@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import {Component} from 'react';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
@@ -26,85 +25,70 @@ type Props = {
projectId: string;
} & Pick<RouteComponentProps<{}, {}>, 'routes' | 'location' | 'params'>;
-class KeyRow extends Component<Props> {
- handleRemove = () => {
- const {data, onRemove} = this.props;
- onRemove(data);
- };
+function KeyRow({data, onRemove, onToggle, access, routes, location, params}: Props) {
+ const handleEnable = () => onToggle(true, data);
+ const handleDisable = () => onToggle(false, data);
- handleEnable = () => {
- const {onToggle, data} = this.props;
- onToggle(true, data);
- };
+ const editUrl = recreateRoute(`${data.id}/`, {routes, params, location});
+ const controlActive = access.has('project:write');
- handleDisable = () => {
- const {onToggle, data} = this.props;
- onToggle(false, data);
- };
- render() {
- const {access, data, routes, location, params} = this.props;
- const editUrl = recreateRoute(`${data.id}/`, {routes, params, location});
- const controlActive = access.has('project:write');
- const controls = [
- <Button key="edit" to={editUrl} size="sm">
- {t('Configure')}
- </Button>,
+ const controls = [
+ <Button key="edit" to={editUrl} size="sm">
+ {t('Configure')}
+ </Button>,
+ <Button
+ key="toggle"
+ size="sm"
+ onClick={data.isActive ? handleDisable : handleEnable}
+ disabled={!controlActive}
+ >
+ {data.isActive ? t('Disable') : t('Enable')}
+ </Button>,
+ <Confirm
+ key="remove"
+ priority="danger"
+ disabled={!controlActive}
+ onConfirm={() => onRemove(data)}
+ confirmText={t('Remove Key')}
+ message={t(
+ 'Are you sure you want to remove this key? This action is irreversible.'
+ )}
+ >
- key="toggle"
- onClick={data.isActive ? this.handleDisable : this.handleEnable}
- >
- {data.isActive ? t('Disable') : t('Enable')}
- </Button>,
- <Confirm
- key="remove"
- priority="danger"
- disabled={!controlActive}
- onConfirm={this.handleRemove}
- confirmText={t('Remove Key')}
- message={t(
- 'Are you sure you want to remove this key? This action is irreversible.'
- )}
- >
- <Button
- size="sm"
- disabled={!controlActive}
- icon={<IconDelete />}
- aria-label={t('Delete')}
- />
- </Confirm>,
- ];
+ icon={<IconDelete />}
+ aria-label={t('Delete')}
+ />
+ </Confirm>,
+ ];
- return (
- <Panel>
- <PanelHeader hasButtons>
- <Title disabled={!data.isActive}>
- <PanelHeaderLink to={editUrl}>{data.label}</PanelHeaderLink>
- {!data.isActive && (
- <small>
- {' \u2014 '}
- {t('Disabled')}
- </small>
- )}
- </Title>
- <Controls>
- {controls.map((c, n) => (
- <span key={n}> {c}</span>
- ))}
- </Controls>
- </PanelHeader>
+ return (
+ <Panel>
+ <PanelHeader hasButtons>
+ <Title disabled={!data.isActive}>
+ <PanelHeaderLink to={editUrl}>{data.label}</PanelHeaderLink>
+ {!data.isActive && (
+ <small>
+ {' \u2014 '}
+ {t('Disabled')}
+ </small>
+ )}
+ </Title>
+ <Controls>
+ {controls.map((c, n) => (
+ <span key={n}> {c}</span>
+ ))}
+ </Controls>
+ </PanelHeader>
- <StyledClippedBox clipHeight={300} defaultClipped btnText={t('Expand')}>
- <StyledPanelBody disabled={!data.isActive}>
- <ProjectKeyCredentials projectId={`${data.projectId}`} data={data} />
- </StyledPanelBody>
- </StyledClippedBox>
- </Panel>
- );
- }
+ <StyledClippedBox clipHeight={300} defaultClipped btnText={t('Expand')}>
+ <StyledPanelBody disabled={!data.isActive}>
+ <ProjectKeyCredentials projectId={`${data.projectId}`} data={data} />
+ </StyledPanelBody>
+ </StyledClippedBox>
+ </Panel>
+ );
export default KeyRow;