@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+"""Query use-case module.
+For now, this is the search and sort entry-point. Some of this code may be moved to
+replays/query.py when the pre-existing query module is deprecated.
+There are two important functions in this module: "search_filter_to_condition" and
+"query_using_aggregated_search". "search_filter_to_condition" is responsible for transforming a
+SearchFilter into a Condition. This is the only entry-point into the Field system.
+"query_using_aggregated_search" is the request processing engine. It accepts raw data from an
+external source, makes decisions around what to query and when, and is responsible for returning
+intelligible output for the "post_process" module. More information on its implementation can be
+found in the function.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Union, cast
+from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
+from snuba_sdk import (
+ And,
+ Column,
+ Condition,
+ Direction,
+ Entity,
+ Function,
+ Granularity,
+ Op,
+ Or,
+ OrderBy,
+ Query,
+ Request,
+from snuba_sdk.expressions import Expression
+from sentry.api.event_search import ParenExpression, SearchFilter, SearchKey, SearchValue
+from sentry.models.organization import Organization
+from sentry.replays.lib.new_query.errors import CouldNotParseValue, OperatorNotSupported
+from sentry.replays.lib.new_query.fields import ColumnField
+from sentry.replays.usecases.query.fields import ComputedField, TagField
+from sentry.utils.snuba import raw_snql_query
+def handle_search_filters(
+ search_config: dict[str, Union[ColumnField, ComputedField, TagField]],
+ search_filters: list[Union[SearchFilter, str, ParenExpression]],
+) -> list[Condition]:
+ """Convert search filters to snuba conditions."""
+ result: list[Condition] = []
+ look_back = None
+ for search_filter in search_filters:
+ # SearchFilters are transformed into Conditions and appended to the result set. If they
+ # are top level filters they are implicitly AND'ed in the WHERE/HAVING clause. Otherwise
+ # explicit operators are used.
+ if isinstance(search_filter, SearchFilter):
+ try:
+ condition = search_filter_to_condition(search_config, search_filter)
+ except OperatorNotSupported:
+ raise ParseError(f"Invalid operator specified for `{search_filter.key.name}`")
+ except CouldNotParseValue:
+ raise ParseError(f"Could not parse value for `{search_filter.key.name}`")
+ if look_back == "AND":
+ look_back = None
+ attempt_compressed_condition(result, condition, And)
+ elif look_back == "OR":
+ look_back = None
+ attempt_compressed_condition(result, condition, Or)
+ else:
+ result.append(condition)
+ # ParenExpressions are recursively computed. If more than one condition is returned then
+ # those conditions are AND'ed.
+ elif isinstance(search_filter, ParenExpression):
+ conditions = handle_search_filters(search_config, search_filter.children)
+ if len(conditions) < 2:
+ result.extend(conditions)
+ else:
+ result.append(And(conditions))
+ # String types are limited to AND and OR... I think? In the case where its not a valid
+ # look-back it is implicitly ignored.
+ elif isinstance(search_filter, str):
+ look_back = search_filter
+ return result
+def attempt_compressed_condition(
+ result: list[Expression],
+ condition: Condition,
+ condition_type: Union[And, Or],
+ """Unnecessary query optimization.
+ Improves legibility for query debugging. Clickhouse would flatten these nested OR statements
+ internally anyway.
+ (block OR block) OR block => (block OR block OR block)
+ """
+ if isinstance(result[-1], condition_type):
+ result[-1].conditions.append(condition)
+ else:
+ result.append(condition_type([result.pop(), condition]))
+def search_filter_to_condition(
+ search_config: dict[str, Union[ColumnField, ComputedField, TagField]],
+ search_filter: SearchFilter,
+) -> Condition:
+ # The field-name is whatever the API says it is. We take it at face value.
+ field_name = search_filter.key.name
+ # If the field-name is in the search config then we can apply the search filter and return a
+ # result. If its not then its a tag and the same operation is performed only with a few more
+ # steps.
+ field = search_config.get(field_name)
+ if isinstance(field, (ColumnField, ComputedField)):
+ return field.apply(search_filter)
+ if field is None:
+ # Tags are represented with an "*" field by convention. We could name it `tags` and
+ # update our search config to point to this field-name.
+ field = cast(TagField, search_config["*"])
+ # Tags that are namespaced are stripped.
+ if field_name.startswith("tags["):
+ field_name = field_name[5:-1]
+ # The field_name in this case does not represent a column_name but instead it represents a
+ # dynamic value in the tags.key array. For this reason we need to pass it into our "apply"
+ # function.
+ return field.apply(field_name, search_filter)
+# Everything below here will move to replays/query.py once we deprecate the old query behavior.
+# Leaving it here for now so this is easier to review/remove.
+from sentry.replays.usecases.query.configs.aggregate import search_config as agg_search_config
+from sentry.replays.usecases.query.configs.aggregate_sort import sort_config as agg_sort_config
+Paginators = namedtuple("Paginators", ("limit", "offset"))
+def query_using_aggregated_search(
+ fields: list[str],
+ search_filters: list[Union[SearchFilter, str, ParenExpression]],
+ environments: list[str],
+ sort: str | None,
+ pagination: Paginators | None,
+ organization: Organization | None,
+ project_ids: list[int],
+ period_start: datetime,
+ period_stop: datetime,
+ tenant_ids = _make_tenant_id(organization)
+ if sort is None:
+ sorting = [OrderBy(_get_sort_column("started_at"), Direction.DESC)]
+ elif sort.startswith("-"):
+ sorting = [OrderBy(_get_sort_column(sort[1:]), Direction.DESC)]
+ else:
+ sorting = [OrderBy(_get_sort_column(sort), Direction.ASC)]
+ # Environments is provided to us outside of the ?query= url parameter. It's stil filtered like
+ # the values in that parameter so let's shove it inside and process it like any other filter.
+ if environments:
+ search_filters.append(
+ SearchFilter(SearchKey("environment"), "IN", SearchValue(environments))
+ )
+ # First aggregation step.
+ simple_aggregation_query = make_simple_aggregation_query(
+ search_filters=search_filters,
+ orderby=sorting,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ period_start=period_start,
+ period_stop=period_stop,
+ )
+ if pagination:
+ simple_aggregation_query = simple_aggregation_query.set_limit(pagination.limit)
+ simple_aggregation_query = simple_aggregation_query.set_offset(pagination.offset)
+ # The simple aggregation query does not select by anything other than replay_id. Every filter
+ # is applies is ephemeral and calculated for its own purpose. These filters _should_ be
+ # optimized to be memory sensitive in cases where its required.
+ #
+ # This query will aggregate the entire data-set contained within the period's start and end
+ # times.
+ simple_aggregation_response = raw_snql_query(
+ Request(
+ dataset="replays",
+ app_id="replay-backend-web",
+ query=simple_aggregation_query,
+ tenant_ids=tenant_ids,
+ ),
+ "replays.query.browse_simple_aggregation",
+ )
+ # These replay_ids are ordered by the OrderBy expression in the query above.
+ replay_ids = [row["replay_id"] for row in simple_aggregation_response.get("data", [])]
+ # The final aggregation step. Here we pass the replay_ids as the only filter. In this step
+ # we select everything and use as much memory as we need to complete the operation.
+ #
+ # If this step runs out of memory your pagination size is about 1,000,000 rows too large.
+ # That's a joke. This will complete very quickly at normal pagination sizes.
+ results = raw_snql_query(
+ Request(
+ dataset="replays",
+ app_id="replay-backend-web",
+ query=make_full_aggregation_query(
+ fields=fields,
+ replay_ids=replay_ids,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ period_start=period_start,
+ period_end=period_stop,
+ ),
+ tenant_ids=tenant_ids,
+ ),
+ "replays.query.browse_points",
+ )["data"]
+ # A weird snuba-ism. You can't sort by an aggregation that is also present in the select.
+ # Even if the aggregations are different. So we have to fallback to sorting on the
+ # application server.
+ #
+ # For example these are all examples of valid SQL that are not possible with Snuba.
+ #
+ # SELECT any(os_name)
+ # FROM replays_local
+ # GROUP BY replay_id
+ # ORDER BY any(os_name)
+ #
+ # SELECT anyIf(os_name, notEmpty(os_name))
+ # FROM replays_local
+ # GROUP BY replay_id
+ # ORDER BY any(os_name)
+ ordered_results = [None] * len(replay_ids)
+ replay_id_to_index = {replay_id: index for index, replay_id in enumerate(replay_ids)}
+ for result in results:
+ index = replay_id_to_index[result["replay_id"]]
+ ordered_results[index] = result
+ return ordered_results
+def make_simple_aggregation_query(
+ search_filters: list[Union[SearchFilter, str, ParenExpression]],
+ orderby: list[OrderBy],
+ project_ids: list[int],
+ period_start: datetime,
+ period_stop: datetime,
+) -> Query:
+ # This is our entry-point to the SearchFilter to Condition transformation process. We do not
+ # filter at any other step in this process.
+ having: list[Condition] = handle_search_filters(agg_search_config, search_filters)
+ return Query(
+ match=Entity("replays"),
+ select=[Column("replay_id")],
+ where=[
+ Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, period_stop),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, period_start),
+ ],
+ having=having,
+ orderby=orderby,
+ groupby=[Column("replay_id")],
+ granularity=Granularity(3600),
+ )
+def make_full_aggregation_query(
+ fields: list[str],
+ replay_ids: list[str],
+ project_ids: list[int],
+ period_start: datetime,
+ period_end: datetime,
+) -> Query:
+ """Return a query to fetch every replay in the set."""
+ from sentry.replays.query import QUERY_ALIAS_COLUMN_MAP, select_from_fields
+ def _select_from_fields() -> list[Union[Column, Function]]:
+ if fields:
+ return select_from_fields(list(set(fields)))
+ else:
+ return list(QUERY_ALIAS_COLUMN_MAP.values())
+ return Query(
+ match=Entity("replays"),
+ select=_select_from_fields(),
+ where=[
+ Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
+ # Replay-ids were pre-calculated so no having clause and no aggregating significant
+ # amounts of data.
+ Condition(Column("replay_id"), Op.IN, replay_ids),
+ # We can scan an extended time range to account for replays which span either end of
+ # the range. These timestamps are an optimization and could be removed with minimal
+ # performance impact. It's a point query. Its super fast.
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, period_start - timedelta(hours=1)),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, period_end + timedelta(hours=1)),
+ ],
+ groupby=[Column("project_id"), Column("replay_id")],
+ granularity=Granularity(3600),
+ )
+def _get_sort_column(column_name: str) -> Function:
+ try:
+ return agg_sort_config[column_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ParseError(f"The field `{column_name}` is not a sortable field.")
+def _make_tenant_id(organization: Organization | None) -> dict[str, int]:
+ if organization is None:
+ return {}
+ else:
+ return {"organization_id": organization.id}