@@ -201,8 +201,30 @@ export function CanvasReplayerPlugin(events: eventWithTime[]): ReplayPlugin {
+ // Debounce so that `processEvent` is not called immediately. We want to only
+ // process the most recent event, otherwise it will look like the canvas is
+ // animating when we seek throughout replay.
+ //
+ // `handleQueue` is really a map of canvas id -> most recent canvas mutation
+ // event for all canvas mutation events before the current replay time
const debouncedProcessQueuedEvents = debounce(
- function () {
+ function processQueuedEvents() {
+ const canvasIds = Array.from(canvases.keys());
+ const queuedEventIds = Array.from(handleQueue.keys());
+ const queuedEventIdsSet = new Set(queuedEventIds);
+ const unusedCanvases = canvasIds.filter(id => !queuedEventIdsSet.has(id));
+ // Compare the canvas ids from canvas mutation events against existing
+ // canvases and remove the canvas snapshot for previously drawn to
+ // canvases that do not currently exist in this new point of time
+ unusedCanvases.forEach(id => {
+ const el = containers.get(id);
+ if (el) {
+ el.src = '';
+ }
+ });
+ // Find all canvases with an event that needs to process
Array.from(handleQueue.entries()).forEach(async ([id, [e, replayer]]) => {
try {
await processEvent(e, {replayer});
@@ -221,9 +243,11 @@ export function CanvasReplayerPlugin(events: eventWithTime[]): ReplayPlugin {
* recent sync event, otherwise the playback will look like it's playing if
* we process all events.
- function processEventSync(e: CanvasEventWithTime, {replayer}: {replayer: Replayer}) {
- // We want to only process the most recent sync event
- handleQueue.set(e.data.id, [e, replayer]);
+ function processEventSync(e: eventWithTime, {replayer}: {replayer: Replayer}) {
+ // We want to only process the most recent sync CanvasMutationEvent
+ if (isCanvasMutationEvent(e)) {
+ handleQueue.set(e.data.id, [e, replayer]);
+ }
@@ -314,11 +338,7 @@ export function CanvasReplayerPlugin(events: eventWithTime[]): ReplayPlugin {
// Only do this when isSync is true, meaning there was a seek, since we
// don't know where next index is
nextPreloadIndex = -1;
- if (isCanvas) {
- processEventSync(e, {replayer});
- }
+ processEventSync(e, {replayer});