@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from unittest import mock
from django.urls import reverse
+from sentry import options
from sentry.models.dashboard_widget import (
@@ -1034,3 +1035,49 @@ class OrganizationDashboardWidgetDetailsTestCase(OrganizationDashboardWidgetTest
warnings = response.data["warnings"]
assert len(warnings["queries"]) == 2
assert response.data == {"warnings": {"columns": {}, "queries": [None, None]}}
+ def test_widget_cardinality(self):
+ self.store_event(
+ data={
+ "event_id": "a" * 32,
+ "transaction": "/example",
+ "message": "how to make fast",
+ "timestamp": iso_format(before_now(minutes=2)),
+ "tags": {"sometag": "foo"},
+ },
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ )
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self.create_environment(project=project, name="mock_env")
+ data = {
+ "title": "Test Query",
+ "displayType": "table",
+ "widgetType": "discover",
+ "limit": 5,
+ "queries": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "conditions": "release.stage:adopted",
+ "columns": ["sometag"],
+ "fields": [],
+ "aggregates": ["count()"],
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ option_get = options.get
+ def mock_options(option_name):
+ if option_name == "on_demand.max_widget_cardinality.on_query_count":
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return option_get(option_name)
+ with mock.patch("sentry.options.get", side_effect=mock_options):
+ with self.feature(ONDEMAND_FEATURES):
+ response = self.client.post(f"{self.url()}?environment=mock_env", data)
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.data
+ warnings = response.data["warnings"]
+ assert "columns" in warnings
+ assert len(warnings["columns"]) == 1
+ assert warnings["columns"]["sometag"] == "disabled:high-cardinality"