@@ -232,6 +232,81 @@ class ProjectRuleDetailsTest(APITestCase):
assert resp.data["lastTriggered"] == datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
+ def test_with_jira_action_error(self):
+ self.login_as(user=self.user)
+ self.integration = Integration.objects.create(
+ provider="jira", name="Jira", external_id="jira:1"
+ )
+ self.integration.add_organization(self.organization, self.user)
+ conditions = [
+ {"id": "sentry.rules.conditions.every_event.EveryEventCondition"},
+ {"id": "sentry.rules.filters.issue_occurrences.IssueOccurrencesFilter", "value": 10},
+ ]
+ actions = [
+ {
+ "id": "sentry.integrations.jira.notify_action.JiraCreateTicketAction",
+ "integration": self.integration.id,
+ "customfield_epic_link": "EPIC-3",
+ "customfield_severity": "Medium",
+ "dynamic_form_fields": [
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ["EPIC-1", "Citizen Knope"],
+ ["EPIC-2", "The Comeback Kid"],
+ ["EPIC-3", {"key": None, "ref": None, "props": {}, "_owner": None}],
+ ],
+ "label": "Epic Link",
+ "name": "customfield_epic_link",
+ "required": False,
+ "type": "select",
+ "url": f"/extensions/jira/search/{self.organization.slug}/{self.integration.id}/",
+ },
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ["Very High", "Very High"],
+ ["High", "High"],
+ ["Medium", "Medium"],
+ ["Low", "Low"],
+ ],
+ "label": "Severity",
+ "name": "customfield_severity",
+ "required": True,
+ "type": "select",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ ]
+ data = {
+ "conditions": conditions,
+ "actions": actions,
+ "filter_match": "all",
+ "action_match": "all",
+ "frequency": 30,
+ }
+ rule = Rule.objects.create(project=self.project, label="foo", data=data)
+ url = reverse(
+ "sentry-api-0-project-rule-details",
+ kwargs={
+ "organization_slug": self.project.organization.slug,
+ "project_slug": self.project.slug,
+ "rule_id": rule.id,
+ },
+ )
+ response = self.client.get(url, format="json")
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ # Expect that the choices get filtered to match the API: Array<string, string>
+ assert response.data["actions"][0].get("dynamic_form_fields")[0].get("choices") == [
+ ["EPIC-1", "Citizen Knope"],
+ ["EPIC-2", "The Comeback Kid"],
+ ]
class UpdateProjectRuleTest(APITestCase):