@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
+from datetime import timedelta
from unittest import mock
from django.urls import reverse
+from django.utils import timezone
from rest_framework.exceptions import ErrorDetail
from sentry import audit_log
from sentry.models import AuditLogEntry, ProjectOwnership
+from sentry.models.group import Group
+from sentry.models.groupowner import ISSUE_OWNERS_DEBOUNCE_DURATION, GroupOwner, GroupOwnerType
from sentry.testutils import APITestCase
from sentry.testutils.helpers.features import with_feature
from sentry.testutils.silo import region_silo_test
+from sentry.utils.cache import cache
@@ -356,3 +361,41 @@ class ProjectOwnershipEndpointTestCase(APITestCase):
assert resp.data["dateCreated"] is not None
assert resp.data["lastUpdated"] is not None
assert resp.data["codeownersAutoSync"] is True
+ def test_turn_off_auto_assignment_clears_autoassignment_cache(self):
+ ProjectOwnership.objects.create(
+ project=self.project, raw="*.js member@localhost #tiger-team"
+ )
+ # Turn auto assignment on
+ self.client.put(self.path, {"autoAssignment": "Auto Assign to Issue Owner"})
+ auto_assignment_ownership = ProjectOwnership.objects.get(project=self.project)
+ auto_assignment_types = ProjectOwnership._get_autoassignment_types(
+ auto_assignment_ownership
+ )
+ # Get the cache keys
+ groups = Group.objects.filter(
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ last_seen__gte=timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=ISSUE_OWNERS_DEBOUNCE_DURATION),
+ ).values_list("id", flat=True)
+ auto_assignment_cache_keys = [
+ GroupOwner.get_autoassigned_cache_key(group.id, self.project.id, auto_assignment_types)
+ for group in groups
+ ]
+ assert auto_assignment_types == [
+ GroupOwnerType.OWNERSHIP_RULE.value,
+ GroupOwnerType.CODEOWNERS.value,
+ ]
+ # Assert the cache is set
+ for cache_key in auto_assignment_cache_keys:
+ assert cache.get(cache_key) is None
+ # Turn auto assignment off
+ self.client.put(self.path, {"autoAssignment": "Turn off Auto-Assignment"})
+ no_auto_assignment_ownership = ProjectOwnership.objects.get(project=self.project)
+ no_auto_assignment_types = ProjectOwnership._get_autoassignment_types(
+ no_auto_assignment_ownership
+ )
+ assert no_auto_assignment_types == []
+ # Assert that the autoassignment cache was cleared
+ for cache_key in auto_assignment_cache_keys:
+ assert cache.get(cache_key) is None