@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-import {Organization} from 'sentry-fixture/organization';
-import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
-import ProjectSelector, {
- ProjectSelectorProps,
-} from 'sentry/components/organizations/projectSelector';
-import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters';
-describe('ProjectSelector', function () {
- const testProject = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '1',
- slug: 'test-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- isMember: true,
- });
- const anotherProject = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '2',
- slug: 'another-project',
- isMember: true,
- });
- const mockOrg = Organization({
- id: '1',
- slug: 'org',
- features: ['new-teams', 'global-views'],
- access: [],
- });
- const routerContext = TestStubs.routerContext([{organization: mockOrg}]);
- async function openMenu() {
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button'));
- }
- async function applyMenu() {
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Apply Filter'}));
- }
- const props: ProjectSelectorProps = {
- customDropdownButton: () => <span>Project Picker</span>,
- customLoadingIndicator: () => 'Loading...',
- isGlobalSelectionReady: true,
- organization: mockOrg,
- memberProjects: [testProject, anotherProject],
- nonMemberProjects: [],
- value: [],
- onApplyChange: () => {},
- onChange: () => {},
- };
- it('should show empty message with no projects button, when no projects, and has no "project:write" access', async function () {
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- memberProjects={[]}
- organization={Organization({
- id: 'org',
- slug: 'org-slug',
- access: [],
- features: [],
- })}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.getByText('You have no projects')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Should not have "Create Project" button
- const createProject = screen.getByLabelText('Add Project');
- expect(createProject).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(createProject).toBeDisabled();
- });
- it('should show empty message and create project button, when no projects and has "project:write" access', async function () {
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- memberProjects={[]}
- organization={Organization({
- id: 'org',
- slug: 'org-slug',
- access: ['project:write'],
- features: [],
- })}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.getByText('You have no projects')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Should not have "Create Project" button
- const createProject = screen.getByLabelText('Add Project');
- expect(createProject).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(createProject).toBeEnabled();
- });
- it('does not open selector menu when disabled', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} disabled />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.queryByRole('checkbox')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('lists projects and has filter', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.getByText(testProject.slug)).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText(anotherProject.slug)).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('can filter projects by project name', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- screen.getByRole('textbox').focus();
- await userEvent.keyboard('TEST');
- const item = screen.getByTestId('badge-display-name');
- expect(item).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(item).toHaveTextContent(testProject.slug);
- });
- it('shows empty filter message when filtering has no results', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- screen.getByRole('textbox').focus();
- await userEvent.keyboard('Foo');
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('badge-display-name')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('No projects found')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('does not close dropdown when input is clicked', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('textbox'));
- // Dropdown is still open
- expect(screen.getByText(testProject.slug)).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('closes dropdown when project is selected', async function () {
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByText(testProject.slug));
- // Dropdown is closed
- expect(screen.queryByText(testProject.slug)).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('calls callback when project is selected', async function () {
- const onApplyChangeMock = jest.fn();
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} onApplyChange={onApplyChangeMock} />, {
- context: routerContext,
- });
- await openMenu();
- // Select first project
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByText(testProject.slug));
- expect(onApplyChangeMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith([parseInt(testProject.id, 10)]);
- });
- it('does not call `onUpdate` when using multi select', async function () {
- const onChangeMock = jest.fn();
- const onApplyChangeMock = jest.fn();
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- onChange={onChangeMock}
- onApplyChange={onApplyChangeMock}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- // Check the first project
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('checkbox', {name: testProject.slug}));
- expect(onChangeMock).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(onApplyChangeMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('displays multi projects with non member projects', async function () {
- const nonMemberProject = TestStubs.Project({id: '2'});
- render(<ProjectSelector {...props} nonMemberProjects={[nonMemberProject]} />, {
- context: routerContext,
- });
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.getByText("Projects I don't belong to")).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name')).toHaveLength(3);
- });
- it('displays projects in alphabetical order partitioned by project membership', async function () {
- const projectA = TestStubs.Project({id: '1', slug: 'a-project'});
- const projectB = TestStubs.Project({id: '2', slug: 'b-project'});
- const projectANonM = TestStubs.Project({id: '3', slug: 'a-non-m-project'});
- const projectBNonM = TestStubs.Project({id: '4', slug: 'b-non-m-project'});
- const multiProjectProps = {
- ...props,
- memberProjects: [projectB, projectA],
- nonMemberProjects: [projectBNonM, projectANonM],
- value: [],
- };
- render(<ProjectSelector {...multiProjectProps} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- expect(screen.getByText("Projects I don't belong to")).toBeInTheDocument();
- const projectLabels = screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name');
- expect(projectLabels).toHaveLength(4);
- expect(projectLabels[0]).toHaveTextContent(projectA.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[1]).toHaveTextContent(projectB.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[2]).toHaveTextContent(projectANonM.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[3]).toHaveTextContent(projectBNonM.slug);
- });
- it('displays multi projects in sort order rules: selected, bookmarked, alphabetical', async function () {
- const projectA = TestStubs.Project({id: '1', slug: 'a-project'});
- const projectBBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '2',
- slug: 'b-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectCBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '3',
- slug: 'c-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectDSelected = TestStubs.Project({id: '4', slug: 'd-project'});
- const projectESelected = TestStubs.Project({id: '5', slug: 'e-project'});
- const projectFSelectedBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '6',
- slug: 'f-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectGSelectedBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '7',
- slug: 'g-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectH = TestStubs.Project({id: '8', slug: 'h-project'});
- const projectJ = TestStubs.Project({id: '9', slug: 'j-project'});
- const projectKSelectedBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '10',
- slug: 'k-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectL = TestStubs.Project({id: '11', slug: 'l-project'});
- const multiProjectProps = {
- ...props,
- // XXX: Intentionally sorted arbitrarily
- memberProjects: [
- projectBBookmarked,
- projectFSelectedBookmarked,
- projectDSelected,
- projectA,
- projectESelected,
- projectGSelectedBookmarked,
- projectCBookmarked,
- projectH,
- ],
- nonMemberProjects: [projectL, projectJ, projectKSelectedBookmarked],
- value: [
- projectESelected.id,
- projectDSelected.id,
- projectGSelectedBookmarked.id,
- projectFSelectedBookmarked.id,
- projectKSelectedBookmarked.id,
- ].map(p => parseInt(p, 10)),
- };
- render(<ProjectSelector {...multiProjectProps} />, {context: routerContext});
- await openMenu();
- const projectLabels = screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name');
- expect(projectLabels).toHaveLength(11);
- // member projects
- expect(projectLabels[0]).toHaveTextContent(projectFSelectedBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[1]).toHaveTextContent(projectGSelectedBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[2]).toHaveTextContent(projectDSelected.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[3]).toHaveTextContent(projectESelected.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[4]).toHaveTextContent(projectBBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[5]).toHaveTextContent(projectCBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[6]).toHaveTextContent(projectA.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[7]).toHaveTextContent(projectH.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[6]).toHaveTextContent(projectA.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[7]).toHaveTextContent(projectH.slug);
- // non member projects
- expect(projectLabels[8]).toHaveTextContent(projectKSelectedBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[9]).toHaveTextContent(projectJ.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[10]).toHaveTextContent(projectL.slug);
- });
- it('does not change sort order while selecting projects with the dropdown open', async function () {
- const projectA = TestStubs.Project({id: '1', slug: 'a-project'});
- const projectBBookmarked = TestStubs.Project({
- id: '2',
- slug: 'b-project',
- isBookmarked: true,
- });
- const projectDSelected = TestStubs.Project({id: '4', slug: 'd-project'});
- const multiProjectProps = {
- ...props,
- // XXX: Intentionally sorted arbitrarily
- memberProjects: [projectBBookmarked, projectDSelected, projectA],
- nonMemberProjects: [],
- value: [projectDSelected.id].map(p => parseInt(p, 10)),
- };
- const {rerender} = render(<ProjectSelector {...multiProjectProps} />, {
- context: routerContext,
- });
- await openMenu();
- const projectLabels = screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name');
- expect(projectLabels).toHaveLength(3);
- // member projects
- expect(projectLabels[0]).toHaveTextContent(projectDSelected.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[1]).toHaveTextContent(projectBBookmarked.slug);
- expect(projectLabels[2]).toHaveTextContent(projectA.slug);
- // Unselect project D (re-render with the updated selection value)
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('checkbox', {name: projectDSelected.slug}));
- rerender(<ProjectSelector {...multiProjectProps} value={[]} />);
- // Project D is no longer checked
- expect(screen.getByRole('checkbox', {name: projectDSelected.slug})).not.toBeChecked();
- // Project D is still the first selected item
- expect(screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name')[0]).toHaveTextContent(
- projectDSelected.slug
- );
- // Open and close the menu
- await applyMenu();
- await openMenu();
- const resortedProjectLabels = screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name');
- // Project D has been moved to the bottom since it was unselected
- expect(resortedProjectLabels[0]).toHaveTextContent(projectBBookmarked.slug);
- expect(resortedProjectLabels[1]).toHaveTextContent(projectA.slug);
- expect(resortedProjectLabels[2]).toHaveTextContent(projectDSelected.slug);
- });
- it('can select all projects when role=owner', async function () {
- const mockOnApplyChange = jest.fn();
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- nonMemberProjects={[anotherProject]}
- organization={Organization({...mockOrg, orgRole: 'owner'})}
- onApplyChange={mockOnApplyChange}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Select All Projects'}));
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS]);
- });
- it('can select all projects when role=manager', async function () {
- const mockOnApplyChange = jest.fn();
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- nonMemberProjects={[anotherProject]}
- organization={Organization({...mockOrg, orgRole: 'manager'})}
- onApplyChange={mockOnApplyChange}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Select All Projects'}));
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS]);
- });
- it('can select all projects when org has open membership', async function () {
- const mockOnApplyChange = jest.fn();
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- nonMemberProjects={[anotherProject]}
- organization={Organization({
- ...mockOrg,
- features: [...mockOrg.features, 'open-membership'],
- })}
- onApplyChange={mockOnApplyChange}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Select All Projects'}));
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS]);
- });
- it('can select all projects after first selecting a project', async function () {
- const mockOnApplyChange = jest.fn();
- render(
- <ProjectSelector
- {...props}
- nonMemberProjects={[anotherProject]}
- organization={Organization({...mockOrg, orgRole: 'manager'})}
- onApplyChange={mockOnApplyChange}
- />,
- {context: routerContext}
- );
- await openMenu();
- // Check the first project
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('checkbox', {name: testProject.slug}));
- await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Select All Projects'}));
- // Menu should close and all projects should be selected, not previously selected project
- expect(screen.queryByRole('listbox')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- expect(mockOnApplyChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS]);
- });