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ref(stacktrace): Convert Content class to FC (#53470)

We want to ensure that the logic and styles do not diverge between the
two stack trace components. Before extracting out some common components
and functions to be used in both stack trace components, stack trace
content must be refactored to a functional component instead of class.
Julia Hoge 1 year ago

+ 16 - 0

@@ -139,6 +139,22 @@ describe('StackTrace', function () {
+  it('if frames are omitted, renders omitted frames', function () {
+    const newData = {
+      framesOmitted: [0, 3],
+    };
+    renderedComponent({
+      data: newData,
+    });
+    const omittedFrames = screen.getByText(
+      'Frames 0 until 3 were omitted and not available.'
+    );
+    expect(omittedFrames).toBeInTheDocument();
+  });
   describe('if there is a frame with in_app equal to true, display only in_app frames', function () {
     it('displays crashed from only', function () {
       const dataFrames = [];

+ 233 - 266

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {cloneElement, Component} from 'react';
+import {cloneElement, Fragment, useState} from 'react';
 import styled from '@emotion/styled';
 import GuideAnchor from 'sentry/components/assistant/guideAnchor';
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import {StackTraceMechanism, StacktraceType} from 'sentry/types/stacktrace';
 import {defined} from 'sentry/utils';
 import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization';
-import DeprecatedLine from '../../frame/deprecatedLine';
+import DeprecatedLine, {DeprecatedLineProps} from '../../frame/deprecatedLine';
 import {getImageRange, parseAddress, stackTracePlatformIcon} from '../../utils';
 import StacktracePlatformIcon from './platformIcon';
@@ -38,62 +38,70 @@ type Props = {
   threadId?: number;
 } & Partial<DefaultProps>;
-type State = {
-  showCompleteFunctionName: boolean;
-  showingAbsoluteAddresses: boolean;
-  toggleFrameMap: {[frameIndex: number]: boolean};
-class Content extends Component<Props, State> {
-  static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {
-    includeSystemFrames: true,
-    expandFirstFrame: true,
-  };
-  constructor(props) {
-    super(props);
-    this.state.toggleFrameMap = this.setInitialFrameMap();
+function isRepeatedFrame(frame: Frame, nextFrame?: Frame) {
+  if (!nextFrame) {
+    return false;
+  return (
+    frame.lineNo === nextFrame.lineNo &&
+    frame.instructionAddr === nextFrame.instructionAddr &&
+    frame.package === nextFrame.package &&
+    frame.module === nextFrame.module &&
+    frame.function === nextFrame.function
+  );
-  state: State = {
-    showingAbsoluteAddresses: false,
-    showCompleteFunctionName: false,
-    toggleFrameMap: {},
-  };
+function Content({
+  data,
+  event,
+  className,
+  newestFirst,
+  expandFirstFrame = true,
+  platform,
+  includeSystemFrames = true,
+  isHoverPreviewed,
+  maxDepth,
+  meta,
+  debugFrames,
+  hideIcon,
+  threadId,
+  lockAddress,
+}: Props) {
+  const [showingAbsoluteAddresses, setShowingAbsoluteAddresses] = useState(false);
+  const [showCompleteFunctionName, setShowCompleteFunctionName] = useState(false);
+  const [toggleFrameMap, setToggleFrameMap] = useState(setInitialFrameMap());
+  const {frames = [], framesOmitted, registers} = data;
+  function frameIsVisible(frame: Frame, nextFrame: Frame) {
+    return (
+      includeSystemFrames ||
+      frame.inApp ||
+      (nextFrame && nextFrame.inApp) ||
+      // the last non-app frame
+      (!frame.inApp && !nextFrame)
+    );
+  }
-  setInitialFrameMap(): {[frameIndex: number]: boolean} {
-    const {data} = this.props;
+  function setInitialFrameMap(): {[frameIndex: number]: boolean} {
     const indexMap = {};
     (data.frames ?? []).forEach((frame, frameIdx) => {
       const nextFrame = (data.frames ?? [])[frameIdx + 1];
-      const repeatedFrame = this.isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
-      if (this.frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame && !frame.inApp) {
+      const repeatedFrame = isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
+      if (frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame && !frame.inApp) {
         indexMap[frameIdx] = false;
     return indexMap;
-  frameIsVisible = (frame: Frame, nextFrame: Frame) => {
-    const {includeSystemFrames} = this.props;
-    return (
-      includeSystemFrames ||
-      frame.inApp ||
-      (nextFrame && nextFrame.inApp) ||
-      // the last non-app frame
-      (!frame.inApp && !nextFrame)
-    );
-  };
-  getInitialFrameCounts(): {[frameIndex: number]: number} {
-    const {data} = this.props;
+  function getInitialFrameCounts(): {[frameIndex: number]: number} {
     let count = 0;
     const countMap = {};
     (data.frames ?? []).forEach((frame, frameIdx) => {
       const nextFrame = (data.frames ?? [])[frameIdx + 1];
-      const repeatedFrame = this.isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
-      if (this.frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame && !frame.inApp) {
+      const repeatedFrame = isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
+      if (frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame && !frame.inApp) {
         countMap[frameIdx] = count;
         count = 0;
       } else {
@@ -105,12 +113,11 @@ class Content extends Component<Props, State> {
     return countMap;
-  getRepeatedFrameIndices() {
-    const {data} = this.props;
+  function getRepeatedFrameIndices() {
     const repeats: number[] = [];
     (data.frames ?? []).forEach((frame, frameIdx) => {
       const nextFrame = (data.frames ?? [])[frameIdx + 1];
-      const repeatedFrame = this.isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
+      const repeatedFrame = isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
       if (repeatedFrame) {
@@ -119,11 +126,8 @@ class Content extends Component<Props, State> {
     return repeats;
-  getHiddenFrameIndices(
-    toggleFrameMap: {[frameIndex: number]: boolean},
-    frameCountMap: {[frameIndex: number]: number}
-  ) {
-    const repeatedIndeces = this.getRepeatedFrameIndices();
+  function getHiddenFrameIndices(frameCountMap: {[frameIndex: number]: number}) {
+    const repeatedIndeces = getRepeatedFrameIndices();
     let hiddenFrameIndices: number[] = [];
       .filter(frameIndex => toggleFrameMap[frameIndex] === true)
@@ -144,24 +148,29 @@ class Content extends Component<Props, State> {
     return hiddenFrameIndices;
-  renderOmittedFrames = (firstFrameOmitted, lastFrameOmitted) => {
-    const props = {
-      className: 'frame frames-omitted',
-      key: 'omitted',
-    };
-    const text = t(
-      'Frames %d until %d were omitted and not available.',
-      firstFrameOmitted,
-      lastFrameOmitted
-    );
-    return <li {...props}>{text}</li>;
-  };
+  function findImageForAddress(
+    address: Frame['instructionAddr'],
+    addrMode: Frame['addrMode']
+  ) {
+    const images = event.entries.find(entry => entry.type === 'debugmeta')?.data?.images;
+    if (!images || !address) {
+      return null;
+    }
-  isFrameAfterLastNonApp(): boolean {
-    const {data} = this.props;
+    const image = images.find((img, idx) => {
+      if (!addrMode || addrMode === 'abs') {
+        const [startAddress, endAddress] = getImageRange(img);
+        return address >= (startAddress as any) && address < (endAddress as any);
+      }
+      return addrMode === `rel:${idx}`;
+    });
-    const frames = data.frames ?? [];
+    return image;
+  }
+  function isFrameAfterLastNonApp(): boolean {
     if (!frames.length || frames.length < 2) {
       return false;
@@ -172,240 +181,196 @@ class Content extends Component<Props, State> {
     return penultimateFrame.inApp && !lastFrame.inApp;
-  isRepeatedFrame(frame: Frame, nextFrame?: Frame): boolean {
-    if (!nextFrame) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return (
-      frame.lineNo === nextFrame.lineNo &&
-      frame.instructionAddr === nextFrame.instructionAddr &&
-      frame.package === nextFrame.package &&
-      frame.module === nextFrame.module &&
-      frame.function === nextFrame.function
-    );
+  function handleToggleAddresses(mouseEvent: React.MouseEvent<SVGElement>) {
+    mouseEvent.stopPropagation(); // to prevent collapsing if collapsible
+    setShowingAbsoluteAddresses(oldShowAbsAddresses => !oldShowAbsAddresses);
-  findImageForAddress(address: Frame['instructionAddr'], addrMode: Frame['addrMode']) {
-    const images = this.props.event.entries.find(entry => entry.type === 'debugmeta')
-      ?.data?.images;
-    return images && address
-      ? images.find((img, idx) => {
-          if (!addrMode || addrMode === 'abs') {
-            const [startAddress, endAddress] = getImageRange(img);
-            return address >= (startAddress as any) && address < (endAddress as any);
-          }
-          return addrMode === `rel:${idx}`;
-        })
-      : null;
+  function handleToggleFunctionName(mouseEvent: React.MouseEvent<SVGElement>) {
+    mouseEvent.stopPropagation(); // to prevent collapsing if collapsible
+    setShowCompleteFunctionName(oldShowCompleteName => !oldShowCompleteName);
-  handleToggleAddresses = (event: React.MouseEvent<SVGElement>) => {
-    event.stopPropagation(); // to prevent collapsing if collapsible
-    this.setState(prevState => ({
-      showingAbsoluteAddresses: !prevState.showingAbsoluteAddresses,
-    }));
-  };
-  handleToggleFunctionName = (event: React.MouseEvent<SVGElement>) => {
-    event.stopPropagation(); // to prevent collapsing if collapsible
+  const handleToggleFrames = (
+    mouseEvent: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>,
+    frameIndex: number
+  ) => {
+    mouseEvent.stopPropagation(); // to prevent toggling frame context
-    this.setState(prevState => ({
-      showCompleteFunctionName: !prevState.showCompleteFunctionName,
+    setToggleFrameMap(prevState => ({
+      ...prevState,
+      [frameIndex]: !prevState[frameIndex],
-  handleToggleFrames = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, frameIndex: number) => {
-    event.stopPropagation(); // to prevent toggling frame context
-    this.setState(prevState => ({
-      toggleFrameMap: {
-        ...prevState.toggleFrameMap,
-        [frameIndex]: !prevState.toggleFrameMap[frameIndex],
-      },
-    }));
-  };
-  getClassName() {
-    const {className = '', includeSystemFrames} = this.props;
-    if (includeSystemFrames) {
-      return `${className} traceback full-traceback`;
-    }
+  function getLastFrameIndex() {
+    const inAppFrameIndexes = frames
+      .map((frame, frameIndex) => {
+        if (frame.inApp) {
+          return frameIndex;
+        }
+        return undefined;
+      })
+      .filter(frame => frame !== undefined);
-    return `${className} traceback in-app-traceback`;
+    return !inAppFrameIndexes.length
+      ? frames.length - 1
+      : inAppFrameIndexes[inAppFrameIndexes.length - 1];
-  render() {
-    const {
-      data,
-      event,
-      newestFirst,
-      expandFirstFrame,
-      platform,
-      includeSystemFrames,
-      isHoverPreviewed,
-      maxDepth,
-      meta,
-      debugFrames,
-      hideIcon,
-      threadId,
-      lockAddress,
-    } = this.props;
-    const {showingAbsoluteAddresses, showCompleteFunctionName, toggleFrameMap} =
-      this.state;
-    let firstFrameOmitted = null;
-    let lastFrameOmitted = null;
-    if (data.framesOmitted) {
-      firstFrameOmitted = data.framesOmitted[0];
-      lastFrameOmitted = data.framesOmitted[1];
-    }
-    let lastFrameIdx: number | null = null;
-    (data.frames ?? []).forEach((frame, frameIdx) => {
-      if (frame.inApp) {
-        lastFrameIdx = frameIdx;
-      }
-    });
-    if (lastFrameIdx === null) {
-      lastFrameIdx = (data.frames ?? []).length - 1;
-    }
-    let frames: React.ReactElement[] = [];
-    let nRepeats = 0;
-    const maxLengthOfAllRelativeAddresses = (data.frames ?? []).reduce(
-      (maxLengthUntilThisPoint, frame) => {
-        const correspondingImage = this.findImageForAddress(
-          frame.instructionAddr,
-          frame.addrMode
-        );
-        try {
-          const relativeAddress = (
-            parseAddress(frame.instructionAddr) -
-            parseAddress(correspondingImage.image_addr)
-          ).toString(16);
-          return maxLengthUntilThisPoint > relativeAddress.length
-            ? maxLengthUntilThisPoint
-            : relativeAddress.length;
-        } catch {
-          return maxLengthUntilThisPoint;
-        }
-      },
-      0
-    );
-    const frameCountMap = this.getInitialFrameCounts();
-    const hiddenFrameIndices: number[] = this.getHiddenFrameIndices(
-      toggleFrameMap,
-      frameCountMap
+  function renderOmittedFrames(firstFrameOmitted: any, lastFrameOmitted: any) {
+    const props = {
+      className: 'frame frames-omitted',
+      key: 'omitted',
+    };
+    return (
+      <li {...props}>
+        {t(
+          'Frames %d until %d were omitted and not available.',
+          firstFrameOmitted,
+          lastFrameOmitted
+        )}
+      </li>
+  }
-    const isFrameAfterLastNonApp = this.isFrameAfterLastNonApp();
-    const mechanism =
-      platform === 'java' && event.tags?.find(({key}) => key === 'mechanism')?.value;
-    const isANR = mechanism === 'ANR' || mechanism === 'AppExitInfo';
+  const firstFrameOmitted = framesOmitted?.[0] ?? null;
+  const lastFrameOmitted = framesOmitted?.[1] ?? null;
+  const lastFrameIndex = getLastFrameIndex();
+  const frameCountMap = getInitialFrameCounts();
+  const hiddenFrameIndices: number[] = getHiddenFrameIndices(frameCountMap);
+  const mechanism =
+    platform === 'java' && event.tags?.find(({key}) => key === 'mechanism')?.value;
+  const isANR = mechanism === 'ANR' || mechanism === 'AppExitInfo';
+  let nRepeats = 0;
+  const maxLengthOfAllRelativeAddresses = frames.reduce(
+    (maxLengthUntilThisPoint, frame) => {
+      const correspondingImage = findImageForAddress(
+        frame.instructionAddr,
+        frame.addrMode
+      );
+      try {
+        const relativeAddress = (
+          parseAddress(frame.instructionAddr) -
+          parseAddress(correspondingImage.image_addr)
+        ).toString(16);
+        return maxLengthUntilThisPoint > relativeAddress.length
+          ? maxLengthUntilThisPoint
+          : relativeAddress.length;
+      } catch {
+        return maxLengthUntilThisPoint;
+      }
+    },
+    0
+  );
-    (data.frames ?? []).forEach((frame, frameIdx) => {
-      const prevFrame = (data.frames ?? [])[frameIdx - 1];
-      const nextFrame = (data.frames ?? [])[frameIdx + 1];
-      const repeatedFrame = this.isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
+  let convertedFrames = frames
+    .map((frame, frameIndex) => {
+      const prevFrame = frames[frameIndex - 1];
+      const nextFrame = frames[frameIndex + 1];
+      const repeatedFrame = isRepeatedFrame(frame, nextFrame);
       if (repeatedFrame) {
       if (
-        (this.frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame) ||
-        hiddenFrameIndices.includes(frameIdx)
+        (frameIsVisible(frame, nextFrame) && !repeatedFrame) ||
+        hiddenFrameIndices.includes(frameIndex)
       ) {
-        const image = this.findImageForAddress(frame.instructionAddr, frame.addrMode);
-        frames.push(
-          <DeprecatedLine
-            key={frameIdx}
-            event={event}
-            data={frame}
-            isExpanded={expandFirstFrame && lastFrameIdx === frameIdx}
-            emptySourceNotation={lastFrameIdx === frameIdx && frameIdx === 0}
-            isOnlyFrame={(data.frames ?? []).length === 1}
-            nextFrame={nextFrame}
-            prevFrame={prevFrame}
-            platform={platform}
-            timesRepeated={nRepeats}
-            showingAbsoluteAddress={showingAbsoluteAddresses}
-            onAddressToggle={this.handleToggleAddresses}
-            image={image}
-            maxLengthOfRelativeAddress={maxLengthOfAllRelativeAddresses}
-            registers={{}} // TODO: Fix registers
-            isFrameAfterLastNonApp={isFrameAfterLastNonApp}
-            includeSystemFrames={includeSystemFrames}
-            onFunctionNameToggle={this.handleToggleFunctionName}
-            onShowFramesToggle={e => {
-              this.handleToggleFrames(e, frameIdx);
-            }}
-            isSubFrame={hiddenFrameIndices.includes(frameIdx)}
-            isShowFramesToggleExpanded={toggleFrameMap[frameIdx]}
-            showCompleteFunctionName={showCompleteFunctionName}
-            isHoverPreviewed={isHoverPreviewed}
-            frameMeta={meta?.frames?.[frameIdx]}
-            registersMeta={meta?.registers}
-            debugFrames={debugFrames}
-            isANR={isANR}
-            threadId={threadId}
-            lockAddress={lockAddress}
-            hiddenFrameCount={frameCountMap[frameIdx]}
-          />
-        );
+        const frameProps: DeprecatedLineProps = {
+          event,
+          data: frame,
+          isExpanded: expandFirstFrame && lastFrameIndex === frameIndex,
+          emptySourceNotation: lastFrameIndex === frameIndex && frameIndex === 0,
+          isOnlyFrame: (data.frames ?? []).length === 1,
+          nextFrame,
+          prevFrame,
+          platform,
+          timesRepeated: nRepeats,
+          showingAbsoluteAddress: showingAbsoluteAddresses,
+          onAddressToggle: handleToggleAddresses,
+          image: findImageForAddress(frame.instructionAddr, frame.addrMode),
+          maxLengthOfRelativeAddress: maxLengthOfAllRelativeAddresses,
+          registers: {}, // TODO: Fix registers
+          isFrameAfterLastNonApp: isFrameAfterLastNonApp(),
+          includeSystemFrames,
+          onFunctionNameToggle: handleToggleFunctionName,
+          onShowFramesToggle: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
+            handleToggleFrames(e, frameIndex);
+          },
+          isSubFrame: hiddenFrameIndices.includes(frameIndex),
+          isShowFramesToggleExpanded: toggleFrameMap[frameIndex],
+          showCompleteFunctionName,
+          isHoverPreviewed,
+          frameMeta: meta?.frames?.[frameIndex],
+          registersMeta: meta?.registers,
+          debugFrames,
+          isANR,
+          threadId,
+          lockAddress,
+          hiddenFrameCount: frameCountMap[frameIndex],
+        };
+        nRepeats = 0;
+        if (frameIndex === firstFrameOmitted) {
+          return (
+            <Fragment key={frameIndex}>
+              <DeprecatedLine {...frameProps} />
+              {renderOmittedFrames(firstFrameOmitted, lastFrameOmitted)}
+            </Fragment>
+          );
+        }
+        return <DeprecatedLine key={frameIndex} {...frameProps} />;
       if (!repeatedFrame) {
         nRepeats = 0;
-      if (frameIdx === firstFrameOmitted) {
-        frames.push(this.renderOmittedFrames(firstFrameOmitted, lastFrameOmitted));
+      if (frameIndex !== firstFrameOmitted) {
+        return null;
-    });
-    if (frames.length > 0 && data.registers) {
-      const lastFrame = frames.length - 1;
-      frames[lastFrame] = cloneElement(frames[lastFrame], {
-        registers: data.registers,
-      });
-    }
-    if (defined(maxDepth)) {
-      frames = frames.slice(-maxDepth);
-    }
-    if (newestFirst) {
-      frames.reverse();
-    }
+      return renderOmittedFrames(firstFrameOmitted, lastFrameOmitted);
+    })
+    .filter(frame => !!frame) as React.ReactElement[];
-    const className = this.getClassName();
-    const platformIcon = stackTracePlatformIcon(platform, data.frames ?? []);
+  if (convertedFrames.length > 0 && registers) {
+    const lastFrame = convertedFrames.length - 1;
+    convertedFrames[lastFrame] = cloneElement(convertedFrames[lastFrame], {
+      registers,
+    });
+  }
-    return (
-      <Wrapper className={className} data-test-id="stack-trace-content">
-        {!hideIcon && <StacktracePlatformIcon platform={platformIcon} />}
-        <GuideAnchor target="stack_trace">
-          <StyledList data-test-id="frames">{frames}</StyledList>
-        </GuideAnchor>
-      </Wrapper>
-    );
+  if (defined(maxDepth)) {
+    convertedFrames = convertedFrames.slice(-maxDepth);
-export default withOrganization(Content);
+  const wrapperClassName = `${!!className && className} traceback ${
+    includeSystemFrames ? 'full-traceback' : 'in-app-traceback'
+  }`;
+  const platformIcon = stackTracePlatformIcon(platform, data.frames ?? []);
+  return (
+    <Wrapper className={wrapperClassName} data-test-id="stack-trace-content">
+      {!hideIcon && <StacktracePlatformIcon platform={platformIcon} />}
+      <GuideAnchor target="stack_trace">
+        <StyledList data-test-id="frames">
+          {!newestFirst ? convertedFrames : [...convertedFrames].reverse()}
+        </StyledList>
+      </GuideAnchor>
+    </Wrapper>
+  );
 const Wrapper = styled(Panel)`
   position: relative;
@@ -415,3 +380,5 @@ const Wrapper = styled(Panel)`
 const StyledList = styled('ul')`
   list-style: none;
+export default withOrganization(Content);

+ 6 - 3

@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ import {
 } from './utils';
-type Props = {
-  components: Array<SentryAppComponent>;
+export interface DeprecatedLineProps {
   data: Frame;
   event: Event;
   registers: Record<string, string>;
@@ -81,7 +80,11 @@ type Props = {
   showingAbsoluteAddress?: boolean;
   threadId?: number;
   timesRepeated?: number;
+interface Props extends DeprecatedLineProps {
+  components: Array<SentryAppComponent>;
 type State = {
   isExpanded?: boolean;