"],
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
- )
- traces_metas_query.add_conditions([Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)])
- return traces_metas_query
+ ) -> QueryBuilder:
+ trace_ids_str = ",".join(trace_ids)
+ trace_ids_condition = f"trace:[{trace_ids_str}]"
+ return SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.SpansIndexed,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=trace_ids_condition,
+ selected_columns=[
+ "trace",
+ "count()",
+ # TODO: count if of matching spans
+ "first_seen()",
+ "last_seen()",
+ ],
+ limit=len(trace_ids),
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ functions_acl=["first_seen", "last_seen"],
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
def get_traces_errors_query(
@@ -412,20 +520,19 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
trace_ids: list[str],
) -> QueryBuilder:
- with handle_query_errors():
- traces_errors_query = QueryBuilder(
- Dataset.Events,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query=None,
- selected_columns=["trace", "count()"],
- limit=len(trace_ids),
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
- )
- traces_errors_query.add_conditions([Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)])
- return traces_errors_query
+ trace_ids_str = ",".join(trace_ids)
+ trace_ids_condition = f"trace:[{trace_ids_str}]"
+ return QueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.Events,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=trace_ids_condition,
+ selected_columns=["trace", "count()"],
+ limit=len(trace_ids),
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
def get_traces_occurrences_query(
@@ -433,94 +540,98 @@ class OrganizationTracesEndpoint(OrganizationEventsV2EndpointBase):
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
trace_ids: list[str],
) -> QueryBuilder:
- with handle_query_errors():
- traces_occurrences_query = QueryBuilder(
- Dataset.IssuePlatform,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query=None,
- selected_columns=["trace", "count()"],
- limit=len(trace_ids),
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
- )
- traces_occurrences_query.add_conditions(
- [Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)]
- )
- return traces_occurrences_query
+ trace_ids_str = ",".join(trace_ids)
+ trace_ids_condition = f"trace:[{trace_ids_str}]"
+ return QueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.IssuePlatform,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=trace_ids_condition,
+ selected_columns=["trace", "count()"],
+ limit=len(trace_ids),
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
- def get_matching_spans_query(
+ def get_user_spans_query(
params: ParamsType,
snuba_params: SnubaParams,
- fields: list[str],
- sort: str | None,
- user_queries: list[str],
- suggested_query: str,
trace_ids: list[str],
- max_spans_per_trace: int,
- ) -> tuple[SpansIndexedQueryBuilder, SpansIndexedQueryBuilder | None]:
- trace_id_condition = Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)
+ ) -> QueryBuilder:
+ user_spans_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.SpansIndexed,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=None, # Note: conditions are added below
+ selected_columns=["trace"] + self.fields,
+ orderby=self.sort,
+ limit=len(trace_ids) * self.max_spans_per_trace,
+ limitby=("trace", self.max_spans_per_trace),
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
- with handle_query_errors():
- user_spans_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- Dataset.SpansIndexed,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query=None,
- selected_columns=["trace"] + fields,
- orderby=sort,
- limit=len(trace_ids) * max_spans_per_trace,
- limitby=("trace", max_spans_per_trace),
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
+ # First make sure that we only return spans from one of the traces identified
+ user_spans_query.add_conditions([Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)])
+ # Next we have to turn the user queries into the appropriate conditions in
+ # the SnQL that we produce.
+ # There are multiple sets of user conditions that needs to be satisfied
+ # and if a span satisfy any of them, it should be considered.
+ #
+ # To handle this use case, we want to OR all the user specified
+ # conditions together in this query.
+ conditions = []
+ for query in self.user_queries:
+ # We want to ignore all the aggregate conditions here because we're strictly
+ # searching on span attributes, not aggregates
+ where, _ = user_spans_query.resolve_conditions(query)
+ if len(where) > 1:
+ conditions.append(BooleanCondition(op=BooleanOp.AND, conditions=where))
+ elif len(where) == 1:
+ conditions.append(where[0])
+ if len(conditions) > 1:
+ # More than 1 set of user conditions were specified, we want to show
+ # spans that match any 1 of them so join the conditions with `OR`s.
+ user_spans_query.add_conditions(
+ [BooleanCondition(op=BooleanOp.OR, conditions=conditions)]
+ elif len(conditions) == 1:
+ # Only 1 set of user conditions were specified, simply insert them into
+ # the final query.
+ user_spans_query.add_conditions([conditions[0]])
- # There are multiple sets of user conditions that needs to be satisfied
- # and if a span satisfy any of them, it should be considered.
- #
- # To handle this use case, we want to OR all the user specified
- # conditions together in this query.
- conditions = []
- for query in user_queries:
- # We want to ignore all the aggregate conditions here because we're strictly
- # searching on span attributes, not aggregates
- where, _ = user_spans_query.resolve_conditions(query)
- if len(where) > 1:
- conditions.append(BooleanCondition(op=BooleanOp.AND, conditions=where))
- elif len(where) == 1:
- conditions.append(where[0])
- if len(conditions) > 1:
- user_spans_query.add_conditions(
- [BooleanCondition(op=BooleanOp.OR, conditions=conditions)]
- )
- elif len(conditions) == 1:
- user_spans_query.add_conditions([conditions[0]])
- user_spans_query.add_conditions([trace_id_condition])
- if all(user_query != suggested_query for user_query in user_queries):
- with handle_query_errors():
- suggested_spans_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
- Dataset.SpansIndexed,
- params,
- snuba_params=snuba_params,
- query=suggested_query,
- selected_columns=["trace"] + fields,
- orderby=sort,
- limit=len(trace_ids) * max_spans_per_trace,
- limitby=("trace", max_spans_per_trace),
- config=QueryBuilderConfig(
- transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
- ),
- )
- suggested_spans_query.add_conditions([trace_id_condition])
- else:
- suggested_spans_query = None
+ return user_spans_query
- return user_spans_query, suggested_spans_query
+ def get_suggested_spans_query(
+ self,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ snuba_params: SnubaParams,
+ trace_ids: list[str],
+ ) -> QueryBuilder | None:
+ # If any user queries is the same as the suggested query, we don't have to run it
+ if any(user_query == self.suggested_query for user_query in self.user_queries):
+ return None
+ suggested_spans_query = SpansIndexedQueryBuilder(
+ Dataset.SpansIndexed,
+ params,
+ snuba_params=snuba_params,
+ query=self.suggested_query,
+ selected_columns=["trace"] + self.fields,
+ orderby=self.sort,
+ limit=len(trace_ids) * self.max_spans_per_trace,
+ limitby=("trace", self.max_spans_per_trace),
+ config=QueryBuilderConfig(
+ transform_alias_to_input_format=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ suggested_spans_query.add_conditions([Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.IN, trace_ids)])
+ return suggested_spans_query
def process_breakdowns(data, traces_range):