@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
"use strict";
var gulp = require("gulp"),
- gp_cached = require('gulp-cached'),
- gp_changed = require("gulp-changed"),
+ gp_cached = require("gulp-cached"),
gp_clean = require("gulp-clean"),
gp_concat = require("gulp-concat"),
gp_less = require("gulp-less"),
gp_rename = require("gulp-rename"),
- gp_sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
gp_uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
gp_util = require("gulp-util");
var path = require("path");
var staticPrefix = "src/sentry/static/sentry",
- distPath = staticPrefix + "/dist",
- isWatching = false;
+ distPath = staticPrefix + "/dist";
var jsDistros = {
"app": [
@@ -94,39 +91,56 @@ function vendorFile(name) {
function buildJsCompileTask(name, fileList) {
- // TODO(dcramer): sourcemaps do not have the correct path to the
- // originaly files
- return gulp.src(fileList)
- .pipe(gp_cached('js_' + name))
- .pipe(gp_sourcemaps.init())
- .pipe(gp_concat(distroName + ".js"))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(distPath))
- .pipe(gp_uglify())
- .pipe(gp_rename(distroName + ".min.js"))
- .pipe(gp_sourcemaps.write("./", {
- includeContent: false
- }))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(distPath))
- .on("error", gp_util.log);
+ // TODO(dcramer): sourcemaps
+ return function(){
+ return gulp.src(fileList)
+ .pipe(gp_cached('js-' + name))
+ .pipe(gp_concat(name + ".js"))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest(distPath))
+ .pipe(gp_uglify())
+ .pipe(gp_rename(name + ".min.js"))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest(distPath))
+ .on("error", gp_util.log);
+ };
function buildJsWatchTask(name, fileList) {
- return gulp.watch(fileList, ["dist:js:" + name]);
+ return function(){
+ return gulp.watch(fileList, ["dist:js:" + name]);
+ };
function buildCssCompileTask(name, fileList) {
- return gulp.src(fileList)
- .pipe(gp_cached('css_' + name))
- .pipe(gp_sourcemaps.init())
+ return function(){
+ gulp.src(fileList)
+ .pipe(gp_cached('css-' + name))
paths: [vendorFile("bootstrap/less")]
- .pipe(gp_sourcemaps.write("./", {
- includeContent: false
- }))
.on("error", gp_util.log);
+ };
+function buildJsDistroTasks() {
+ // create a gulp task for each JS distro
+ var jsDistroNames = [], compileTask, watchTask, fileList;
+ for (var distroName in jsDistros) {
+ fileList = jsDistros[distroName];
+ compileTask = buildJsCompileTask(distroName, fileList);
+ gulp.task("dist:js:" + distroName, compileTask);
+ watchTask = buildJsWatchTask(distroName, fileList);
+ gulp.task("watch:js:" + distroName, watchTask);
+ jsDistroNames.push(distroName);
+ }
+ gulp.task("dist:js", jsDistroNames.map(function(n) { return "dist:js:" + n; }));
+ gulp.task("watch:js", jsDistroNames.map(function(n) { return "watch:js:" + n; }));
gulp.task("clean", function () {
@@ -135,86 +149,16 @@ gulp.task("clean", function () {
.on("error", gp_util.log);
-gulp.task("dist:css", function () {
- return buildCssCompileTask("sentry.css", [file("less/sentry.less")]);
-// create a gulp task for each JS distro
-var jsDistroNames = [], compileTask, watchTask;
-for (var distroName in jsDistros) {
- compileTask = buildJsCompileTask(distroName, jsDistros[distroName]);
- gulp.task("dist:js:" + distroName, function(){
- return compileTask;
- });
- watchTask = buildJsWatchTask(distroName, jsDistros[distroName]);
- gulp.task("watch:js:" + distroName, function(){
- isWatching = true;
- return watchTask;
- });
- jsDistroNames.push(distroName);
+gulp.task("dist:css", buildCssCompileTask("sentry.css", [file("less/sentry.less")]));
-gulp.task("dist:js", jsDistroNames.map(function(n) { return "dist:js:" + n; }));
gulp.task("dist", ["dist:js", "dist:css"]);
gulp.task("watch:css", function(){
- isWatching = true;
return gulp.watch(file("less/sentry.less"), ["dist:css"]);
-gulp.task("watch:js", jsDistroNames.map(function(n) { return "watch:js:" + n; }));
gulp.task("watch", ["watch:js", "watch:css"]);
gulp.task("default", ["dist"]);
-// // Lint JavaScript
-// gulp.task("jshint", function () {
-// return gulp.src(staticPrefix + "/**/*.js")
-// .pipe(reload({stream: true, once: true}))
-// .pipe($.jshint())
-// .pipe($.jshint.reporter("jshint-stylish"))
-// .pipe($.if(!browserSync.active, $.jshint.reporter("fail")));
-// });
-// // Optimize Images
-// gulp.task("images", function () {
-// return gulp.src(staticPrefix + "images/**/*")
-// .pipe($.cache($.imagemin({
-// progressive: true,
-// interlaced: true
-// })))
-// .pipe(gulp.dest("dist/images"))
-// .pipe($.size({title: "images"}));
-// });
-// // Build javascript distribution
-// {input} --source-map-root={relroot}/ --source-map-url={name}.map{ext} --source-map={relpath}/{name}.map{ext} -o {output}
-// var sourceMap = UglifyJS.SourceMap({
-// file : null, // the compressed file name
-// root : null, // the root URL to the original sources
-// orig : null, // the input source map
-// });
-// gulp.src("lib/*.js")
-// .pipe(uglify({
-// output: {
-// source_map: sourceMap
-// }
-// }))
-// .pipe(gulp.dest("dist"))
-// });
-// https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/issues/167
-gulp.on('stop', function() {
- if (!isWatching) {
- process.nextTick(function() {
- process.exit(0);
- });
- }