@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# TODO(python3): Notes on pickle compatibility between 2 + 3:
-# ## Encoding
-# In python, when pickling a data structure, the output is a byte stream. We
-# must tell pickle how to decode byte strings during unpickling that are from
-# python2 in python3.
-# Typically we could use the default ASCII decoding, since if correctly used,
-# byte strings should ONLY contain ASCII data. HOWEVER, we must decode as
-# latin-1 due to quirks in how datetime objects are decoded [0].Leaving it
-# as ASCII will result in a decoding error.
-# During the 2 -> 3 conversion, we should make a great effort to ensure text
-# values are unicode.
-# ### Potential problems
-# In cases where we encode truly binary data (which must be stored as a string
-# in python2, as there is no bytes type) we will improperly decode it as
-# latin1, resulting in a unicode string in python3 that will contain all kinds
-# of strange characters.
-# If we run into this issue when dealing with bytes / strings / unicode. The
-# solution will be to check if we're running py3, and check if the specific
-# field is not the bytes type, but a string, we will have to then encode as
-# `latin-1` to get the bytes back.
-# ## Object Type
-# When unpickling python2 objects created as old-style classes, python3 will
-# not know what to do.
-# Typically we would have to have some compatibility checking / fixing here
-# (see [0]), but because we do not have any oldstyle objects, we don't need to
-# worry about this.
-# ## What are we patching
-# - We patch ALL instances of `pickle_loads` to attempt normal depickling,
-# this will always work in python2, however in python3 if the object
-# contains a datetime object, or non-ASCII str data, it will fail with a
-# UnicodeDecodeError, in which case we will decode strings as latin-1.
-# [0]: https://rebeccabilbro.github.io/convert-py2-pickles-to-py3/#python-2-objects-vs-python-3-objects
-def _record_pickle_failure(metric_name: str, e: Exception) -> None:
- from sentry.utils import metrics
- metrics.incr(metric_name, sample_rate=1)
- import random
- from sentry import options
- if options.get("pickle.send-error-to-sentry") >= random.random():
- import logging
- msg = f"{metric_name}.{type(e).__name__}: {e}"
- # exc_info=(None, None, None) gives us a full traceback
- logging.getLogger(__name__).error(msg, exc_info=(None, None, None))
-def patch_pickle_loaders():
- import pickle
- original_pickle_load = pickle.load
- original_pickle_loads = pickle.loads
- original_pickle_Unpickler = pickle.Unpickler
- # Patched Picker and Unpickler
- #
- # A NOTE on these Compat service classes. Unfortunately because pickle is a
- # C module we can't subclass, so instead we just delegate with __getattr__.
- # It's very possible we missed some more subtle uses of the classes here.
- class CompatUnpickler:
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.__orig_args = args
- self.__orig_kwargs = kwargs
- self.__make_unpickler()
- def __make_unpickler(self):
- self.__unpickler = original_pickle_Unpickler(*self.__orig_args, **self.__orig_kwargs)
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- return getattr(self.__unpickler, key)
- def load(self):
- try:
- return self.__unpickler.load()
- except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
- _record_pickle_failure(
- "pickle.compat_pickle_pickler_load.had_unicode_decode_error", e
- )
- # We must seek back to the start of the buffer to depickle
- # again after failing above, without this we'll get a buffer
- # underflow error during the depickle.
- self.__orig_args[0].seek(0)
- # Rebuild the Unpickler with modified encoding, only if it was left unset
- self.__orig_kwargs["encoding"] = self.__orig_kwargs.get("encoding", "latin-1")
- self.__make_unpickler()
- return self.__unpickler.load()
- # Patched load and loads
- def py3_compat_pickle_load(*args, **kwargs):
- try:
- return original_pickle_load(*args, **kwargs)
- except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
- _record_pickle_failure("pickle.compat_pickle_load.had_unicode_decode_error", e)
- kwargs["encoding"] = kwargs.get("encoding", "latin-1")
- return original_pickle_load(*args, **kwargs)
- def py3_compat_pickle_loads(*args, **kwargs):
- try:
- return original_pickle_loads(*args, **kwargs)
- except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
- _record_pickle_failure("pickle.compat_pickle_loads.had_unicode_decode_error", e)
- kwargs["encoding"] = kwargs.get("encoding", "latin-1")
- return original_pickle_loads(*args, **kwargs)
- pickle.load = py3_compat_pickle_load
- pickle.loads = py3_compat_pickle_loads
- pickle.Unpickler = CompatUnpickler