@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
-import {inflate} from 'pako';
-import type {ResponseMeta} from 'sentry/api';
+import parseLinkHeader, {ParsedHeader} from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader';
import flattenListOfObjects from 'sentry/utils/replays/flattenListOfObjects';
import {mapResponseToReplayRecord} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils';
import ReplayReader from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayReader';
@@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ import type {
- ReplaySegment,
} from 'sentry/views/replays/types';
@@ -104,30 +102,6 @@ const INITIAL_STATE: State = Object.freeze({
spans: undefined,
-async function decompressSegmentData(
- data: any,
- _textStatus: string | undefined,
- resp: ResponseMeta | undefined
-) {
- // for non-compressed events, parse and return
- try {
- return mapRRWebAttachments(JSON.parse(data));
- } catch (error) {
- // swallow exception.. if we can't parse it, it's going to be compressed
- }
- // for non-compressed events, parse and return
- try {
- // for compressed events, inflate the blob and map the events
- const responseBlob = await resp?.rawResponse.blob();
- const responseArray = (await responseBlob?.arrayBuffer()) as Uint8Array;
- const parsedPayload = JSON.parse(inflate(responseArray, {to: 'string'}));
- return mapRRWebAttachments(parsedPayload);
- } catch (error) {
- return {};
- }
* A react hook to load core replay data over the network.
@@ -160,33 +134,35 @@ function useReplayData({replaySlug, orgSlug}: Options): Result {
return response.data;
}, [api, orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId]);
- const fetchSegmentList = useCallback(async () => {
- const response = await api.requestPromise(
- `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`
- );
- return response.data as ReplaySegment[];
- }, [api, orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId]);
+ const fetchAllRRwebEvents = useCallback(async () => {
+ const rootUrl = `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/?download`;
+ let next: ParsedHeader = {
+ href: rootUrl,
+ results: true,
+ cursor: '',
+ };
+ const segmentRanges: any = [];
+ // TODO(replay): It would be good to load the first page of results then
+ // start to render the UI while the next N pages continue to get fetched in
+ // the background.
+ while (next.results) {
+ const url = rootUrl + '&cursor=' + next.cursor;
+ const [data, _textStatus, resp] = await api.requestPromise(url, {
+ includeAllArgs: true,
+ });
+ segmentRanges.push(data);
+ const links = parseLinkHeader(resp?.getResponseHeader('Link') ?? '');
+ next = links.next;
+ }
- const fetchRRWebEvents = useCallback(
- async (segmentIds: number[]) => {
- const attachments = await Promise.all(
- segmentIds.map(async segmentId => {
- const response = await api.requestPromise(
- `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/${segmentId}/?download`,
- {
- includeAllArgs: true,
- }
- );
- return decompressSegmentData(...response);
- })
- );
- // ReplayAttachment[] => ReplayAttachment (merge each key of ReplayAttachment)
- return flattenListOfObjects(attachments);
- },
- [api, replayId, orgSlug, projectSlug]
- );
+ const rrwebEvents = segmentRanges
+ .flatMap(segment => segment)
+ .flatMap(attachments => mapRRWebAttachments(attachments));
+ return flattenListOfObjects(rrwebEvents);
+ }, [api, orgSlug, projectSlug, replayId]);
const fetchErrors = useCallback(
async (replayRecord: ReplayRecord) => {
@@ -213,17 +189,12 @@ function useReplayData({replaySlug, orgSlug}: Options): Result {
try {
- const [record, segments] = await Promise.all([fetchReplay(), fetchSegmentList()]);
- const replayRecord = mapResponseToReplayRecord(record);
- // TODO(replays): Something like `range(record.countSegments)` could work
- // once we make sure that segments have sequential id's and are not dropped.
- const segmentIds = segments.map(segment => segment.segmentId);
- const [attachments, errors] = await Promise.all([
- fetchRRWebEvents(segmentIds),
- fetchErrors(replayRecord),
+ const [record, attachments] = await Promise.all([
+ fetchReplay(),
+ fetchAllRRwebEvents(),
+ const replayRecord = mapResponseToReplayRecord(record);
+ const errors = await fetchErrors(replayRecord);
setState(prev => ({
@@ -243,7 +214,7 @@ function useReplayData({replaySlug, orgSlug}: Options): Result {
fetching: false,
- }, [fetchReplay, fetchSegmentList, fetchRRWebEvents, fetchErrors]);
+ }, [fetchReplay, fetchAllRRwebEvents, fetchErrors]);
useEffect(() => {