@@ -303,6 +303,47 @@ describe('AccountSecurity', function () {
+ it('does not render primary interface that disallows new enrollments', function () {
+ Client.addMockResponse({
+ url: ENDPOINT,
+ body: [
+ TestStubs.Authenticators().Totp({disallowNewEnrollment: false}),
+ TestStubs.Authenticators().U2f({disallowNewEnrollment: null}),
+ TestStubs.Authenticators().Sms({disallowNewEnrollment: true}),
+ ],
+ });
+ const wrapper = mountWithTheme(
+ <AccountSecurityWrapper>
+ <AccountSecurity />
+ </AccountSecurityWrapper>,
+ TestStubs.routerContext()
+ );
+ // There should only be two authenticators rendered
+ expect(wrapper.find('AuthenticatorName')).toHaveLength(2);
+ });
+ it('renders primary interface if new enrollments are disallowed, but we are enrolled', function () {
+ Client.addMockResponse({
+ url: ENDPOINT,
+ body: [
+ TestStubs.Authenticators().Sms({isEnrolled: true, disallowNewEnrollment: true}),
+ ],
+ });
+ const wrapper = mountWithTheme(
+ <AccountSecurityWrapper>
+ <AccountSecurity />
+ </AccountSecurityWrapper>,
+ TestStubs.routerContext()
+ );
+ // Should still render the authenticator since we are already enrolled
+ expect(wrapper.find('AuthenticatorName')).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(wrapper.find('AuthenticatorName').prop('children')).toBe('Text Message');
+ });
it('renders a backup interface that is enrolled', function () {