@@ -1802,11 +1802,17 @@ SENTRY_DEVSERVICES = {
"clickhouse": lambda settings, options: (
- "image": "yandex/clickhouse-server:",
+ # altinity provides clickhouse support to other companies
+ # Official support: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/22222
+ # This image is build with this script https://gist.github.com/filimonov/5f9732909ff66d5d0a65b8283382590d
+ "image": "yandex/clickhouse-server:"
+ if not APPLE_ARM64
+ else "altinity/clickhouse-server:",
"pull": True,
"ports": {"9000/tcp": 9000, "9009/tcp": 9009, "8123/tcp": 8123},
"ulimits": [{"name": "nofile", "soft": 262144, "hard": 262144}],
- "environment": {"MAX_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO": "0.3"},
+ # The arm image does not properly load the MAX_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO
+ # from the environment in loc_config.xml, thus, hard-coding it there
"volumes": {