@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`SentryAppPermissionsModal installs the application 1`] = `
- Body={[Function]}
- Header={[Function]}
- app={
- Object {
- "author": "Sentry",
- "clientId": "client-id",
- "clientSecret": "client-secret",
- "events": Array [],
- "isAlertable": false,
- "name": "Sample App",
- "overview": "This is an app.",
- "redirectUrl": "https://example/com/setup",
- "schema": Object {},
- "scopes": Array [
- "project:read",
- ],
- "slug": "sample-app",
- "status": "unpublished",
- "uuid": "123456123456123456123456",
- "webhookUrl": "https://example.com/webhook",
- }
- }
- closeModal={[MockFunction]}
- onInstall={[MockFunction]}
- orgId="org-slug"
- <ModalHeader
- bsClass="modal-header"
- closeButton={true}
- closeLabel="Close"
- onHide={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <div
- className="modal-header"
- >
- <CloseButton
- label="Close"
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <button
- className="close"
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- type="button"
- >
- <span
- aria-hidden="true"
- >
- ×
- </span>
- <span
- className="sr-only"
- >
- Close
- </span>
- </button>
- </CloseButton>
- Install Sample App
- </div>
- </ModalHeader>
- <ModalBody
- bsClass="modal-body"
- componentClass="div"
- >
- <div
- className="modal-body"
- >
- <Title>
- <p
- className="css-dvcemm-Title ey7jt0i1"
- >
- Install on your
- <strong>
- org-slug
- </strong>
- organization with the following permissions:
- </p>
- </Title>
- <Panel>
- <Component
- className="css-10qfvek-Panel e119nu470"
- >
- <div
- className="css-10qfvek-Panel e119nu470"
- >
- <PanelItem
- key="read"
- p={2}
- >
- <Base
- className="css-125s2dx-PanelItem eo8n7lk0"
- p={2}
- >
- <div
- className="css-125s2dx-PanelItem eo8n7lk0"
- is={null}
- >
- <p>
- <strong>
- Read
- </strong>
- access to Project
- </p>
- </div>
- </Base>
- </PanelItem>
- </div>
- </Component>
- </Panel>
- </div>
- </ModalBody>
- <div
- className="modal-footer"
- >
- <RedirectionInfo>
- <div
- className="css-ysuc35-RedirectionInfo ey7jt0i2"
- >
- After installation you'll be redirected to the Sample App service to finish setup.
- </div>
- </RedirectionInfo>
- <StyledButton
- align="center"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- >
- <Button
- align="center"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- >
- <StyledButton
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- role="button"
- >
- <ForwardRef
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1tzz3wq-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- role="button"
- >
- <button
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1tzz3wq-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <ButtonLabel
- align="center"
- priority="success"
- >
- <Component
- align="center"
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- priority="success"
- >
- <span
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- Install
- </span>
- </Component>
- </ButtonLabel>
- </button>
- </ForwardRef>
- </StyledButton>
- </Button>
- </StyledButton>
- <StyledButton
- align="center"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <Button
- align="center"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <StyledButton
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <ForwardRef
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1v01il8-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <button
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1v01il8-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <ButtonLabel
- align="center"
- >
- <Component
- align="center"
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- <span
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- Cancel
- </span>
- </Component>
- </ButtonLabel>
- </button>
- </ForwardRef>
- </StyledButton>
- </Button>
- </StyledButton>
- </div>
-exports[`SentryAppPermissionsModal renders permissions modal 1`] = `
- Body={[Function]}
- Header={[Function]}
- app={
- Object {
- "author": "Sentry",
- "clientId": "client-id",
- "clientSecret": "client-secret",
- "events": Array [],
- "isAlertable": false,
- "name": "Sample App",
- "overview": "This is an app.",
- "redirectUrl": "https://example/com/setup",
- "schema": Object {},
- "scopes": Array [
- "project:read",
- ],
- "slug": "sample-app",
- "status": "unpublished",
- "uuid": "123456123456123456123456",
- "webhookUrl": "https://example.com/webhook",
- }
- }
- closeModal={[MockFunction]}
- onInstall={[MockFunction]}
- orgId="org-slug"
- <ModalHeader
- bsClass="modal-header"
- closeButton={true}
- closeLabel="Close"
- onHide={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <div
- className="modal-header"
- >
- <CloseButton
- label="Close"
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <button
- className="close"
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- type="button"
- >
- <span
- aria-hidden="true"
- >
- ×
- </span>
- <span
- className="sr-only"
- >
- Close
- </span>
- </button>
- </CloseButton>
- Install Sample App
- </div>
- </ModalHeader>
- <ModalBody
- bsClass="modal-body"
- componentClass="div"
- >
- <div
- className="modal-body"
- >
- <Title>
- <p
- className="css-dvcemm-Title ey7jt0i1"
- >
- Install on your
- <strong>
- org-slug
- </strong>
- organization with the following permissions:
- </p>
- </Title>
- <Panel>
- <Component
- className="css-10qfvek-Panel e119nu470"
- >
- <div
- className="css-10qfvek-Panel e119nu470"
- >
- <PanelItem
- key="read"
- p={2}
- >
- <Base
- className="css-125s2dx-PanelItem eo8n7lk0"
- p={2}
- >
- <div
- className="css-125s2dx-PanelItem eo8n7lk0"
- is={null}
- >
- <p>
- <strong>
- Read
- </strong>
- access to Project
- </p>
- </div>
- </Base>
- </PanelItem>
- </div>
- </Component>
- </Panel>
- </div>
- </ModalBody>
- <div
- className="modal-footer"
- >
- <RedirectionInfo>
- <div
- className="css-ysuc35-RedirectionInfo ey7jt0i2"
- >
- After installation you'll be redirected to the Sample App service to finish setup.
- </div>
- </RedirectionInfo>
- <StyledButton
- align="center"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- >
- <Button
- align="center"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- >
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- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- role="button"
- >
- <ForwardRef
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1tzz3wq-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- priority="success"
- role="button"
- >
- <button
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Install"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1tzz3wq-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
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- align="center"
- priority="success"
- >
- <Component
- align="center"
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- priority="success"
- >
- <span
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- Install
- </span>
- </Component>
- </ButtonLabel>
- </button>
- </ForwardRef>
- </StyledButton>
- </Button>
- </StyledButton>
- <StyledButton
- align="center"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <Button
- align="center"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[MockFunction]}
- >
- <StyledButton
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="css-159raph-StyledButton ey7jt0i0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <ForwardRef
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1v01il8-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <button
- aria-disabled={false}
- aria-label="Cancel"
- className="ey7jt0i0 css-1v01il8-StyledButton-getColors-StyledButton edwq9my0"
- onClick={[Function]}
- role="button"
- >
- <ButtonLabel
- align="center"
- >
- <Component
- align="center"
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- <span
- className="css-oo1m2a-ButtonLabel edwq9my1"
- >
- Cancel
- </span>
- </Component>
- </ButtonLabel>
- </button>
- </ForwardRef>
- </StyledButton>
- </Button>
- </StyledButton>
- </div>