@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import Reflux from 'reflux';
+import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
+import HookStore from 'app/stores/hookStore';
+import {Hooks, HookName} from 'app/types/hooks';
+type Params<H extends HookName> = {
+ /**
+ * The name of the hook as listed in hookstore.add(hookName, callback)
+ */
+ hookName: H;
+ /**
+ * Component that will be shown if no hook is available
+ */
+ defaultComponent?: ReturnType<Hooks[H]>;
+ /**
+ * This is a function that returns a promise (more specifically a function
+ * that returns the result of a dynamic import using `import()`. This will
+ * use React.Suspense and React.lazy to render the component.
+ */
+ defaultComponentPromise?: () => Promise<ReturnType<Hooks[H]>>;
+ /**
+ * Parameters to pass into the hook callback
+ */
+ params?: Parameters<Hooks[H]>;
+type State<H extends HookName> = {
+ hooks: Array<Hooks[H]>;
+ * Use this instead of the usual ternery operator when using getsentry hooks.
+ * So in lieu of:
+ *
+ * HookStore.get('component:org-auth-view').length
+ * ? HookStore.get('component:org-auth-view')[0]()
+ * : OrganizationAuth
+ *
+ * do this instead:
+ *
+ * const HookedOrganizationAuth = HookOrDefault({
+ * hookName:'component:org-auth-view',
+ * defaultComponent: OrganizationAuth,
+ * })
+ *
+ * Note, you will need to add the hookstore function in getsentry [0] first and
+ * then register tye types [2] and validHookName [1] in sentry.
+ *
+ * [0] /getsentry/static/getsentry/gsApp/registerHooks.jsx
+ * [1] /sentry/app/stores/hookStore.tsx
+ * [2] /sentry/app/types/hooks.ts
+ */
+function HookOrDefault<H extends HookName>({
+ hookName,
+ defaultComponent,
+ defaultComponentPromise,
+ params,
+}: Params<H>) {
+ type Props = React.ComponentProps<ReturnType<Hooks[H]>>;
+ return createReactClass<Props, State<H>>({
+ displayName: `HookOrDefaultComponent(${hookName})`,
+ mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(HookStore, 'handleHooks') as any],
+ getInitialState() {
+ return {hooks: HookStore.get(hookName)};
+ },
+ handleHooks(hookNameFromStore: HookName, hooks: Array<Hooks[H]>) {
+ // Make sure that the incoming hook update matches this component's hook name
+ if (hookName !== hookNameFromStore) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setState({hooks});
+ },
+ getDefaultComponent() {
+ // If `defaultComponentPromise` is passed, then return a Suspended component
+ if (defaultComponentPromise) {
+ const Component = React.lazy(defaultComponentPromise);
+ return (props: Props) => (
+ <React.Suspense fallback={null}>
+ <Component {...props} />
+ </React.Suspense>
+ );
+ }
+ return defaultComponent;
+ },
+ render() {
+ const hookExists = this.state.hooks && this.state.hooks.length;
+ const HookComponent =
+ hookExists && this.state.hooks[0]({params})
+ ? this.state.hooks[0]({params})
+ : this.getDefaultComponent();
+ return <HookComponent {...this.props} />;
+ },
+ });
+export default HookOrDefault;