@@ -28,40 +28,15 @@ from sentry.models.team import Team
from sentry.search.events.constants import DURATION_UNITS, SIZE_UNITS
from sentry.search.events.fields import get_function_alias
from sentry.search.events.types import SnubaParams
-from sentry.snuba import (
- discover,
- errors,
- functions,
- issue_platform,
- metrics_enhanced_performance,
- metrics_performance,
- profiles,
- spans_indexed,
- spans_metrics,
+from sentry.snuba import discover
from sentry.snuba.metrics.extraction import MetricSpecType
+from sentry.snuba.utils import DATASET_LABELS, DATASET_OPTIONS, get_dataset
from sentry.utils import snuba
from sentry.utils.cursors import Cursor
from sentry.utils.dates import get_interval_from_range, get_rollup_from_request, parse_stats_period
from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
from sentry.utils.snuba import MAX_FIELDS, SnubaTSResult
-# Doesn't map 1:1 with real datasets, but rather what we present to users
-# ie. metricsEnhanced is not a real dataset
- "discover": discover,
- "errors": errors,
- "metricsEnhanced": metrics_enhanced_performance,
- "metrics": metrics_performance,
- "profiles": profiles,
- "issuePlatform": issue_platform,
- "profileFunctions": functions,
- "spansIndexed": spans_indexed,
- "spansMetrics": spans_metrics,
-DATASET_LABELS = {value: key for key, value in DATASET_OPTIONS.items()}
def resolve_axis_column(column: str, index: int = 0) -> str:
return get_function_alias(column) if not is_equation(column) else f"equation[{index}]"
@@ -103,10 +78,11 @@ class OrganizationEventsEndpointBase(OrganizationEndpoint):
def get_dataset(self, request: Request) -> Any:
dataset_label = request.GET.get("dataset", "discover")
- if dataset_label not in DATASET_OPTIONS:
+ result = get_dataset(dataset_label)
+ if result is None:
raise ParseError(detail=f"dataset must be one of: {', '.join(DATASET_OPTIONS.keys())}")
sentry_sdk.set_tag("query.dataset", dataset_label)
- return DATASET_OPTIONS[dataset_label]
+ return result
def get_snuba_dataclass(
self, request: Request, organization: Organization, check_global_views: bool = True