@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme';
import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg';
-import {act} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
+import {act, fireEvent, mountWithTheme, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
+import OrganizationStore from 'app/stores/organizationStore';
import ProjectsStore from 'app/stores/projectsStore';
import {trackAnalyticsEvent} from 'app/utils/analytics';
import AlertRulesList from 'app/views/alerts/rules';
@@ -13,22 +13,19 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
const {routerContext, organization, router} = initializeOrg();
let rulesMock;
let projectMock;
- let wrapper;
- const createWrapper = async props => {
- wrapper = mountWithTheme(
- <AlertRulesList
- organization={organization}
- params={{orgId: organization.slug}}
- location={{query: {}, search: ''}}
- router={router}
- {...props}
- />,
- routerContext
- );
- await tick();
- wrapper.update();
- };
+ const getComponent = props => (
+ <AlertRulesList
+ organization={organization}
+ params={{orgId: organization.slug}}
+ location={{query: {}, search: ''}}
+ router={router}
+ {...props}
+ />
+ );
+ const createWrapper = props =>
+ mountWithTheme(getComponent(props), {context: routerContext});
beforeEach(() => {
rulesMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
@@ -59,25 +56,20 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
body: [TestStubs.Project({slug: 'earth', platform: 'javascript'})],
+ act(() => OrganizationStore.onUpdate(organization, {replace: true}));
act(() => ProjectsStore.loadInitialData([]));
afterEach(() => {
- wrapper.unmount();
act(() => ProjectsStore.reset());
it('displays list', async () => {
- await createWrapper();
+ createWrapper();
- const row = wrapper.find('RuleListRow').at(0);
- expect(row.find('AlertName').text()).toBe('First Issue Alert');
- // GlobalSelectionHeader loads projects + the Projects render-prop
- // component to load projects for all rows.
- expect(projectMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ expect(await screen.findByText('First Issue Alert')).toBeInTheDocument();
@@ -85,9 +77,9 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
query: expect.objectContaining({query: 'slug:earth'}),
- expect(wrapper.find('IdBadge').at(0).prop('project')).toMatchObject({
- slug: 'earth',
- });
+ expect(screen.getAllByTestId('badge-display-name')[0]).toHaveTextContent('earth');
eventKey: 'alert_rules.viewed',
eventName: 'Alert Rules: Viewed',
@@ -102,59 +94,70 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
body: [],
- await createWrapper();
+ createWrapper();
- expect(rulesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ expect(
+ await screen.findByText('No alert rules found for the current query.')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(wrapper.find('PanelItem')).toHaveLength(0);
- expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('No alert rules found for the current query');
+ expect(rulesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
it('sorts by date created', async () => {
- await createWrapper();
+ const {rerender} = createWrapper();
- expect(wrapper.find('IconArrow').at(0).prop('direction')).toBe('down');
+ // The created column is not used for sorting
+ expect(await screen.findByText('Created')).toHaveAttribute('aria-sort', 'none');
- wrapper.setProps({
- location: {query: {asc: '1'}, search: '?asc=1`'},
- });
+ // Sort by created (date_added)
+ rerender(
+ getComponent({
+ location: {
+ query: {asc: '1', sort: 'date_added'},
+ search: '?asc=1&sort=date_added`',
+ },
+ })
+ );
- expect(wrapper.find('IconArrow').at(0).prop('direction')).toBe('up');
+ expect(await screen.findByText('Created')).toHaveAttribute('aria-sort', 'ascending');
- expect.objectContaining({query: expect.objectContaining({asc: '1'})})
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ query: expect.objectContaining({asc: '1'}),
+ })
it('sorts by name', async () => {
- await createWrapper();
+ const {rerender} = createWrapper();
- const nameHeader = wrapper.find('StyledSortLink').first();
- expect(nameHeader.text()).toContain('Alert Rule');
- expect(nameHeader.props().to).toEqual(
- expect.objectContaining({
- query: {
- sort: 'name',
- asc: '1',
- team: ['myteams', 'unassigned'],
- expand: ['latestIncident'],
+ // The name column is not used for sorting
+ expect(await screen.findByText('Alert Rule')).toHaveAttribute('aria-sort', 'none');
+ // Sort by the name column
+ rerender(
+ getComponent({
+ location: {
+ query: {asc: '1', sort: 'name'},
+ search: '?asc=1&sort=name`',
- wrapper.setProps({
- location: {query: {sort: 'name'}, search: '?asc=1&sort=name`'},
- });
+ expect(await screen.findByText('Alert Rule')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'aria-sort',
+ 'ascending'
+ );
+ expect(rulesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
- expect(wrapper.find('StyledSortLink').first().props().to).toEqual(
+ expect(rulesMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ '/organizations/org-slug/combined-rules/',
- query: {
- sort: 'name',
- asc: '1',
- },
+ query: expect.objectContaining({sort: 'name', asc: '1'}),
@@ -165,29 +168,24 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
access: [],
- await createWrapper({organization: noAccessOrg});
+ const {rerender} = createWrapper({organization: noAccessOrg});
- const addButton = wrapper.find('button[aria-label="Create Alert Rule"]');
- expect(addButton.props()['aria-disabled']).toBe(true);
- wrapper.unmount();
+ expect(await screen.findByLabelText('Create Alert Rule')).toBeDisabled();
// Enabled with access
- await createWrapper();
- const addLink = wrapper.find('button[aria-label="Create Alert Rule"]');
- expect(addLink.props()['aria-disabled']).toBe(false);
+ rerender(getComponent());
+ expect(await screen.findByLabelText('Create Alert Rule')).toBeEnabled();
it('searches by name', async () => {
- await createWrapper();
- expect(wrapper.find('StyledSearchBar').exists()).toBe(true);
+ createWrapper();
+ const search = await screen.findByPlaceholderText('Search by name');
+ expect(search).toBeInTheDocument();
const testQuery = 'test name';
- wrapper
- .find('StyledSearchBar')
- .find('input')
- .simulate('change', {target: {value: testQuery}})
- .simulate('submit', {preventDefault() {}});
+ fireEvent.change(search, {target: {value: testQuery}});
+ fireEvent.submit(search);
@@ -202,16 +200,18 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
it('uses empty team query parameter when removing all teams', async () => {
- await createWrapper();
+ const {rerender} = createWrapper();
+ expect(await screen.findByText('First Issue Alert')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ rerender(
+ getComponent({location: {query: {team: 'myteams'}, search: '?team=myteams`'}})
+ );
+ fireEvent.click(await screen.findByTestId('filter-button'));
- wrapper.setProps({
- location: {query: {team: 'myteams'}, search: '?team=myteams`'},
- });
- wrapper.find('Button[data-test-id="filter-button"]').simulate('click');
// Uncheck myteams
- const myTeamsItem = wrapper.find('Filter').find('ListItem').at(0);
- expect(myTeamsItem.text()).toBe('My Teams');
- myTeamsItem.simulate('click');
+ fireEvent.click(await screen.findByText('My Teams'));
@@ -225,19 +225,21 @@ describe('OrganizationRuleList', () => {
it('displays alert status', async () => {
- await createWrapper({organization});
- let row = wrapper.find('RuleListRow').at(1);
- expect(row.find('AlertNameAndStatus').text()).toContain('My Incident Rule');
- expect(row.find('AlertNameAndStatus').text()).toContain('Triggered');
- expect(row.find('TriggerText').text()).toBe('Above 70');
- row = wrapper.find('RuleListRow').at(2);
- expect(row.find('TriggerText').text()).toBe('Below 36');
- expect(wrapper.find('AlertIconWrapper').exists()).toBe(true);
+ createWrapper();
+ const rules = await screen.findAllByText('My Incident Rule');
+ expect(rules[0]).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Triggered')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Above 70')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Below 36')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getAllByTestId('alert-badge')[0]).toBeInTheDocument();
it('sorts by alert rule', async () => {
- await createWrapper({organization});
+ createWrapper({organization});
+ expect(await screen.findByText('First Issue Alert')).toBeInTheDocument();