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ref(native): Separate in_app logic from native plugin (#12735)

Moves the generation of `in_app` flags on frames completely out of the native
plugin into grouping code. Effectively, this fully separates `in_app` from
processing. Ultimately, this prepares the complete separation of:

1. Deciding which symbols need to go through the iOS symbol server (which will 
   be replaced down the road)
2. Deciding which symbols are required for reprocessing, i.e. are "user fixable"
3. Deciding which frames are `in_app` for native
Jan Michael Auer 5 years ago

+ 10 - 0

@@ -30,3 +30,13 @@ family:native function:_mh_execute_header                         -group -app
 family:native function:google_breakpad::*                         -app -group
 family:native function:google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::SignalHandler ^-group -group
 family:native function:google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithException ^-group -group
+# Sentry internal functions in Cocoa SDK
+family:native function:kscm_*                                     -app -group
+family:native function:sentrycrashcm_*                            -app -group
+family:native function:kscrash_*                                  -app -group
+family:native function:sentrycrash_*                              -app -group
+family:native function:"?[KSCrash *"                              -app -group
+family:native function:"?[SentryCrash *"                          -app -group
+family:native function:"?[SentryClient *"                         -app -group
+family:native function:"?[RNSentry *"                             -app -group

+ 8 - 1

@@ -1 +1,8 @@
-## * completely empty enhancement configs for legacy grouping
+## * The default configuration of stacktrace grouping enhancers
+# Sentry internal functions in Cocoa SDK
+family:native function:kscm_*                                     -app -group
+family:native function:kscrash_*                                  -app -group
+family:native function:"?[KSCrash *"                              -app -group
+family:native function:"?[SentryClient *"                         -app -group
+family:native function:"?[RNSentry *"                             -app -group

+ 27 - 27

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from sentry.lang.native.utils import get_sdk_from_event, cpu_name_from_data, \
 from sentry.lang.native.systemsymbols import lookup_system_symbols
 from sentry.models.eventerror import EventError
 from sentry.utils import metrics
+from sentry.utils.in_app import is_known_third_party, is_optional_package
 from import get_path
 from sentry.stacktraces import StacktraceProcessor
 from sentry.reprocessing import report_processing_issue
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
         if options.get('symbolserver.enabled'):
-            self.fetch_system_symbols(processing_task)
+            self.fetch_ios_system_symbols(processing_task)
         if self.use_symbolicator:
@@ -263,7 +264,11 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
             if status in ('found', 'unused'):
             elif status == 'missing_debug_file':
-                error = SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_DSYM)
+                if is_optional_package(fetched_debug_file.get('code_file')):
+                    error = SymbolicationFailed(
+                        type=EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_OPTIONALLY_BUNDLED_DSYM)
+                else:
+                    error = SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_DSYM)
             elif status == 'malformed_debug_file':
                 error = SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_BAD_DSYM)
             elif status == 'too_large':
@@ -293,13 +298,17 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
                 pf = pf_list[symbolicated_frame['original_index']]
-    def fetch_system_symbols(self, processing_task):
+    def fetch_ios_system_symbols(self, processing_task):
         to_lookup = []
         pf_list = []
         for pf in processing_task.iter_processable_frames(self):
+            if pf.cache_value is not None:
+                continue
             obj =['obj']
-            if pf.cache_value is not None or obj is None or \
-               self.sym.is_image_from_app_bundle(obj):
+            package = obj and obj.code_file
+            # TODO(ja): This should check for iOS specifically
+            if not package or not is_known_third_party(package):
             # We can only look up objects in the symbol server that have a
@@ -313,7 +322,7 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
                     'object_uuid': obj.debug_id,
-                    'object_name': or '<unknown>',
+                    'object_name': obj.code_file or '<unknown>',
                     'addr': '0x%x' % rebase_addr(['instruction_addr'], obj)
@@ -363,21 +372,16 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
         raw_frame = dict(frame)
         errors = []
+        # Ensure that package is set in the raw frame, mapped from the
+        # debug_images array in the payload. Grouping and UI can use this path
+        # to infer in_app and exclude frames from grouping.
+        if raw_frame.get('package') is None:
+            raw_frame['package'] =['obj'].code_file
         if processable_frame.cache_value is None:
             # Construct a raw frame that is used by the symbolizer
             # backend.  We only assemble the bare minimum we need here.
             instruction_addr =['instruction_addr']
-            in_app = self.sym.is_in_app(
-                instruction_addr,
-                sdk_info=self.sdk_info
-            )
-            if in_app and raw_frame.get('function') is not None:
-                in_app = not self.sym.is_internal_function(
-                    raw_frame['function'])
-            if raw_frame.get('in_app') is None:
-                raw_frame['in_app'] = in_app
             debug_id =['debug_id']
             if debug_id is not None:
@@ -400,15 +404,15 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
                 errors = self._handle_symbolication_failed(e)
                 return [raw_frame], [raw_frame], errors
-            processable_frame.set_cache_value([in_app, symbolicated_frames])
+            _ignored = None  # Used to be in_app
+            processable_frame.set_cache_value([_ignored, symbolicated_frames])
         else:  # processable_frame.cache_value is present
-            in_app, symbolicated_frames = processable_frame.cache_value
-            raw_frame['in_app'] = in_app
+            _ignored, symbolicated_frames = processable_frame.cache_value
         new_frames = []
         for sfrm in symbolicated_frames:
-            new_frame = dict(frame)
+            new_frame = dict(raw_frame)
             new_frame['function'] = sfrm['function']
             if sfrm.get('symbol'):
                 new_frame['symbol'] = sfrm['symbol']
@@ -420,12 +424,8 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
                 new_frame['lineno'] = sfrm['lineno']
             if sfrm.get('colno'):
                 new_frame['colno'] = sfrm['colno']
-            if sfrm.get('package') or['obj'] is not None:
-                new_frame['package'] = sfrm.get(
-                    'package',['obj'].name)
-            if new_frame.get('in_app') is None:
-                new_frame['in_app'] = in_app and \
-                    not self.sym.is_internal_function(new_frame['function'])
+            if sfrm.get('package'):
+                new_frame['package'] = sfrm['package']
         return new_frames, [raw_frame], []

+ 18 - 123

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import re
 import six
 from symbolic import SymbolicError, ObjectLookup, LineInfo, parse_addr
@@ -9,52 +8,25 @@ from import trim
 from sentry.utils.compat import implements_to_string
 from sentry.models import EventError, ProjectDebugFile
 from sentry.lang.native.utils import image_name, rebase_addr
-from sentry.constants import MAX_SYM, NATIVE_UNKNOWN_STRING
+from sentry.utils.in_app import is_known_third_party, is_optional_package
+from sentry.constants import MAX_SYM
+    EventError.NATIVE_BAD_DSYM,
-                EventError.NATIVE_SYMBOLICATOR_FAILED)
+    EventError.NATIVE_BAD_DSYM,
     # XXX: user can't fix this, but they should see it regardless to see it's
     # not their fault. Also better than silently creating an unsymbolicated event
-    '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/', '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/',
-_sim_platform_re = re.compile(r'/\w+?Simulator\.platform/')
-_support_framework = re.compile(
-    r'''(?x)
-    /Frameworks/(
-            libswift([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.dylib$
-        |   (KSCrash|SentrySwift|Sentry)\.framework/
-    )
-SIM_PATH = '/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/'
-SIM_APP_PATH = '/Containers/Bundle/Application/'
-    '.app/Contents/',
-    '/Users/',
-    '/usr/local/',
-    '/lib/',
-    '/usr/lib/',
-    '',
-WINDOWS_SYS_PATH = re.compile(r'^[a-z]:\\windows', re.IGNORECASE)
-_internal_function_re = re.compile(
-    r'(kscm_|kscrash_|KSCrash |SentryClient |RNSentry )')
-    '_mh_execute_header',
-    '<redacted>',
@@ -154,78 +126,6 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
         return frame
-    def is_image_from_app_bundle(self, obj, sdk_info=None):
-        obj_path =
-        if not obj_path:
-            return False
-        if obj_path.startswith(APP_BUNDLE_PATHS):
-            return True
-        if SIM_PATH in obj_path and SIM_APP_PATH in obj_path:
-            return True
-        sdk_name = sdk_info['sdk_name'].lower() if sdk_info else ''
-        if sdk_name == 'macos' and any(p in obj_path for p in MAC_OS_PATHS):
-            return True
-        if sdk_name == 'linux' and not obj_path.startswith(LINUX_SYS_PATHS):
-            return True
-        if sdk_name == 'windows' and not WINDOWS_SYS_PATH.match(obj_path):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def _is_support_framework(self, obj):
-        """True if the frame is from a framework that is known and app
-        bundled.  Those are frameworks which are specifically not frameworks
-        that are ever in_app.
-        """
-        return and is not None
-    def _is_app_bundled_framework(self, obj):
-        fn =
-        return fn and fn.startswith(APP_BUNDLE_PATHS) and '/Frameworks/' in fn
-    def _is_app_frame(self, instruction_addr, obj, sdk_info=None):
-        """Given a frame derives the value of `in_app` by discarding the
-        original value of the frame.
-        """
-        # Anything that is outside the app bundle is definitely not a
-        # frame from out app.
-        if not self.is_image_from_app_bundle(obj, sdk_info=sdk_info):
-            return False
-        # We also do not consider known support frameworks to be part of
-        # the app
-        if self._is_support_framework(obj):
-            return False
-        # Otherwise, yeah, let's just say it's in_app
-        return True
-    def _is_optional_dif(self, obj, sdk_info=None):
-        """Checks if this is an optional debug information file."""
-        # Frames that are not in the app are not considered optional.  In
-        # theory we should never reach this anyways.
-        if not self.is_image_from_app_bundle(obj, sdk_info=sdk_info):
-            return False
-        # If we're dealing with an app bundled framework that is also
-        # considered optional.
-        if self._is_app_bundled_framework(obj):
-            return True
-        # Frameworks that are known to sentry and bundled helpers are always
-        # optional for now.  In theory this should always be False here
-        # because we should catch it with the last branch already.
-        if self._is_support_framework(obj):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def _is_simulator_frame(self, frame, obj):
-        return and is not None
     def _symbolize_app_frame(self, instruction_addr, obj, sdk_info=None, trust=None):
         symcache = self.symcaches.get(obj.debug_id)
         if symcache is None:
@@ -237,10 +137,12 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
-            if self._is_optional_dif(obj, sdk_info=sdk_info):
+            if is_optional_package(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info):
                 type = EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_OPTIONALLY_BUNDLED_DSYM
                 type = EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_DSYM
             raise SymbolicationFailed(type=type, obj=obj)
@@ -254,7 +156,7 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
             # For some frameworks we are willing to ignore missing symbol
             # errors. Also, ignore scanned stack frames when symbols are
             # available to complete breakpad's stack scanning heuristics.
-            if trust == 'scan' or self._is_optional_dif(obj, sdk_info=sdk_info):
+            if trust == 'scan' or is_optional_package(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info):
                 return []
             raise SymbolicationFailed(
                 type=EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_SYMBOL, obj=obj)
@@ -335,14 +237,7 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
         # that just did not return any results but without error.
         if app_err is not None \
                 and not match \
-                and self.is_image_from_app_bundle(obj, sdk_info=sdk_info):
+                and not is_known_third_party(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info):
             raise app_err
         return match
-    def is_in_app(self, instruction_addr, sdk_info=None):
-        obj = self.object_lookup.find_object(instruction_addr)
-        return obj is not None and self._is_app_frame(instruction_addr, obj, sdk_info=sdk_info)
-    def is_internal_function(self, function):
-        return is not None

+ 2 - 2

@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ from import get_path
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Regular expression to parse OS versions from a minidump OS string
+# Regex to parse OS versions from a minidump OS string.
 VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(.*)')
-# Regular expression to guess whether we're dealing with Windows or Unix paths
+# Regex to guess whether we're dealing with Windows or Unix paths.
 WINDOWS_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^([a-z]:\\|\\\\)', re.IGNORECASE)
 AppInfo = namedtuple('AppInfo', ['id', 'version', 'build', 'name'])

+ 52 - 14

@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from django.utils import timezone
 from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
 from sentry.models import Project, Release
+from sentry.grouping.utils import get_grouping_family_for_platform
+from sentry.utils.in_app import is_known_third_party
 from sentry.utils.cache import cache
 from sentry.utils.hashlib import hash_values
 from import get_path, safe_execute
@@ -197,13 +199,51 @@ def find_stacktraces_in_data(data, include_raw=False):
     return rv
+def _has_system_frames(frames):
+    """
+    Determines whether there are any frames in the stacktrace with in_app=false.
+    """
+    system_frames = 0
+    for frame in frames:
+        if not frame.get('in_app'):
+            system_frames += 1
+    return bool(system_frames) and len(frames) != system_frames
+def _normalize_in_app(stacktrace, platform=None, sdk_info=None):
+    """
+    Ensures consistent values of in_app across a stacktrace.
+    """
+    # Native frames have special rules regarding in_app. Apply them before other
+    # normalization, just like grouping enhancers.
+    # TODO(ja): Clean up those rules and put them in enhancers instead
+    for frame in stacktrace:
+        if frame.get('in_app') is not None:
+            continue
+        family = get_grouping_family_for_platform(frame.get('platform') or platform)
+        if family == 'native':
+            frame_package = frame.get('package')
+            frame['in_app'] = bool(frame_package) and \
+                not is_known_third_party(frame_package, sdk_info=sdk_info)
+    has_system_frames = _has_system_frames(stacktrace)
+    for frame in stacktrace:
+        # If all frames are in_app, flip all of them. This is expected by the UI
+        if not has_system_frames:
+            frame['in_app'] = False
+        # Default to false in all cases where processors or grouping enhancers
+        # have not yet set in_app.
+        elif frame.get('in_app') is None:
+            frame['in_app'] = False
 def normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping(data, grouping_config=None):
-    def _has_system_frames(frames):
-        system_frames = 0
-        for frame in frames:
-            if not frame.get('in_app'):
-                system_frames += 1
-        return bool(system_frames) and len(frames) != system_frames
+    """
+    Applies grouping enhancement rules and ensure in_app is set on all frames.
+    """
     stacktraces = []
@@ -216,19 +256,14 @@ def normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping(data, grouping_config=None):
     # If a grouping config is available, run grouping enhancers
+    platform = data.get('platform')
     if grouping_config is not None:
-        platform = data.get('platform')
         for frames in stacktraces:
             grouping_config.enhancements.apply_modifications_to_frame(frames, platform)
     # normalize in-app
-    for frames in stacktraces:
-        has_system_frames = _has_system_frames(frames)
-        for frame in frames:
-            if not has_system_frames:
-                frame['in_app'] = False
-            elif frame.get('in_app') is None:
-                frame['in_app'] = False
+    for stacktrace in stacktraces:
+        _normalize_in_app(stacktrace, platform=platform)
 def should_process_for_stacktraces(data):
@@ -311,6 +346,9 @@ def process_single_stacktrace(processing_task, stacktrace_info, processable_fram
         if expand_processed is not None:
             changed_processed = True
+        elif expand_raw:  # is not empty
+            processed_frames.extend(expand_raw)
+            changed_processed = True

+ 102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+# Absolute paths where iOS mounts application files.
+    '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/',
+    '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/',
+# Locations which usually contain MacOS apps.
+    '.app/Contents/',
+    '/Users/',
+    '/usr/local/',
+# Paths which usually contain linux system or third party libraries.
+    '/lib/',
+    '/usr/lib/',
+    '',
+# Regex matching the Windows folder on any drive.
+WINDOWS_SYS_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]:\\windows', re.IGNORECASE)
+# Regex matching well-known iOS and macOS frameworks (and our own).
+    r'''(?x)
+    /Frameworks/(
+            libswift([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.dylib$
+        |   (KSCrash|SentrySwift|Sentry)\.framework/
+    )
+    '''
+def _is_support_framework(package):
+    return is not None
+# TODO(ja): Translate these rules to grouping enhancers
+def is_known_third_party(package, sdk_info=None):
+    """
+    Checks whether this package matches one of the well-known system image
+    locations across platforms. The given package must not be ``None``.
+    """
+    # Check for common iOS and MacOS support frameworks, like Swift.
+    if _is_support_framework(package):
+        return True
+    # Check for iOS app bundles in well known locations. These are definitely
+    # not third-party, as they contain the application.
+    if package.startswith(IOS_APP_PATHS):
+        return False
+    # Check for app locations in the iOS simulator
+    if '/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/' in package \
+            and '/Containers/Bundle/Application/' in package:
+        return False
+    # Check for OS-specific rules
+    sdk_name = sdk_info['sdk_name'].lower() if sdk_info else ''
+    if sdk_name == 'macos':
+        return not any(p in package for p in MACOS_APP_PATHS)
+    if sdk_name == 'linux':
+        return package.startswith(LINUX_SYS_PATHS)
+    if sdk_name == 'windows':
+        return WINDOWS_SYS_PATH_RE.match(package) is not None
+    # Everything else we don't know is considered third_party
+    return True
+# TODO(ja): Improve reprocessing heuristics
+def is_optional_package(package, sdk_info=None):
+    """
+    Determines whether the given package is considered optional.
+    This indicates that no error should be emitted if this package is missing
+    during symbolication. Also, reprocessing should not block for this image.
+    """
+    if not package:
+        return True
+    # Support frameworks have been bundled with iOS apps at times. These are
+    # considered optional.
+    if _is_support_framework(package):
+        return True
+    # Bundled frameworks on iOS are considered optional, even though they live
+    # in the application folder. They are not considered third party, however.
+    if package.startswith(IOS_APP_PATHS) and '/Frameworks/' in package:
+        return True
+    # All other images, whether from the app bundle or not, are considered
+    # required.
+    return False

+ 0 - 70

@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 from mock import patch
 from sentry.lang.native.plugin import NativeStacktraceProcessor
-from sentry.lang.native.symbolizer import Symbolizer
 from sentry.stacktraces import process_stacktraces
 from sentry.testutils import TestCase
@@ -12,16 +11,6 @@ OBJECT_NAME = (
-    "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/"
-    ""
-    "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/"
-    ""
 SDK_INFO = {"sdk_name": "iOS", "version_major": 9,
             "version_minor": 3, "version_patchlevel": 0}
@@ -195,62 +184,3 @@ class BasicResolvingFileTest(TestCase):
         assert frames[2]['function'] == 'whatever_system'
         assert frames[2]['package'] == '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib'
         assert frames[2]['instruction_addr'] == 6020
-class BasicInAppTest(TestCase):
-    def test_in_app_detection(self):
-        sym = Symbolizer(
-            self.project, [
-                {
-                    "type": "apple",
-                    "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                    "uuid": "C05B4DDD-69A7-3840-A649-32180D341587",
-                    "image_vmaddr": 4294967296,
-                    "image_addr": 4295121760,
-                    "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                    "image_size": 32768,
-                    "name": OBJECT_NAME,
-                }, {
-                    "type": "apple",
-                    "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                    "uuid": "619FA17B-124F-4CBF-901F-6CE88B52B0BF",
-                    "image_vmaddr": 4295000064,
-                    "image_addr": 4295154528,
-                    "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                    "image_size": 32768,
-                    "name": FRAMEWORK_OBJECT_NAME,
-                }, {
-                    "type": "apple",
-                    "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                    "uuid": "2DA67FF5-2643-44D6-8FFF-1B6BC78C9912",
-                    "image_vmaddr": 4295032832,
-                    "image_addr": 4295187296,
-                    "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                    "image_size": 32768,
-                    "name": SWIFT_OBJECT_NAME,
-                }, {
-                    "type": "apple",
-                    "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                    "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                    "uuid": "B78CB4FB-3A90-4039-9EFD-C58932803AE5",
-                    "image_vmaddr": 0,
-                    "image_addr": 6000,
-                    "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                    "image_size": 32768,
-                    'name': '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib',
-                }
-            ],
-            referenced_images=set(
-                [
-                    'C05B4DDD-69A7-3840-A649-32180D341587',
-                    'B78CB4FB-3A90-4039-9EFD-C58932803AE5',
-                    '619FA17B-124F-4CBF-901F-6CE88B52B0BF',
-                    '2DA67FF5-2643-44D6-8FFF-1B6BC78C9912',
-                ]
-            ),
-        )
-        assert sym.is_in_app(4295121764)
-        assert not sym.is_in_app(6042)
-        assert sym.is_in_app(4295154570)
-        assert not sym.is_in_app(4295032874)

+ 154 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
+from sentry.grouping.api import get_default_grouping_config_dict, load_grouping_config
 from sentry.stacktraces import find_stacktraces_in_data, normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping
 from sentry.testutils import TestCase
@@ -209,3 +210,156 @@ class NormalizeInApptest(TestCase):
         assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][1]['in_app'] is False
         assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][2]['in_app'] is False
+    def test_ios_package_in_app_detection(self):
+        data = {
+            'platform': 'native',
+            'stacktrace': {
+                'frames': [
+                    {
+                        'package': '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/',
+                        'instruction_addr': '0x1000'
+                    },
+                    {
+                        'package': '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/',
+                        'instruction_addr': '0x2000'
+                    },
+                    {
+                        'package': '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/',
+                        'instruction_addr': '0x3000'
+                    },
+                    {
+                        'package': '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib',
+                        'instruction_addr': '0x4000'
+                    },
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+        config = load_grouping_config(get_default_grouping_config_dict())
+        normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping(data, grouping_config=config)
+        # App object should be in_app
+        assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][0]['in_app'] is True
+        # Framework should be in app (but optional)
+        assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][1]['in_app'] is True
+        # libswift should not be system
+        assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][2]['in_app'] is False
+        # Unknown object should default to not in_app
+        assert data['stacktrace']['frames'][3]['in_app'] is False
+    def tes_macos_package_in_app_detection(self):
+        data = {
+            "platform": "cocoa",
+            "debug_meta": {
+                "images": []  # omitted
+            },
+            "exception": {
+                "values": [
+                    {
+                        "stacktrace": {
+                            "frames": [
+                                {
+                                    "function": "-[CRLCrashAsyncSafeThread crash]",
+                                    "package": "/Users/haza/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-06-19/CrashProbe 19-06-2017, 08.53.xcarchive/Products/Applications/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "[KSCrash ]",
+                                    "package": "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        "type": "NSRangeException",
+                    }
+                ]
+            },
+            "contexts": {
+                "os": {
+                    "version": "10.12.5",
+                    "type": "os",
+                    "name": "macOS"
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        config = load_grouping_config(get_default_grouping_config_dict())
+        normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping(data, grouping_config=config)
+        frames = data['exception']['values'][0]['stacktrace']['frames']
+        assert frames[0]['in_app'] is True
+        assert frames[1]['in_app'] is False
+    def test_ios_function_name_in_app_detection(self):
+        data = {
+            "platform": "cocoa",
+            "debug_meta": {
+                "images": []  # omitted
+            },
+            "exception": {
+                "values": [
+                    {
+                        "stacktrace": {
+                            "frames": [
+                                {
+                                    "function": "+[RNSentry ]",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "+[SentryClient ]",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "kscrash_foobar",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "kscm_foobar",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "+[KSCrash ]",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "+[KSCrash]",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                                {
+                                    "function": "+[KSCrashy]",
+                                    "package": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/",
+                                    "instruction_addr": 4295098388,
+                                },
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        "type": "NSRangeException",
+                    }
+                ]
+            },
+            "contexts": {
+                "os": {
+                    "version": "9.3.2",
+                    "type": "os",
+                    "name": "iOS"
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        config = load_grouping_config(get_default_grouping_config_dict())
+        normalize_stacktraces_for_grouping(data, grouping_config=config)
+        frames = data['exception']['values'][0]['stacktrace']['frames']
+        assert frames[0]['in_app'] is False
+        assert frames[1]['in_app'] is False
+        assert frames[2]['in_app'] is False
+        assert frames[3]['in_app'] is False
+        assert frames[4]['in_app'] is False
+        assert frames[5]['in_app'] is True
+        assert frames[6]['in_app'] is True

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-created: '2019-04-15T09:43:14.321187Z'
+created: '2019-04-16T08:02:50.732813Z'
 creator: sentry
 source: tests/symbolicator/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ debug_meta:
     image_addr: '0x2a0000'
     image_size: 36864
     type: symbolic
+errors: null
   - raw_stacktrace:

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff