@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from datetime import timedelta
-from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_datetime
-import json
-import pytest
-import responses
-from django.conf import settings
-from sentry.models import GroupHash, Release
-from sentry.testutils import TestCase
-from sentry.tsdb.base import TSDBModel
-from sentry.tsdb.snuba import SnubaTSDB
-from sentry.utils.dates import to_timestamp
-def has_shape(data, shape, allow_empty=False):
- """
- Determine if a data object has the provided shape
- At any level, the object in `data` and in `shape` must have the same type.
- A dict is the same shape if all its keys and values have the same shape as the
- key/value in `shape`. The number of keys/values is not relevant.
- A list is the same shape if all its items have the same shape as the value
- in `shape`
- A tuple is the same shape if it has the same length as `shape` and all the
- values have the same shape as the corresponding value in `shape`
- Any other object simply has to have the same type.
- If `allow_empty` is set, lists and dicts in `data` will pass even if they are empty.
- """
- if type(data) != type(shape):
- return False
- if isinstance(data, dict):
- return (allow_empty or len(data) > 0) and\
- all(has_shape(k, shape.keys()[0]) for k in data.keys()) and\
- all(has_shape(v, shape.values()[0]) for v in data.values())
- elif isinstance(data, list):
- return (allow_empty or len(data) > 0) and\
- all(has_shape(v, shape[0]) for v in data)
- elif isinstance(data, tuple):
- return len(data) == len(shape) and all(
- has_shape(data[i], shape[i]) for i in range(len(data)))
- else:
- return True
-class SnubaTSDBRequestsTest(TestCase):
- """
- Tests that the Snuba TSDB backend makes correctly formatted requests
- to the Snuba service, and formats the results correctly.
- Mocks the Snuba service request/response.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.db = SnubaTSDB()
- @responses.activate
- def test_result_shape(self):
- """
- Tests that the results from the different TSDB methods have the
- expected format.
- """
- now = parse_datetime('2018-03-09T01:00:00Z')
- project_id = 194503
- dts = [now + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(4)]
- with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps:
- def snuba_response(request):
- body = json.loads(request.body)
- aggs = body.get('aggregations', [])
- meta = [{'name': col} for col in body['groupby'] + [a[2] for a in aggs]]
- datum = {col['name']: 1 for col in meta}
- datum['project_id'] = project_id
- if 'time' in datum:
- datum['time'] = '2018-03-09T01:00:00Z'
- for agg in aggs:
- if agg[0].startswith('topK'):
- datum[agg[2]] = [99]
- return (200, {}, json.dumps({'data': [datum], 'meta': meta}))
- rsps.add_callback(
- responses.POST,
- settings.SENTRY_SNUBA + '/query',
- callback=snuba_response)
- results = self.db.get_most_frequent(TSDBModel.frequent_issues_by_project,
- [project_id], dts[0], dts[0])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: [(1, 1.0)]})
- results = self.db.get_most_frequent_series(TSDBModel.frequent_issues_by_project,
- [project_id], dts[0], dts[0])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: [(1, {1: 1.0})]})
- items = {
- project_id: (0, 1, 2) # {project_id: (issue_id, issue_id, ...)}
- }
- results = self.db.get_frequency_series(TSDBModel.frequent_issues_by_project,
- items, dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: [(1, {1: 1})]})
- results = self.db.get_frequency_totals(TSDBModel.frequent_issues_by_project,
- items, dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: {1: 1}})
- results = self.db.get_range(TSDBModel.project, [project_id], dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: [(1, 1)]})
- results = self.db.get_distinct_counts_series(TSDBModel.users_affected_by_project,
- [project_id], dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: [(1, 1)]})
- results = self.db.get_distinct_counts_totals(TSDBModel.users_affected_by_project,
- [project_id], dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, {1: 1})
- results = self.db.get_distinct_counts_union(TSDBModel.users_affected_by_project,
- [project_id], dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert has_shape(results, 1)
- @responses.activate
- def test_groups_request(self):
- now = parse_datetime('2018-03-09T01:00:00Z')
- dts = [now + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(4)]
- project = self.create_project()
- group = self.create_group(project=project)
- GroupHash.objects.create(project=project, group=group, hash='0' * 32)
- group2 = self.create_group(project=project)
- GroupHash.objects.create(project=project, group=group2, hash='1' * 32)
- with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps:
- def snuba_response(request):
- body = json.loads(request.body)
- assert body['aggregations'] == [['count()', None, 'aggregate']]
- assert body['project'] == [project.id]
- assert body['groupby'] == ['issue', 'time']
- # Assert issue->hash map is generated, but only for referenced issues
- assert [group.id, ['0' * 32]] in body['issues']
- assert [group2.id, ['1' * 32]] not in body['issues']
- return (200, {}, json.dumps({
- 'data': [{'time': '2018-03-09T01:00:00Z', 'issue': 1, 'aggregate': 100}],
- 'meta': [{'name': 'time'}, {'name': 'issue'}, {'name': 'aggregate'}]
- }))
- rsps.add_callback(
- responses.POST,
- settings.SENTRY_SNUBA + '/query',
- callback=snuba_response)
- results = self.db.get_range(TSDBModel.group, [group.id], dts[0], dts[-1])
- assert results is not None
- @responses.activate
- def test_releases_request(self):
- now = parse_datetime('2018-03-09T01:00:00Z')
- project = self.create_project()
- release = Release.objects.create(
- organization_id=self.organization.id,
- version='version X',
- date_added=now,
- )
- release.add_project(project)
- dts = [now + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(4)]
- with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps:
- def snuba_response(request):
- body = json.loads(request.body)
- assert body['aggregations'] == [['count()', None, 'aggregate']]
- assert body['project'] == [project.id]
- assert body['groupby'] == ['tags[sentry:release]', 'time']
- assert ['tags[sentry:release]', 'IN', ['version X']] in body['conditions']
- return (200, {}, json.dumps({
- 'data': [{'tags[sentry:release]': 'version X', 'time': '2018-03-09T01:00:00Z', 'aggregate': 100}],
- 'meta': [{'name': 'tags[sentry:release]'}, {'name': 'time'}, {'name': 'aggregate'}]
- }))
- rsps.add_callback(
- responses.POST,
- settings.SENTRY_SNUBA + '/query',
- callback=snuba_response)
- results = self.db.get_range(
- TSDBModel.release, [release.id], dts[0], dts[-1], rollup=3600)
- assert results == {
- release.id: [
- (int(to_timestamp(d)), 100 if d == now else 0)
- for d in dts]
- }
- @responses.activate
- def test_environment_request(self):
- now = parse_datetime('2018-03-09T01:00:00Z')
- project = self.create_project()
- env = self.create_environment(project=project, name="prod")
- dts = [now + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(4)]
- with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps:
- def snuba_response(request):
- body = json.loads(request.body)
- assert body['aggregations'] == [['count()', None, 'aggregate']]
- assert body['project'] == [project.id]
- assert body['groupby'] == ['project_id', 'time']
- assert ['environment', 'IN', ['prod']] in body['conditions']
- return (200, {}, json.dumps({
- 'data': [{'project_id': project.id, 'time': '2018-03-09T01:00:00Z', 'aggregate': 100}],
- 'meta': [{'name': 'project_id'}, {'name': 'time'}, {'name': 'aggregate'}]
- }))
- rsps.add_callback(
- responses.POST,
- settings.SENTRY_SNUBA + '/query',
- callback=snuba_response)
- results = self.db.get_range(TSDBModel.project, [project.id],
- dts[0], dts[-1], environment_id=env.id, rollup=3600)
- assert results == {
- project.id: [
- (int(to_timestamp(d)), 100 if d == now else 0)
- for d in dts]
- }
- def test_invalid_model(self):
- with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
- self.db.get_range(TSDBModel.project_total_received_discarded, [], None, None)
- assert "Unsupported TSDBModel" in ex.value.message