@@ -12,15 +12,14 @@ GUIDES = {
'title': _('Stacktrace'),
'message': _(
- 'See the sequence of function calls that led to the error, and global/local '
- 'variables for each stack frame.'),
+ 'See the sequence of function calls that led to the error, and in some cases '
+ 'global/local variables for each stack frame.'),
'target': 'exception',
'title': _('Breadcrumbs'),
'message': _(
- 'Breadcrumbs (when sent with the event) appear below the stacktrace and show '
- 'you a trail of events that happened prior to the error. They\'re '
+ 'Breadcrumbs are a trail of events that happened prior to the error. They\'re '
'similar to traditional logs but can record more rich structured data. '
'When Sentry is used with web frameworks, breadcrumbs are automatically '
'captured for events like database calls and network requests.'),
@@ -29,10 +28,10 @@ GUIDES = {
'title': _('Tags'),
'message': _(
- 'Tags are arbitrary key-value pairs sent with every event. You can filter '
- 'events by tags, like searching for all events from a specific machine, '
- 'browser, release etc. The sidebar on the right shows you the '
- 'distribution of tags for all events in this event group.'),
+ 'Tags are arbitrary key-value pairs you can send with an event. Events can be '
+ 'filtered by tags, allowing you to do things like search for all events from '
+ 'a specific machine, browser or release. The sidebar on the right shows you '
+ 'the distribution of tags for all events in this event group.'),
'target': 'tags',
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ GUIDES = {
'title': _('Issue Number'),
'message': _(
- 'This is a unique identifier for the issue, and can be included in a commit '
+ 'This is a unique identifier for the issue and can be included in a commit '
'message to tell Sentry to resolve the issue when the commit gets deployed. '
'See <a href="https://docs.sentry.io/learn/releases/">Releases</a> '
'to learn more.'),
@@ -62,13 +61,12 @@ GUIDES = {
'title': _('Ignore, Delete and Discard'),
'message': _(
- 'Ignoring an issue silences notifications and removes it from your feeds by '
- 'default. Deleting an issue deletes the data associated with an issue and '
- 'causes a new issue to be created if the same error happens again. Delete '
- '& Discard (available on the medium plan and higher) deletes most of the data '
- 'associated with the issue and discards future events matching the issue '
- 'before it reaches your stream. This is useful to permanently ignore errors '
- 'you don\'t care about.'),
+ 'Ignoring an issue silences notifications and removes it from your feeds. '
+ 'Deleting an issue deletes its data and causes a new issue to be created if it '
+ 'happens again. Delete & Discard (available on the medium plan and higher) '
+ 'deletes most of the issue\'s data and discards future events matching the '
+ 'issue before they reach your stream. This is useful to permanently ignore '
+ 'errors you don\'t care about.'),
'target': 'ignore_delete_discard',
@@ -92,6 +90,7 @@ GUIDES = {
'touched by those commits, files observed in the stacktrace, and '
'authors of those files. Learn more about releases '
'<a href="https://docs.sentry.io/learn/releases/">here</a>.'),
+ 'target': 'releases',