@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from symbolic import ProguardMapper # type: ignore
from sentry import features, nodestore, options, projectoptions
from sentry.eventstore.models import Event
from sentry.issues.grouptype import (
- PerformanceConsecutiveDBQueriesGroupType,
@@ -34,18 +33,16 @@ from .base import (
- fingerprint_spans,
-from .detectors import NPlusOneAPICallsDetector, UncompressedAssetSpanDetector
+from .detectors import (
+ ConsecutiveDBSpanDetector,
+ NPlusOneAPICallsDetector,
+ UncompressedAssetSpanDetector,
from .performance_problem import PerformanceProblem
from .types import Span
-def join_regexes(regexes: Sequence[str]) -> str:
- return r"(?:" + r")|(?:".join(regexes) + r")"
@@ -56,16 +53,6 @@ INTEGRATIONS_OF_INTEREST = [
PARAMETERIZED_SQL_QUERY_REGEX = re.compile(r"\?|\$1|%s")
- join_regexes(
- [
- r"'(?:[^']|'')*?(?:\\'.*|'(?!'))", # single-quoted strings
- r"\b(?:true|false)\b", # booleans
- r"-?\b(?:[0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\b", # numbers
- r"\?|\$1|%s", # existing parameters
- ]
- )
class EventPerformanceProblem:
@@ -518,191 +505,6 @@ class RenderBlockingAssetSpanDetector(PerformanceDetector):
return f"1-{PerformanceRenderBlockingAssetSpanGroupType.type_id}-{resource_url_hash}"
-class ConsecutiveDBSpanDetector(PerformanceDetector):
- """
- Let X and Y be the consecutive db span count threshold and the span duration threshold respectively,
- each defined in the threshold settings.
- The detector first looks for X number of consecutive db query spans,
- Once these set of spans are found, the detector will compare each db span in the consecutive list
- to determine if they are dependant on one another.
- If the sum of the durations of the independent spans exceeds Y, then a performance issue is found.
- This detector assuming spans are ordered chronologically
- """
- __slots__ = "stored_problems"
- type: DetectorType = DetectorType.CONSECUTIVE_DB_OP
- settings_key = DetectorType.CONSECUTIVE_DB_OP
- def init(self):
- self.stored_problems: dict[str, PerformanceProblem] = {}
- self.consecutive_db_spans: list[Span] = []
- self.independent_db_spans: list[Span] = []
- def visit_span(self, span: Span) -> None:
- span_id = span.get("span_id", None)
- if not span_id or not self._is_db_query(span) or self._overlaps_last_span(span):
- self._validate_and_store_performance_problem()
- self._reset_variables()
- return
- self._add_problem_span(span)
- def _add_problem_span(self, span: Span) -> None:
- self.consecutive_db_spans.append(span)
- def _validate_and_store_performance_problem(self):
- self._set_independent_spans(self.consecutive_db_spans)
- if not len(self.independent_db_spans):
- return
- exceeds_count_threshold = len(self.consecutive_db_spans) >= self.settings.get(
- "consecutive_count_threshold"
- )
- exceeds_span_duration_threshold = all(
- get_span_duration(span).total_seconds() * 1000
- > self.settings.get("span_duration_threshold")
- for span in self.independent_db_spans
- )
- time_saved = self._calculate_time_saved(self.independent_db_spans)
- total_time = self._sum_span_duration(self.consecutive_db_spans)
- exceeds_time_saved_threshold = time_saved >= self.settings.get("min_time_saved")
- exceeds_time_saved_threshold_ratio = False
- if total_time > 0:
- exceeds_time_saved_threshold_ratio = time_saved / total_time >= self.settings.get(
- "min_time_saved_ratio"
- )
- if (
- exceeds_count_threshold
- and exceeds_span_duration_threshold
- and exceeds_time_saved_threshold
- and exceeds_time_saved_threshold_ratio
- ):
- self._store_performance_problem()
- def _store_performance_problem(self) -> None:
- fingerprint = self._fingerprint()
- offender_span_ids = [span.get("span_id", None) for span in self.independent_db_spans]
- cause_span_ids = [span.get("span_id", None) for span in self.consecutive_db_spans]
- query: str = self.independent_db_spans[0].get("description", None)
- self.stored_problems[fingerprint] = PerformanceProblem(
- fingerprint,
- "db",
- desc=query, # TODO - figure out which query to use for description
- type=PerformanceConsecutiveDBQueriesGroupType,
- cause_span_ids=cause_span_ids,
- parent_span_ids=None,
- offender_span_ids=offender_span_ids,
- )
- self._reset_variables()
- def _sum_span_duration(self, spans: list[Span]) -> int:
- "Given a list of spans, find the sum of the span durations in milliseconds"
- sum = 0
- for span in spans:
- sum += get_span_duration(span).total_seconds() * 1000
- return sum
- def _set_independent_spans(self, spans: list[Span]):
- """
- Given a list of spans, checks if there is at least a single span that is independent of the rest.
- To start, we are just checking for a span in a list of consecutive span without a WHERE clause
- """
- independent_spans = []
- for span in spans[1:]:
- query: str = span.get("description", None)
- if (
- query
- and contains_complete_query(span)
- and "WHERE" not in query.upper()
- and not CONTAINS_PARAMETER_REGEX.search(query)
- ):
- independent_spans.append(span)
- self.independent_db_spans = independent_spans
- def _calculate_time_saved(self, independent_spans: list[Span]) -> float:
- """
- Calculates the cost saved by running spans in parallel,
- this is the maximum time saved of running all independent queries in parallel
- note, maximum means it does not account for db connection times and overhead associated with parallelization,
- this is where thresholds come in
- """
- consecutive_spans = self.consecutive_db_spans
- total_duration = self._sum_span_duration(consecutive_spans)
- max_independent_span_duration = max(
- [get_span_duration(span).total_seconds() * 1000 for span in independent_spans]
- )
- sum_of_dependent_span_durations = 0
- for span in consecutive_spans:
- if span not in independent_spans:
- sum_of_dependent_span_durations += get_span_duration(span).total_seconds() * 1000
- return total_duration - max(max_independent_span_duration, sum_of_dependent_span_durations)
- def _overlaps_last_span(self, span: Span) -> bool:
- if len(self.consecutive_db_spans) == 0:
- return False
- last_span = self.consecutive_db_spans[-1]
- last_span_ends = timedelta(seconds=last_span.get("timestamp", 0))
- current_span_begins = timedelta(seconds=span.get("start_timestamp", 0))
- return last_span_ends > current_span_begins
- def _reset_variables(self) -> None:
- self.consecutive_db_spans = []
- self.independent_db_spans = []
- def _is_db_query(self, span: Span) -> bool:
- op: str = span.get("op", "") or ""
- description: str = span.get("description", "") or ""
- is_db_op = op == "db" or op.startswith("db.sql")
- is_query = "SELECT" in description.upper() # TODO - make this more elegant
- return is_db_op and is_query
- def _fingerprint(self) -> str:
- prior_span_index = self.consecutive_db_spans.index(self.independent_db_spans[0]) - 1
- hashed_spans = fingerprint_spans(
- [self.consecutive_db_spans[prior_span_index]] + self.independent_db_spans
- )
- return f"1-{PerformanceConsecutiveDBQueriesGroupType.type_id}-{hashed_spans}"
- def on_complete(self) -> None:
- self._validate_and_store_performance_problem()
- def is_creation_allowed_for_organization(self, organization: Organization) -> bool:
- return features.has(
- "organizations:performance-consecutive-db-issue", organization, actor=None
- )
- def is_creation_allowed_for_project(self, project: Project) -> bool:
- return self.settings["detection_rate"] > random.random()
- @classmethod
- def is_event_eligible(cls, event, project: Project = None) -> bool:
- request = event.get("request", None) or None
- sdk_name = get_sdk_name(event) or ""
- if request:
- url = request.get("url", "") or ""
- method = request.get("method", "") or ""
- if url.endswith("/graphql") and method.lower() in ["post", "get"]:
- return False
- return "php" not in sdk_name.lower()
class NPlusOneDBSpanDetector(PerformanceDetector):
Detector goals: