@@ -23,55 +23,63 @@ export class FlamegraphChart {
y: [0, 0],
- static Empty = new FlamegraphChart(Rect.Empty(), {unit: 'percent', values: []}, [
- [0, 0, 0, 0],
- ]);
+ static Empty = new FlamegraphChart(Rect.Empty(), [], [[0, 0, 0, 0]]);
configSpace: Rect,
- measurement: Profiling.Measurement,
+ measurements: Profiling.Measurement[],
colors: ColorChannels[]
) {
this.series = new Array<Series>();
- if (!measurement || !measurement.values.length) {
+ if (!measurements || !measurements.length) {
this.formatter = makeFormatter('percent');
this.configSpace = configSpace.clone();
- this.series[0] = {
- type: 'area',
- lineColor: colorComponentsToRGBA(colors[0]),
- fillColor: colorComponentsToRGBA(colors[0]),
- points: new Array(measurement.values.length),
- };
+ const type = measurements.length > 0 ? 'line' : 'area';
- for (let i = 0; i < measurement.values.length; i++) {
- const m = measurement.values[i];
+ for (let j = 0; j < measurements.length; j++) {
+ const measurement = measurements[j];
+ this.series[j] = {
+ type,
+ lineColor: colorComponentsToRGBA(colors[j]),
+ fillColor: colorComponentsToRGBA(colors[j]),
+ points: new Array(measurement.values.length).fill(0),
+ };
- // Track and update Y max and min
- if (m.value > this.domains.y[1]) {
- this.domains.y[1] = m.value;
- }
- if (m.value < this.domains.y[0]) {
- this.domains.y[0] = m.value;
- }
+ for (let i = 0; i < measurement.values.length; i++) {
+ const m = measurement.values[i];
- // Track and update X domain max and min
- if (m.elapsed_since_start_ns > this.domains.x[1]) {
- this.domains.x[1] = m.elapsed_since_start_ns;
- }
- if (m.elapsed_since_start_ns < this.domains.x[0]) {
- this.domains.x[1] = m.elapsed_since_start_ns;
- }
+ // Track and update Y max and min
+ if (m.value > this.domains.y[1]) {
+ this.domains.y[1] = m.value;
+ }
+ if (m.value < this.domains.y[0]) {
+ this.domains.y[0] = m.value;
+ }
- this.series[0].points[i] = {x: m.elapsed_since_start_ns, y: m.value};
+ // Track and update X domain max and min
+ if (m.elapsed_since_start_ns > this.domains.x[1]) {
+ this.domains.x[1] = m.elapsed_since_start_ns;
+ }
+ if (m.elapsed_since_start_ns < this.domains.x[0]) {
+ this.domains.x[1] = m.elapsed_since_start_ns;
+ }
+ this.series[j].points[i] = {x: m.elapsed_since_start_ns, y: m.value};
+ }
+ this.series.sort((a, b) => {
+ const aAvg = a.points.reduce((acc, point) => acc + point.y, 0) / a.points.length;
+ const bAvg = b.points.reduce((acc, point) => acc + point.y, 0) / b.points.length;
+ return bAvg - aAvg;
+ });
this.domains.y[1] = 100;
this.configSpace = configSpace.withHeight(this.domains.y[1] - this.domains.y[0]);
- this.formatter = makeFormatter(measurement.unit, 0);
+ this.formatter = makeFormatter(measurements[0].unit, 0);